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Tervetuloa Sports Expoon

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1 Tervetuloa Sports Expoon

Urheilu on fyysistä toimintaa, jota voidaan harjoittaa yksin tai ryhmässä yleisesti sovittujen sääntöjen mukaan. Urheilua harrastetaan monesta syystä: kilpailutarkoituksessa harrastusmielessä hyvän kunnon ja terveyden ylläpitämiseksi tekniikan, taitojen tai molempien harjoittamiseksi Urheilu edellyttää aikaa ja energiaa. MIKSI URHEILLA? Yhä useammat meistä haluavat elää aktiivista elämää, koska haluamme parantaa terveyttämme, voida paremmin, olla energisempiä, saada paremman vartalon ja olla tyytyväisiä itseemme. MATEJ:BACKGROUND

3 URHEILU JA RAVITSEMUS Vain harvat meistä kyseenalaistavat ruokailutottumuksensa. Ovatko ne kohdallaan? Monet harrastajaurheilijat uskovat toimivansa oikein, vaikka tietämättään vahingoittavat itseään vain sopimattoman ruokavalion takia. Joskus tämä tuntuu vain lyhytaikaisena epämukavuutena, mutta pitkän ajan kuluessa voi esiintyä myös vakavia terveysongelmia. Tästä syystä urheilevan ihmisen on hyödyllistä saada aiheesta asiallista tietoa. Background

Harjoittelu: Kilpaileminen: Palautuminen: energia, kestävyys, lihaksen rakentaminen, loukkaantumisten minimointi suoritus, energia lihasten ylläpito, energia The key concerns for maintaining an athlete’s or active persons health are:- Energy Supply Alleviating excess stress (blood , bones, muscles) Fast recovery If energy supply is insufficient compared to requirements then this will increase the state of stress and will tend to promote a “catabolic” state accompanied by low level inflammation and suppression of the immune system. Notes from previous NA ppt For the professional athlete, sports performance involves three phases; training, competition, and recovery. Nutrition is critical in all three phases. When you’re training, you focus on your endurance, building muscle, minimizing injury. In competition, you focus on all of the above plus performance and maintaining energy. After competition in the recovery phase, you focus on all of the above plus maintaining muscles and strength, and supporting your immunity. Nutrition is Critical through each of these phases. Let’s talk specifically about why.

KULTAISEN KOLMION SÄÄNTÖ - Menestyksellä on kolme tärkeää tekijää: harjoittelu tauot oikea ruokavalio

6 OIKEA RUOKAVALIO Terveellinen aamiainen Viisi ateriaa päivässä
Älä jätä aterioita väliin Huomioi ruuansulatukseen kuluva aika Syö tunti tai kaksi liikunnan jälkeen Juo vaikka et olisi janoinen Kaloreista lisää energiaa Hiilihydraatit Proteiineja lihaksen korjaukseen Rasvoja Pikainen apu liikunnan aikana 1. Zdrav zajtrkTo velja za vse, zlasti za telesno dejavne. Vzemite si čas za zajtrk, ki vam bo dal energijo za nov dan. Če boste že uro po zajtrku zelo aktivni, naj bo obrok manjši ali pa namesto hrane popijte nekaj, kar vam bo dvignilo krvni sladkor. Ko aktivnost končate, si privoščite konkreten obrok! 2. Pet obrokov na danTo je pomembno, zlasti za telesno dejavne, ki lahko zaužijejo še več obrokov, a naj bodo manjši. Tako ne boste lačni, vaša presnova pa se bo pospešila. 3. Ne preskakujte obrokovTelo potrebuje red. Preskakovanje obrokov vam bo odvzelo moč za uspešno telesno dejavnost. Tako se vam bo krvni sladkor preveč znižal in počutili se boste slabo – brez moči in utrujeni. 4. Upoštevajte čas za prebavoNe glede na to, v katerem delu dneva boste aktivni, vsak obrok pred telesno dejavnostjo mora biti manjši, upoštevati morate čas za prebavo, po njej pa je treba energijo zopet vnesti, da si bodo mišice opomogle in napolnile porabljene zaloge glikogena. 5. Uro do dve po vadbi jejtePo telesni dejavnosti si privoščite obrok, ki vsebuje ogljikove hidrate in beljakovine. Nikoli ne stradajte, ampak poskrbite za energijo vsaj v roku ene do dveh ur. 6. Pijte, tudi če ne čutite žejeMed telesno dejavnostjo izgubljate veliko tekočine. Poskrbite, da bo vnos enak porabi, sicer lahko dehidrirate. Priporočena količina tekočine je od 2 do 3 litre na dan, kar je odvisno od temperature, telesne vzdržljivosti, teže in spola – količina je lahko tudi večja. Ob pomanjkanju krvni pritisk pade in zmanjša se količina kisika v možganih. Žeja ni vedno pravi kazalec, da telo potrebuje tekočino, zato morate piti redno, tudi če ne čutite žeje. Že pred začetkom vadbe popijte vsaj en kozarec vode, med vadbo pa še na vsakih 10 do 15 minut, da nadomestite tekočino, ki ste jo izgubili. Izogibajte se kavi, čaju in gaziranim pijačam, saj vsebujejo kofein, ki deluje kot diuretik. 7. Več kalorij za energijoS hrano vnesite več energije (kcal), saj je ob telesni dejavnosti porabite več, da bo telo tudi med fizičnim naporom delovalo. Nanj ga moramo pripraviti. Dati mu moramo hrano, gorivo, da bomo s telesno dejavnostjo uresničili načrte. 8. Ogljikovi hidrati Ogljikovi hidrati nam omogočajo lažjo in učinkovitejšo telesno dejavnost. Presežek ogljikovih hidratov se v telesu shranjuje kot glikogen v mišicah in jetrih. Ko mišice potrebujejo energijo, jo najdejo v shranjenem glikogenu. Obilnejši obrok hrane z ogljikovimi hidrati zagotovi dopolnitev porabljenih zalog sladkorja v telesu. Vaša prehrana naj vsebuje približno 50 do 75 odstotkov ogljikovih hidratov. Če vaša vadba traja dlje kot uro ali je zelo intenzivna, raje zaužijte več ogljikovih hidratov, saj bo tako telo imelo dovolj energije za naporno vadbo. Če telesna dejavnost traja ves dan, so pomembni manjši in pogostejši obroki hrane, razporejeni čez dan. Obrok po končani dejavnosti pa je lahko obilnejši, da nadomesti izgubljene zaloge hranil v telesu. 9. Beljakovine za obnovo mišic Pomembne so tudi beljakovine, saj z njihovo pomočjo tvorimo in obnavljamo mišice. Vendar nam ne dajejo dovolj energije. Najdemo jih v mesu, mlečnih izdelkih in oreščkih. 10. Nenasičena ali nasičena maščoba?+ri maščobah bodimo previdni. Sicer so pomembne, vendar v manjših količinah. Skupaj z ogljikovimi hidrati zagotavljajo gorivo mišicam med vadbo. Nasičeno maščobo zamenjajte za nenasičeno, ki jo najdete v oreščkih, ribah in rastlinskem olju. Pred samo vadbo pa se mastni hrani izogibajte, saj ostane v želodcu dlje časa in boste zaradi nje težje telesno dejavni. Varovalna prehrana naj ne bi vsebovala več kot 30 odstotkov maščob glede na celodnevne potrebe po energiji. 11. Hitra pomoč med vadbo Če vam med telesno dejavnostjo zmanjka energije, potem si jo privoščite v obliki žitnih ploščic ali energijskega napitka.

VÄÄRÄNLAINEN TAI VÄLIIN JÄTETTY ATERIA LIIKUNNAN JÄLKEEN VÄÄRÄNLAINEN ATERIAN KOOSTUMUS TAI RUOKALAJIT LIIKUNNAN JÄKEINEN ATERIA NAUTITAAN LIIAN AIKAISIN TAI LIIAN MYÖHÄÄN LIIAN VÄHÄN ATERIOITA LIIKAA TAI LIIAN VÄHÄN KALOREITA LIIAN VÄHÄINEN TAI EPÄSÄÄNNÖLLINEN VEDEN JUONTI PÄIVÄN AIKANA RIITTÄMÄTÖN JUONTI LIIKUNNAN AIKANA 1. Zdrav zajtrk To velja za vse, zlasti za telesno dejavne. Vzemite si čas za zajtrk, ki vam bo dal energijo za nov dan. Če boste že uro po zajtrku zelo aktivni, naj bo obrok manjši ali pa namesto hrane popijte nekaj, kar vam bo dvignilo krvni sladkor. Ko aktivnost končate, si privoščite konkreten obrok! 2. Pet obrokov na dan To je pomembno, zlasti za telesno dejavne, ki lahko zaužijejo še več obrokov, a naj bodo manjši. Tako ne boste lačni, vaša presnova pa se bo pospešila. 3. Ne preskakujte obrokov Telo potrebuje red. Preskakovanje obrokov vam bo odvzelo moč za uspešno telesno dejavnost. Tako se vam bo krvni sladkor preveč znižal in počutili se boste slabo – brez moči in utrujeni. 4. Upoštevajte čas za prebavoNe glede na to, v katerem delu dneva boste aktivni, vsak obrok pred telesno dejavnostjo mora biti manjši, upoštevati morate čas za prebavo, po njej pa je treba energijo zopet vnesti, da si bodo mišice opomogle in napolnile porabljene zaloge glikogena. 5. Uro do dve po vadbi jejte Po telesni dejavnosti si privoščite obrok, ki vsebuje ogljikove hidrate in beljakovine. Nikoli ne stradajte, ampak poskrbite za energijo vsaj v roku ene do dveh ur. 6. Pijte, tudi če ne čutite žeje Med telesno dejavnostjo izgubljate veliko tekočine. Poskrbite, da bo vnos enak porabi, sicer lahko dehidrirate. Priporočena količina tekočine je od 2 do 3 litre na dan, kar je odvisno od temperature, telesne vzdržljivosti, teže in spola – količina je lahko tudi večja. Ob pomanjkanju krvni pritisk pade in zmanjša se količina kisika v možganih. Žeja ni vedno pravi kazalec, da telo potrebuje tekočino, zato morate piti redno, tudi če ne čutite žeje. Že pred začetkom vadbe popijte vsaj en kozarec vode, med vadbo pa še na vsakih 10 do 15 minut, da nadomestite tekočino, ki ste jo izgubili. Izogibajte se kavi, čaju in gaziranim pijačam, saj vsebujejo kofein, ki deluje kot diuretik. 7. Več kalorij za energijo S hrano vnesite več energije (kcal), saj je ob telesni dejavnosti porabite več, da bo telo tudi med fizičnim naporom delovalo. Nanj ga moramo pripraviti. Dati mu moramo hrano, gorivo, da bomo s telesno dejavnostjo uresničili načrte. 8. Ogljikovi hidrati Ogljikovi hidrati nam omogočajo lažjo in učinkovitejšo telesno dejavnost. Presežek ogljikovih hidratov se v telesu shranjuje kot glikogen v mišicah in jetrih. Ko mišice potrebujejo energijo, jo najdejo v shranjenem glikogenu. Obilnejši obrok hrane z ogljikovimi hidrati zagotovi dopolnitev porabljenih zalog sladkorja v telesu. Vaša prehrana naj vsebuje približno 50 do 75 odstotkov ogljikovih hidratov. Če vaša vadba traja dlje kot uro ali je zelo intenzivna, raje zaužijte več ogljikovih hidratov, saj bo tako telo imelo dovolj energije za naporno vadbo. Če telesna dejavnost traja ves dan, so pomembni manjši in pogostejši obroki hrane, razporejeni čez dan. Obrok po končani dejavnosti pa je lahko obilnejši, da nadomesti izgubljene zaloge hranil v telesu. 9. Beljakovine za obnovo mišic Pomembne so tudi beljakovine, saj z njihovo pomočjo tvorimo in obnavljamo mišice. Vendar nam ne dajejo dovolj energije. Najdemo jih v mesu, mlečnih izdelkih in oreščkih. 10. Nenasičena ali nasičena maščoba?+ri maščobah bodimo previdni. Sicer so pomembne, vendar v manjših količinah. Skupaj z ogljikovimi hidrati zagotavljajo gorivo mišicam med vadbo. Nasičeno maščobo zamenjajte za nenasičeno, ki jo najdete v oreščkih, ribah in rastlinskem olju. Pred samo vadbo pa se mastni hrani izogibajte, saj ostane v želodcu dlje časa in boste zaradi nje težje telesno dejavni. Varovalna prehrana naj ne bi vsebovala več kot 30 odstotkov maščob glede na celodnevne potrebe po energiji. 11. Hitra pomoč med vadbo Če vam med telesno dejavnostjo zmanjka energije, potem si jo privoščite v obliki žitnih ploščic ali energijskega napitka.

C-vitamiini E-vitamiini B6-vitamiini B12-vitamiini Karotenoidit Rauta Sinkki Puutteellinen ravinto Heikko suoritus Lihas- ja luumassan menetys Pidentynyt immuunijärjestelmän toimintahäiriö Vesi Kokojyvät Hedelmät & vihannekset Kala Proteiini Rasvat Hiilihydraatit Inadequate nutrition has been shown to result in poor athletic performance, loss of muscle mass and bone structure, and prolonged immune dysfunction. This is why it is important to maintain a good nutritional intake with micronutrients plus carotenoids, as well as macronutrients – or carbohydrates, fat and protein, – consuming complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables and whole-grain sources such as whole wheat, brown rice, soy, and minimizing simple carbs, choosing healthy fats, and consuming low-fat protein such as fish. In addition to losing water, athletes lose sodium and potassium through perspiration, so water and electrolytes are essential for proper hydration and to keep the body working properly. As well as quality nutrients adequate energy supply is critical to avoid “catabolic” processes in the body such as muscle and breakdown. Proper nutrition essentially provides protection against oxidative and inflammatory events, which occur when the body experiences intense regular workouts. Athletes have the same basic needs for nutrients as *sedentary “ individuals but their needs are magnified because of the intense strain that their bodies go through as they prepare for competition -- through intense training and in striving for optimum performance.

9 URHEILURAVINTOLISÄT Ne ovat korvaamaton osa useimpien urheilijoiden ruokavaliota. Urheiluravintolisät edustavat ryhmää erillisiä ravintoaineita, joilla on erittäin postitiivisia vaikutuksia urheilijalle. Tunnetuimpia ovat: energiajuomat proteiinitiivisteet hivenaineyhdistelmät Tyypillinen esimerkki on omega-3-rasvahappojen käyttö tulehduksen ehkäisyyn raskaan liikunnan yhteydessä. back

Ovat avainasemassa edistämässä energiaa, elinvoimaisuutta ja hyvää suoritusta Where do these nutrients come from? This message should sound familiar—these nutrients should come from a diet of healthy foods like what you see here. These are foods such as whole grains, wheat, rice, and soy, colorful fruits and vegetables, and protein sources such as fish that are also high in protective omega-3 fatty acids. If have an abundance of these foods in our diet, we will be able to enjoy optimal health.

Arthur Furst Perustajajäsen Emeritus, SAB Ph.D., Sc.D., D-A.T.S., Toksikologi, farmakologi Tieteellisen erinomaisuuden historiaa Anjana Srivastava M.S., M.B.A. Executive Vice President, Product, Science & Technology John R. Miller Product Technologist, Researcher Arianna Carughi Ph.D., C.N.S., Nutritional Scientist Fred G. Hooper Ph.D., Biochemist, Nutritionist Mark Lowman Director, New Product Development Diane Clayton Ph.D., Biochemist, Nutritionist, Health Practitioner Laszlo P. Somogyi Ph.D., Food Scientist David Shepherd Ph.D., Microbial Biochemist 11

12 RUOKAVALIO JA URHEILU Kunnon urheiluruokavalio sisältää kaikkia ravintoaineita: Proteiineja Hiilihydraatteja Rasvoja Vitamiineja Kivennäisaineita Vettä

13 TERVEYS SOLUTASOLLA Ravinto/energiansaanti Suoja Korjaus Uudistuminen
1 2 3 The athlete/active person really put’s their body (and the trillions of cells that constitutes the body)through a lot during heavy periods of training and intense activity. All of the above points are therefore even more critical. Not just good quality whole food nutrition but also extra attention should be paid to actual energy supply Previous Notes from ProVitality Master So let us see how we can enhance the health of each cell. To do that, we first need to understand how to nourish these cells, to provide all of the raw materials that are needed to make up healthy cells. Once that happens, the next step is to protect these healthy cells and repair any damages that may be occurring because of assaults from the environment or even some of the foods we eat. And because cells have a fixed life cycle, it is important that they are renewed and replaced from time to time with new cells Let’s take a look at what some of the nutrients you will need for cellular nourishment. 4

14 Solujen RAVITSEMUS 1 Lipidit: solukalvojen välttämättömät rakennuspalikat Kasviperäiset lähteet Eläinperäiset lähteet Proteiini: biologisesti attava, sisältää kaikki 22 aminohappoa Protecting our cells to a large extent means protecting our membranes which are made from the healthy fats in our diet (lipids and sterols) as well as proteins Previous notes; If you remember, the cell membranes are made up of two key building blocks: lipids and sterols (aka: healthy fats), and protein. These are the key structural components of healthy cell membranes. Healthy membranes: essential for efficient cell nourishment. Now where do you get these in your diet? The lipids are the essential building blocks that you get from two sources: Plant sources, including whole grains, wheat, rice, and soy Animal sources of healthy lipids, from foods such as fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. And when selecting the right protein sources, please make sure that you look for protein that is biologically complete with all 22 amino acids humans need for growth and development.


16 Mitä Pro Vitality+ sisältää?
TRE-EN-EN JYVÄTIIVISTE Soluravitsemuksella energiaa ja elinvoimaisuutta Sisältää hyviä lipidejä ja steroleja Ravintoaineet pääsevät sisään We bring to you the same nutrients that we talked about earlier today. To start, we have the whole grain lipids and sterols in the product Tre-en-en. These are the nutrients that feed your cells and energize them, key nutrients that we need to optimize cellular energy. Just by adding Tre-en-en to your diet, you make your cells more readily able to receive nutrients and allow the release of toxins out of the cells. And this one product can make everyone feel healthier and more energetic very quickly. ___ Tre-en-en is whole grain “lipid and sterol” extracts from Wheat, Rice and Soy. It provides the building blocks of healthy cell membranes and optimizes membrane function. And so improves the efficiency with which cells use the nutrients provided in the diet. When the cell membrane is working optimally, as we saw before, nutrients from our diet will be efficiently assimilated into cells and by products of metabolism will be efficiently eliminated from the cells Kuona-aineet pääsevät ulos KOKOJYVIEN LIPIDIT JA STEROLIT

17 TERVEYS SOLUTASOLLA Ravinto/energiansaanti Suoja Korjaus Uudistuminen
1 2 3 The athlete/active person really put’s their body (and the trillions of cells that constitutes the body)through a lot during heavy periods of training and intense activity. All of the above points are therefore even more critical. Due to the increased rate of free radical production due to a higher metabolic rate, the athlete is even more at risk of damage to key cellular and intracellular membranes Previous Notes from ProVitality Master So let us see how we can enhance the health of each cell. To do that, we first need to understand how to nourish these cells, to provide all of the raw materials that are needed to make up healthy cells. Once that happens, the next step is to protect these healthy cells and repair any damages that may be occurring because of assaults from the environment or even some of the foods we eat. And because cells have a fixed life cycle, it is important that they are renewed and replaced from time to time with new cells Let’s take a look at what some of the nutrients you will need for cellular nourishment. 4

18 Solujen SUOJAAMINEN Tulehdus Hapettuminen 2
Intense sports will enhance the rate of free radical production, and if not adequately supported by appropriate nutrition , can lead to a state of low level inflammation and tissue breakdown (muscle, bone, blood) Previous notes; To understand cellular protection, we’ll need to look at the two evil twins of aging and disease, the two things that attack our cells on a daily basis. In fact, each cell in your body might be getting thousands of assaults from these evil twins of aging and disease every single day. And they are Inflammation and Oxidation. These events occur because of agents outside the body, but are also due to normal metabolic processes happening within the cells. To protect your cells from inflammation, you need the omega-3 fatty acids we talked about earlier. They promote the balance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory forces within the membrane. Notes from Master ppt Then there are free radicals, that attack your cells from every corner. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, even the light we are in (both outdoor and indoor lights). (I hope you took some antioxidants before you came to this meeting, because you will need that protection even from sitting inside under artificial lights.) Oxidative attacks can damage cell structure on every front… disrupting communication, concealing intruders or even cancer cells, damaging DNA and creating “defective” cells.

19 Solujen SUOJAAMINEN 2 C-vitamiini POLYFENOLIT
Fenolihapot Antosyaniinit Antosyanidiinit Katekiinit Proantosyanidiinit Flavonoidit Isoflavonit Resveratroli Punikalagiinit Ellagihapot The richest sources of the nutrients that can protect our cells against oxidation come from fruits and vegetables. No surprise there…but there are certain fruits and vegetables that are very rich in polyphenols and carotenoids. There are hundreds of families of these compounds, and every cell in your body needs them. And they provide antioxidants that are far superior and more powerful than what you get from just vitamin C or vitamin E alone. It is very important for all of us to have the full array of these fruit and vegetables of color in our diet every single day. Antioksidantti Vapaa radikaali Solu 19

Fenolihapot Antosyaniinit Antosyanidiinit Katekiinit Proantosyanidiinit Flavonoidit Isoflavonit Resveratroli Punikalagiinit Ellagihapot E-vitamiini KAROTENOIDIT Alfakaroteeni Beetakaroteeni Cis-beetakaroteeni Gammakaroteeni Zetakaroteeni Kantaksantiini Kapsantiini Kryptokapsiini Alfa-kryptoksantiini Beeta-kryptoksantiini Luteiini Lykopeeni Cis-lykopeeni Violaksantiini Zeaksantiini The richest sources of the nutrients that can protect our cells against oxidation come from fruits and vegetables. No surprise there…but there are certain fruits and vegetables that are very rich in polyphenols and carotenoids. There are hundreds of families of these compounds, and every cell in your body needs them. And they provide antioxidants that are far superior and more powerful than what you get from just vitamin C or vitamin E alone. It is very important for all of us to have the full array of these fruit and vegetables of color in our diet every single day. Antioksidantti Vapaa radikaali Solu

21 Mitä Pro Vitality+ sisältää?
CAROTENOID COMPLEX Tukee solujasi Tarjoaa 15 ravitsevaa karotenoidia Patentoitu koostumus The next product in Pro Vitality+ is called Carotenoid Complex. And this contains the protective phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables that will help you stay healthy every single day. They actually take up residence in cell membranes and protect them from harmful biochemical events that can damage cells and set them on a course toward disease or premature aging. Derived entirely from a broad spectrum of fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots and peaches), this patented formula is the result of over 10 years of research and development. And it was clinically proven by USDA researchers that Carotenoid Complex can protect your heart, defend your cells and boost your immune capacity by 37% in just 20 days… FYTORAVINTOAINEITA HEDELMISTÄ JA VIHANNEKSISTA

All of which has been extensively published in prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journals around the world .

Mitä Pro Vitality+ sisältää? OMEGA-3 SALMON OIL PLUS Oikeita rasvoja Kaikki kahdeksan omega-3-rasvahappoa korkeapitoisessa muodossa, mukaan lukien EPA ja DHA Ultrapuhdasta The third product that you get in Pro Vitality+ is our Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus. This product provides ultra-pure omega-3 fatting acids derived entirely from fish and is the first omega-3 supplement to deliver all 8 members of the omega-3 family involved in human nutrition including EPA, EHA and DPA. AINUTLAATUINEN MOLEKYYLIEN ERIYTTÄMISPROSESSI TIIVISTÄÄ KAIKKI 8 HYÖDYLLISTÄ OMEGA-3:A KORKEAPITOISESTI JA SEULOO HAITALLISET YHDISTEET, KUTEN ELOHOPEAN JA LYIJYN ULTRAPUHTAITA OMEGA-3-RASVAHAPPOJA

Our Salmon Oil Plus has also been extensively clinically tested. In fact, we received the highest level of scientific acclaim when studies conducted on our omega-3 product were referenced in the New England Journal of Medicine.

25 TUKEA NIVELILLE Omega-3-rasvahapot Terve rusto polvessa Kulunut rusto
Tulehdus Tulehdusta vastaan SAIRASTUMISRISKI TERVEYS Omega-3-rasvahapot Omega-6 Omega-3 Terve rusto polvessa Kulunut rusto (nivelrikko) Over indulgence in endurance events of the weight bearing kind and over the long term is known to negatively impact joints with the constant wear and tear of repeated bouts of exercise DC Notes from UK Nutrition Society Meeting July 2013, Newcastle Professor Ian Clark (University of East Anglia, UK) ,The impact of dietary-derived bioactives on cartilage and osteoarthritis In the U.K. alone 8.5 million people suffer from osteoarthritis; predicted that by 2030 this number will be 17 million. Pharmaceutical approaches to treat this condition have failed! Prevention of the degradative processes which destroy articular cartilage is key. This group focused on the effects of Allium vegetables (allyl disulphides) and Cruciferous vegetables in cartilage chondrocytes. Clear results in that Cruciferous sulforaphanes (SFN) and allyl disulphides regulate the expression of the key Metalloproteinase genes (MMP) that are Collagenases , that work to destroy the collagen network. (Seems to work by initially inhibiting the histone deacetylation process ). 68g broccoli sprouts provides a sufficient quantity (used model of peripheral blood white cells). Mechanism seems to be via inhibition of NF k Beta , blocking inflammation.

26 TERVEYS SOLUTASOLLA Ravinto/energiansaanti Suoja Korjaus Uudistuminen
1 2 3 The athlete/active person really put’s their body (and the trillions of cells that constitutes the body)through a lot during heavy periods of training and intense activity. All of the above points are therefore even more critical. Repair and renewal with respect to blood , bone and muscle cells and tissues are extremely important to the athlete. Previous Notes from ProVitality Master So let us see how we can enhance the health of each cell. To do that, we first need to understand how to nourish these cells, to provide all of the raw materials that are needed to make up healthy cells. Once that happens, the next step is to protect these healthy cells and repair any damages that may be occurring because of assaults from the environment or even some of the foods we eat. And because cells have a fixed life cycle, it is important that they are renewed and replaced from time to time with new cells Let’s take a look at what some of the nutrients you will need for cellular nourishment. 4

27 Mitä Pro Vitality+ sisältää?
ESSENTIAL VITAMIN & MINERAL COMPLEX Enemmän kuin vain monivitamiini Kattava ja tasapainoinen Ainutlaatuinen sekoitus With the Essential Vitamin and Mineral Complex, both men and women of all ages can benefit from the 21 essential vitamins and minerals now part of Pro Vitality. Vitamins are essential for normal body function, including protection of genetic material, and the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues. Minerals play important roles in the human body and also work as catalysts in thousands of biochemical processes to activate enzymes, hormones and antibodies. ESSENTIAL VITAMIN & MINERAL COMPLEX More Than Just A Multi – Nourish Your Cells  Based on 50+ years of nutritional expertise with Formula IV®  and Formula IV Plus, this complete and balanced proprietary blend of 21 essential vitamins and minerals helps bridge the dietary gap prevalent in many of today’s diets. Added iron increases the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to promote vitality.*  18 MIKRORAVINTOAINETTA RUOKAVALIO RAVINTO

28 RAUTA JA URHEILIJAT RAUDAN tarve kasvaa: punasolujen muodostumisessa
lihasten energiantuotannossa Aktiiviset naisurheilijat menettävät eniten rautaa, kasvissyöjillä ja pitkänmatkanju- oksijoilla on suurimmat tarpeet. Iron is particularly important in energy release that is needed to support all types of physical activity Iron is part of haemoglobin Iron helps oxygen delivery to the cellular site of energy production (mitochondria) Iron functions as a cofactor for the muscle energy production systems Iron is needed for red blood cell production Athletes and everyone who undergoes physical training have a higher than normal turnover of iron (for red blood cells and new blood vessel production), and therefore have the highest requirements. (There exist recommendations that are x higher than the general population). Losses of iron through sweat and blood (gastrointestinal, foot strike haemolysis, injury, menstruation) Female athletes, and vegetarian athletes may need to increase intake even more. It has also been said that the high carbohydrate diets of most athletes are rich in inhibitors of iron absorption Even though true iron deficiency anaemia is reported to be about at the same incidence as the general population (3%), low or suboptimal iron status can significantly increase fatigue and reduce performance. In an Australian study of elite athletes almost 20% of females had very low iron stores (implying an immediate need for iron supplements). It is important to mention that other micronutrients are also critical along with iron for red blood cell formation . These are folate, vitamin B12 and copper. Bibliography for above notes; p71-75, Chapter 8. V. Deakin. In Sport and Exercise Nutrition All of these can also be found in ProVitality+ (see next slide ) and Formula IV.

29 Mitä Pro Vitality+ sisältää?
ESSENTIAL VITAMIN & MINERAL COMPLEX Rauta tukee solun toimintaa Vastaa annosta runsaasti rautaa sisältävää ruokaa Edistää elinvoimaisuutta A key thing to know about the Essential Vitamin and Mineral Complex in Pro Vitality+ is that we have also added a small amount of iron in this product . As you probably already know, iron is a mineral that increases the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen in the body, important for health and vitality. And both men and women need iron in their blood to carry oxygen effectively. In fact, it’s alarming to see that iron-deficiency continues to be the number one deficiency around the world today. Reference: The World Health Organization estimates that up to 80% of the world's population may be iron deficient and that 25% may have iron deficiency anemia. WHO arvioi, että 66-80% maailman väestöstä saattaa kärsiä raudan puutteesta.

30 PRO VITALITY+:n EDUT C- ja E-vitamiini edistävät solujen suojaamista hapettumisstressiltä. EPA ha DHA edistävät sydämen normaalia toimintaa. A-, C- ja D-vitamiini edistävät immuuninjärjestelmän normaalia toimintaa. Rauta auttaa vähentämään väsymystä ja uupumusta. Sinkki auttaa vähentämään väsymystä ja uupumusta. And these convenient little packets bring you a whole host of benefits. The powerful nutrients in Pro Vitality + provides you whole food based nutrition that nourishes, protects and regulates your cells for lifelong health and vitality. Just one packet a day can help bridge the nutritional gap between what we need and what we actually get from our diets. From abundant energy to antioxidant protection, heart health, healthy vision, brain function, flexible and health joints, lifelong cellular health, immune strength and even more youthful skin, hair and nails. ____________________________ PÄIVITTÄISTÄ RAVITSEMUSTA KOKONAISISTA RUOKA-AINEISTA MUKANA KULJETETTAVISSA PAKKAUKSISSA!

So this is what you get in Pro Vitality+: Lipids and sterols from whole grains in our Tre-en-en capsule Protective phytonutrients from colorful fruits and vegetables in our Carotenoid Complex capsule Omega-3 fatty acids in our Salmon Oil Plus capsule And 18 essential vitamins and minerals in our vitamin and mineral tablet And they all come together in these convenient little packets that you can put in your pocket, your purse, your backpack so that you always have them with you.

3 Solujen KORJAUS ja UUDISTUMINEN 4 Tärkeää korjausta ja ylläpitoa varten solu tarvitsee useita VÄLTTÄMÄTTÖMIÄ RAVINTOAINEITA vitamiineja kivennäisaineita LAADUKKAITA PROTEIINEJA Also important are the essential vitamins and minerals that provide protection as well. They not only protect us from these free radicals and inflammatory forces, but they also offer a repair function. The damage that is happening to your cells as a result of these assaults is actually repaired by the presence of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds (such as omega-3 fatty acids) in your diet. These nutrients also play a very important role in the process of cellular renewal. Adequate supply of quality protein is key to repair and renewal processes such as bone remodeling and muscle repair after intense training activities. Unless sufficient high quality dietary protein is available tissue protein may be broken down and used as a fuel . 32

KAL-MAG PLUS D Kalsium, magnesium ja D-vitamiini Kalsium ja magnesium edistävät lihasten normaalia toimintaa. Kalsium on tarpeellinen luuston ja hampaiden pysymiselle normaaleina. Magnesium ja D-vitamiini edistävät luiden ja hampaiden pysymistä normaaleina. Ihantellinen suhde kalsiumia ja magnesiumia 2:1, joka on optimaalinen luiden ylläpitämiseen. Mention the latest science on vitamin D and muscle health Previous notes modified from US version…. GNLD’s Kal-Mag plu D with Vitamin D3 ---Provides a unique and convenient way to deliver calcium, magnesium and 1000 IU high-potency Vitamin D3 to the diet each day. Preferred 2:1 ratio Cal to Mag 1000IU vitamin D to support breast, bone, heart and immune health. Research shows that diets rich in calcium and vitamin D can prevent osteoporosis and protect heart health. Assuring you receive adequate calcium each day can be challenging. Chelated Cal-Mag provides a unique and convenient way to deliver calcium and magnesium to the diet each day. And with 1000IU of high-potency vitamin D3, you can be sure that you are getting just what you need to assure optimal bone health, and much more. LIIKUNTA PALAUTUMINEN 33

Ennen liikuntaa -Maksimoi lihasten proteiinisynteesin stimulointia Liikunnan jälkeen -Auttaa paikkaamaan kulunutta lihaksen glykogeenia - Vähentää lihassärkyä Liikunnan aikana -Edistää lihaksen glykogeeniä - Auttaa kompensoimaan lihasvahinkoa Protein has an important role for physically active people, before, during, and after exercise. It provides the building blocks to build, repair, and maintain muscles. Before Exercise Intake of amino acids and protein with carbohydrate before exercise can maximize stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. During Exercise Ingesting a protein and carbohydrate mix during resistance training promotes increased muscle glycogen (the predominant muscle fuel), and helps offset muscle damage to facilitate greater training adaptation. After Exercise Post-exercise protein intake within the first 2 hours at about 0.3g/kg together (this with g/kg carbohydrate is recommended to speed up the replacement of depleted muscle glycogen (Stellingwerff & Allanson) Chapter 12, p 151. Sport and Exercise Nutrition. This is for a 70kg male about 21g. Other evidence suggests it may also reduce the severity of muscle soreness (

Päivittäinen proteiinin tarve Paino: 75kg Pituus: 180cm 62 grammaa Paino: 65kg Pituus: 165cm 54 grammaa Päivittäistä ravintoa EFSA suosittelee päivittäiseksi annokseksi 0,83 g hyvälaatuista proteiinia per kilo kehon painosta. Suurempi määrä: kasvaville lapsille ja teineille raskaana oleville ja imettäville naisille painoa pudottaville

Kategoria Proteiinin tarve g/kg kehon painosta Aikuiset (paljon istuvat) §° 0.8 Kohtalaisesti liikkuvat° 1.2 Erittäin urheilulliset° 1.7 Kestävyysurheilijat° 2.0 Ref GNLD NYCU vo. 28 moderately athletic , more than 5 hours athletic activity per week, Note; Reference for Slovenia was NCYU vol 4. Highly athletic = resistance trained athlete Dietary protein recommendations remains a highly controversial topic. In Europe EFSA have recently reviewed the recommendations for the general population, but the daily intake level for sedentary adults has not been increased from the previous 0.8g/kg bodyweight/day. There are specific recommendations for athletes however. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends g/kg body weight for endurance athletes The National Sport and Conditioning Association (2006) recommends between 1.5 and 2.0g/kg body weight for sportsmen and women…..check ref. In practice positive nitrogen balance can be achieved at about 1.7g/kg/d so some authors say that ideally athletes should consume g/kg bodyweight/d. It is considered that many female athletes are at risk of not getting enough protein, as they are known to «undereat» whilst training Protein requirements for Senior athletes should also probably be higher Note: Although during exercise protein oxidation usually accounts for about 2-5% of energy expenditure this amount can increase if training is at high intensities and /or for long duration § EFSA, 2012; ° GNLD NYCU vol 28/vol 4

Vaatii vähemmän lihasmassaa, ei edellytä suurempaa määrää proteiinia. Jalkapallo, koripallo, tennis, maraton: 1,5 g/kg kehon painosta. VOIMAA JA KESTÄVYYTTÄ VAATIVAT LAJIT Nyrkkeily, judo, hiihto, soutu:  2-2,5 g/kg kehon painosta VAUHTIA VAATIVAT LAJIT Pikajuoksu, pituushyppy ja korkeushyppy: 2 – 2,5 g/kg. VOIMAA VAATIVAT LAJIT Tarvitaan suurempaa lihasmassaa ja tästä syystä myös enemmän proteiinia. Painonnosto, kiekonheitto, keihäänheitto, käsipallo: 2,5 – 4 g/kg.

Päivittäistä ravintoa

39 Ainutlaatuinen proteiinisekoitus
26 g proteiinia per annos (rasvattomaan maitoon sekoitettuna) Biologisesti kattava, sisältää kaikki 22 aminohappoa Korkeat PDCAAS-pisteet! Korkealaatuinen aminohappoprofiili soijasta ja maidosta (mukana kaseiinia ja heraproteiinia, joka sisältää runsaasti haaraketjuista aminohappoa)

40 LIHASTEN YLLÄPITO Biologisesti kattavaa proteiinia
Haaraketjuisia aminohappoja (BCAA) Leusiini Isoleusiini Valiini

41 Ainutlaatuinen Protogard-prosessi
Suojaa aminohappoja Maksimoi ravintoarvon 26 välttämätöntä vitamiinia ja kivennäisainetta

42 5g kylläisenä pitävää kuitua per annos Ainutlaatuinen kuitusekoitus
Soijakuitua Kaurakuitua Guar-pavun kuitua

43 Ihanteellinen P:H:R -suhde Glykeemisen reaktion hallinta Kätevä
Täydellinen tasapaino Glykeemisen reaktion hallinta Kätevä Sekoittuu helposti rasvattomaan maitoon Alle 250 kaloria per annos Herkullista!

44 MIELENRAUHAA Ei keinotekoisia makeutusaineita Ei isoglukoosia
Ei keinotekoisia väriaineita Ei geenimanipuloituja (GMO) ainesosia Ei säilöntäaineita


46 Uusi……. Sekoitus luonnollista teetä ja yrttejä
Uusi vartalo, parempi elämä

47 Välittömän elinvoimaisuuden edistämiseksi
NeoLife -teesekoitus Välittömän elinvoimaisuuden edistämiseksi Ainutlaatuinen sekoitus Vihreitä, mustia ja valkoisia teelaatuja (Camellia sinensis), luonnollista kofeiinia, vihreä tee-uutetta, 94% EGCG:tä Luonnollinen elinvoimaisuudenedistäjä – ei keinotekoisia piristeitä Teesekoitus

48 NeoLife -yrttisekoitus
Solujen elinvoimaisuuden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi Ainutlaatuinen sekoitus Panax ginseng Peikonkello (Codonopsis pilosula) Ruusujuuri (Rhodiola rosea) Standardisoidut aktiiviset ainesosat Yrttisekoitus

49 Ripaus sitruunaa ja hunajaa
Kultainen pisara hunajaa Ei lisätty keinotekoisia väriaineita, aromeja, makeutus- eikä säilöntäaineita LUONNOLLISESTI MAUSTETTU JA MAKEUTETTU

50 NeoLifeTea Helppokäyttöistä, herkullista ja virkistävää!
Vain 5 kaloria per annos Nauti kuumana tai kylmänä! Lisää yksi tikku 480 ml:aan vettä ja sekoita hyvin 15 tikkua laatikossa (30 annosta)

51 Nauttimalla laadukasta urheiluun sopivaa ruokaa ja ravintolisiä, voit:
liikkua pitempään ja rankemmin lykätä uupumusta parantaa palautumista ja elpymistä auttaa kehoa mukautumaan liikuntaan vaikuttaa kehosi voimaan ja elinvoimaisuuteen parantaa keskittymiskykyä vähentää loukkaantumisriskiä vähentää lihaskramppien ja vatsakipujen riskiä

52 Uusi vartalo, vahvempi elämä

53 NeoLifen avulla voit muuttaa elämäsi...!

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