A rural experience - launching community network Tuija Riukulehto, CEO, Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista a rural experience - launching community network Tuija.


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Esityksen transkriptio:

a rural experience - launching community network Tuija Riukulehto, CEO, Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista a rural experience - launching community network Tuija Riukulehto, CEO, Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista Tuurintie Tuuri FINLAND Tel +358(0) Fax (0) Web: Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista Tuurintie Tuuri FINLAND Tel +358(0) Fax (0) Web: Töysä,


“fiber to the people, by the people” What is Network Co-operative Kuuskaista (Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista)? Network Co-operative Kuuskaista (Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista) is a Co-operative Founded on members (and growing) Why Co-operative? - An old way of doing things together - Real needs and ideas at the grass roots level - Owned by the members - Workers and members are also the decision makers - Network built and services developed to the users - Stays in the hands of the members Network Co-operative Kuuskaista (Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista) is a Co-operative Founded on members (and growing) Why Co-operative? - An old way of doing things together - Real needs and ideas at the grass roots level - Owned by the members - Workers and members are also the decision makers - Network built and services developed to the users - Stays in the hands of the members

“fiber to the people, by the people” What is Network Co-operative Kuuskaista? a very active board of 7 members + 6 deputy members + +


Finland Etelä-Pohjanmaa Kuusiokunnat 6 municipalities (Kuortane, Alavus, Töysä, Ähtäri, Lehtimäki and Soini) 3.409,2 km people (= households and 2000 (mainly) small businesses ) 6 municipalities (Kuortane, Alavus, Töysä, Ähtäri, Lehtimäki and Soini) 3.409,2 km people (= households and 2000 (mainly) small businesses )


“fiber to the people, by the people” Why Network Co-operative Kuuskaista? “Broadband” operators not interested in providing their services in the rural areas “Broadband” (512 kbps, ADSL) is NOT broadband, but narrowband Equal (or better) services to the rural areas -> services that otherwise wouldn’t be available During the fall 2002 Kuus-it project studied people’s interest in real-broadband - More than 1800 households, in 51 villages Doesn’t make sense to start 51 separate projects Together we are stronger -> Network Co-operative Kuuskaista “Broadband” operators not interested in providing their services in the rural areas “Broadband” (512 kbps, ADSL) is NOT broadband, but narrowband Equal (or better) services to the rural areas -> services that otherwise wouldn’t be available During the fall 2002 Kuus-it project studied people’s interest in real-broadband - More than 1800 households, in 51 villages Doesn’t make sense to start 51 separate projects Together we are stronger -> Network Co-operative Kuuskaista


“fiber to the people, by the people” What is Network Co-operative Kuuskaista doing? FTTH - FTTP - FTTx - Multiservice network

to whom?

services to the people Network Co-operative Kuuskaista is building FTTH infrastructure that can provide high quality, content rich services to EVERYBODY Welfare (health care, old people, etc.), Security (summer cottage, cow-shed. etc.) Entertainment (VoIP, IP-TV,VOD, video phone, etc.) Enterprise (video conferencing, etc.), Distance learning, Telework and much more! Network Co-operative Kuuskaista is building FTTH infrastructure that can provide high quality, content rich services to EVERYBODY Welfare (health care, old people, etc.), Security (summer cottage, cow-shed. etc.) Entertainment (VoIP, IP-TV,VOD, video phone, etc.) Enterprise (video conferencing, etc.), Distance learning, Telework and much more!

how much?

Backbone, owned by municipalaties 1,68 MEUR I-phase 2,625 MEUR II-phase 7-11 MEUR Average per household € (3 000 € €) Average per km € € Backbone, owned by municipalaties 1,68 MEUR I-phase 2,625 MEUR II-phase 7-11 MEUR Average per household € (3 000 € €) Average per km € € costs Participation share (when joining the Co-operative) Fiber to the home / business Monthly payment Participation share (when joining the Co-operative) Fiber to the home / business Monthly payment basic price-list 50 € 1100 € 40 €/month 50 € 1100 € 40 €/month I-phase - 12 villages households / businesses II-phase – 30 villages – 2000 housholds / businesses I-phase - 12 villages households / businesses II-phase – 30 villages – 2000 housholds / businesses

thank you! Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista Tuurintien Tuuri Tel/fax +358(0) Web: Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista Tuurintien Tuuri Tel/fax +358(0) Web: Tuija Riukulehto, CEO, Verkko-osuuskunta Kuuskaista