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Vesi kestävän kehityksen pullonkaula

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Esitys aiheesta: "Vesi kestävän kehityksen pullonkaula"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Vesi kestävän kehityksen pullonkaula
Olli Varis Marko Keskinen et al.

2 Globaali talous Väestön kasvu  2050: Aasia: kaupungit 2x Afrikka: kaupungit 3x Muut: kohtalaisen vähän 5 x in

3 NexusAsia Water-energy-food nexus: a cross-sectoral analysis of large Asian river basins
Applicant (PI): Professor Olli Varis Site of research: Water & Development Research Group, Aalto University, Finland Duration: 1.10/2013 – 31.9/2015 (2 years) + 2 months Call: Development research, targeted funding on ‘Water and development’ Background: increasing pressure on water Water systems change Water as a cross-cutter between sectors Water becomes an increasingly competed, contested, conflicted and, consequently, highly political issue Capacity of the societies grows, but further problems emerge Governance paradigms need profound revision towards cross- sectoral collaboration Share of world’s people: Countries: ½ Basins: ¼

4 Nexus: Water – Energy – Food
Launched: Bonn 2011 Widely promoted by international agendas Thinly researched Experience lacking WEF linkages deep

5 Sedimentation and Mekong Upstream Development: Impacts on the LMB
June 2004 Mekong: esimerkki continues 100+ suurpatoa suunnitteilla  Varastoaltaiden tilavuus NYT: ~5 km3 TULEVAISUUS: >100 km3 ? Suurin Mekong-joen virtaamaa muuttava tekijä = vesivoimapadot Muitakin muutoksia: kasteluhankkeet, maan käyttö, veden laatu…  Vesivoimalle ja muulle kehitykselle sinänsä tarvetta  HAASTE: hyödyt ja haitat eri alueille ja ryhmille MAP: Matti Kummu / TKK IAG Yangtze Fluvial Conference in Shanghai, China

6 96% uusiutuvasta energiasta kytkeytyy veteen
Esimerkki: VESI & ENERGIA 96% uusiutuvasta energiasta kytkeytyy veteen UN agendas since Johannesburg 2002: “Diversify energy supply and substantially increase the global share of renewable energy sources”

7 IWRM vs. Nexus IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management);
a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment.

8 Central Asia: Economic structure needs deep reform
Water Energy Agriculture

9 Water in All Policies We proposed a new concept
Analogy from Health in all Policies

10 Deliverables Special issue: Water 5 other articles

11 Conclusions Extreme pressure on water in large areas of Asia
Pressures on water are due to complex societal & environmental mix Water paradigms focus too much on direct (primary) uses Water-Food-Energy Nexus is useful if food and energy are of prime interest but we alert that it is quite narrow Water policies and paradigms should be internalized more rigorously to related sectors (vital e.g. to SDGs) Our results are largely universal and not Asia- specific Varis et al. ( ) Based on several articles Over 130 published articles on global water challenges and on Asian large river

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