By Learning for Integration ry. Immigration issues in Finland: Somalis  Until the 1980s Finland was very much a homogenous society with only a few foreigners.


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Esityksen transkriptio:

By Learning for Integration ry

Immigration issues in Finland: Somalis  Until the 1980s Finland was very much a homogenous society with only a few foreigners here and there  the least number of foreigners in Europe.  In the beginning of the 1990s Somali asylum seekers fleeing the civil war in their country began arriving in large numbers. It was the first time that Finland had large number of unexpected asylum seekers.  In 2002 the total number of foreigners living in Finland was 69,397  Somalis, one of the biggest ethnic minorities, number 2,274.  Unemployment among them is 58 per cent.

Immigration issues in Finland: Somalis  57 percent of Somali immigrants were under 20 years old  Finnish educational system had no previous experience of handling large group of foreigners   they were expected to integrate by themselves  Somali youth differed in culture, family background and previous education  Parents were unable to assist their children with schoolwork because they had little education (unlike Finnish parents) and did not understand the Finnish language

Immigration issues in Finland: Somalis  Somali youth lack guidance in school, can lead to marginalisation and exclusion  Somali youth have lower grades in school, more difficulties  The number of Somali youth in higher education institutions is low

Immigration issues in Finland: Somalis  Only 40% of immigrants (not only Somalis) continue with their studies after 9th grade. 25% of these drop out

The Loveliest Girl in the World Project  The Loveliest Girl in the World – Maailman ihanin tyttö photography project meant to empower young women  sivu.htm sivu.htm

The Loveliest Girl in the World Project  The Loveliest Girl in the World is a community art project undertaken by photographer, art and social educator Miina Savolainen with ten girls from Hyvönen Children's Home. It has taken almost a decade to complete. The project is based on the idea of “empowerment” and the belief that everyone has the right to feel unique and special. The fairytale quality of the photographs reveals a truth often obscured by the rough and tumble of daily life - the person each young girl feels she really is inside. It allows the girls to regard themselves as strong and undamaged people.

The Loveliest Girl in the World Project

Sources ion+in+Finland+growing+fast/ ml

Sources  olet_syrjaytymisvaarassa/ tutkija-huolestui-somalinuorten- tilanteesta-suomen-systeemi-pettaa olet_syrjaytymisvaarassa/ tutkija-huolestui-somalinuorten- tilanteesta-suomen-systeemi-pettaa  -lotta-seminaaripitka lotta-seminaaripitka

Sources  0.pdf 80-muslimien-koulunk%C3%A4ynti-suomessa 2dbe604ff/ /application/pdf/ /Koti%20koulu%20ja%20maahanmuuttajalap set_Netti.pdf 0.pdf 80-muslimien-koulunk%C3%A4ynti-suomessa 2dbe604ff/ /application/pdf/ /Koti%20koulu%20ja%20maahanmuuttajalap set_Netti.pdf

Sources  sivu.htm sivu.htm