IT Tutorial Ari Hovila, Jukka Kohtanen Autumn 2016


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Esityksen transkriptio:

IT Tutorial Ari Hovila, Jukka Kohtanen Autumn 2016

University of Vaasa, ICT Info Basics Campus IT-Services Helpdesk User account Password Email Computer Classes Wireless Network Printers University of Vaasa, ICT Info

University of Vaasa, ICT Info IT responsibilities User accounts Data networks Email, storage, systems for research and teaching Computer classes: workstations, software, printers AV-solutions: projectors, microphones etc. Computer and network security University of Vaasa, ICT Info

University of Vaasa, ICT Info IT Support Gives support for basic IT services Accounts, computer classes, data-network etc. Contact: email: phone: 029 449 8051 Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. – 15 p.m. Visiting: Tervahovi, at the seaside end of the building, ground floor Note: basic help for your account is also available from student service locations in Terahovi, Fabriikki and Luotsi. University of Vaasa, ICT Info

User Account and Password Syntax: A letter and your student number (a12345) Personal Used to log in to campus workstations and web-services You identify yourself with a password You are responsible for your accounts’s activity Do not give your password to anyone – ever! Even IT-support does not need it It’s a good practice to change your password regularly Use different passwords for other services, like gmail, skype, iTunes, Spotify… University of Vaasa, ICT Info

Changing your password You can change your password via web service: Do not try to change it via any other web page! If you receive your account in paper, there is a temporary password set for your accout. Please change that immediately. University of Vaasa, ICT Info

If you forget your password You can reset it yourself, if you have Finnish netbank credentials, e.g. OP, Nordea, Danske, Handelsbanken, Aktia, Ålandsbanken, Tapiola, S-Pankki, Säästöpankki, Lähitapiola, POP Pankki Otherwise, please visit student service locations with a photo-ID University of Vaasa, ICT Info

University of Vaasa, ICT Info Email Email and aliases Web-access Email is for studying, and in small scale to your personal communication Not for commercial etc. Purposes Watch out for spam, phishing etc. Incoming mail arrives also with domain student.uva.f Offical email from the University is always sent to the university address University of Vaasa, ICT Info

Workstations on Campus Computer Classes Tervahovi, Fabriikki, Tritonia, Technobothnia Group and self-study rooms Tritonia, Tervahovi Open floor facilities Tritonia, Technobothnia Basic setup: Windows 7, Office 2010 University of Vaasa, ICT Info

University of Vaasa, ICT Info Saving your files Campus Cloud: 20GB default capacity Usable also off-campus, e.g. your private computer Provides sharing with other users (like dropbox) Files are backed up by IT On-campus only you can use the network drive University computers: network drive drive Z Files are backup up by IT No access outside campus network Always save several copies of important files in different places! University of Vaasa, ICT Info

University of Vaasa, ICT Info Wireless Network Students should use Eduroam WLAN Instructions for connecting you own devices: UwasaOpen This network is limited in capacity Provided for the use of campus visitors only University of Vaasa, ICT Info

University of Vaasa, ICT Info Printing and Copying You’ll get a credit worth of 1500 pages with your account You can buy more credits from on-line Service will start in September 2016 Printing from your own laptop via WLAN Go to PaperCut-system: Web Print > Submit a job Available when your connected to Eduroam WLAN Copying You can buy a card from Tritonia loan desk University of Vaasa, ICT Info

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus Changes from last year Guidelines for digitalization It’s recommended to have a personal computer of your own to support your studies Teachers are recommended to have a Moodle-course for all their courses, covering basic info and material Helpdesk No physical service point anymore Accounts and passwords from service points Copy-cards for sale: only from Tritonia Buying more printing quota: e-payments only, starting September The new Moodle– Dashboard for your studies IT services main page in September: Syksy 2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Part 2: Electronic tools WebOodi Lukkari Moodle Portaali Exam 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus WebOodi - 1 Oodi is the university’s student information system. It supports teachers and students in various study-related functions. In use in 9 Finnish universities Support: 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus WebOodi - 2 WebOodi’s tools for students Updating contact information Registering for semesters Course descriptions Registering for courses and exams Course feedback tool Completed courses All completed + upgraded and failed Unofficial transcript of studies eHOPS – personal study plan (in use in Faculty of Business Studies and Faculty of Technology) 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus WebOodi - 3 WebOodi is used to register to almost all the courses almost all the exams Registering for courses Generally starts 45 days and ends 7 days before the beginning of the course Registering for exams Always starts 45 days and ends 5 days before the exam day Exam registrations can be cancelled 3 days before the exam day 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus Lukkari Course (and exam) timetables Link to instructions is on first page Creating your own study schedule and course timetable search Adding courses to your study schedule is not the same as registering to a course/exam Registering in WebOodi Confirm the exam time in WebOodi when registering WebCal: downloading your personal study schedule to your electronic calendar 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus Moodle University’s learning management system Complete your user profile when logging in the first time Technical support 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus Exam Electronic exam Will be launched this semester 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus

Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus Questions? 24.8.2015 Vaasan yliopisto | Yliopistopalvelut | ATK-koulutus