T-76.4115 Iteration Demo 9. Creative Chaos PP Iteration 24.10.2007.


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Esityksen transkriptio:

T Iteration Demo 9. Creative Chaos PP Iteration

T Iteration demo 2 Agenda  Project status (10 min)  achieving the goals of the iteration  project metrics  Work results (10 min)  presenting the iteration’s results  demo  Used work practices (10 min) This template contains the minimum set of topics for the review. This slide set should also serve as the progress report. It may and should contain slides with additional details, that you don’t even intend to show due to limited time allocated for the presentation This template contains the minimum set of topics for the review. This slide set should also serve as the progress report. It may and should contain slides with additional details, that you don’t even intend to show due to limited time allocated for the presentation

T Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project  What is this project about?  The aim of the project is to implement XML Binding Language (XBL) 2.0 – support into the X-Smiles -browser.  X-Smiles is a web browser created and maintained by the TML lab of TKK. It’s aim is to support as many web techniques as possible while still being compatible with even the more restricted appliances like mobile phones.Currentyle X-Smiles supports numerous xml-based technologies like XHTML, X-Forms, SVG and SMIL and is compatible with Java 1.2.  XBL 2.0 is a new XML-based web technology that allows for representing and altering the document by using so called bidings. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) believes that XBL can be used to ecnhance the user experience of web documents without overusing div-type structure elements.  XBL 2.0 is in request for comments phase of W3C standardization process, which consists of validating the rfc by creating to implementations from it. This projects result is one of those two implementations.

T Iteration demo 4 Status of the iteration’s goals  Tutustuminen olemassaolevaan teknologiaan tekemällä toimiva proto yhdestä ominaisuudesta  OK  Käytettävä tekniikka ja työkalut asennettuna ja opeteltuina  OK  Projektin tavoitteet, aihepiiri, funktionaaliset tavoitteet, ei-funktionaaliset tavoitteet ja rajoitteet on tunnistettu ja priorisoitu, näistä tärkeimmät määritelty tarkemmin  OK  Jokainen jäsen on lukenut ja ymmärtänyt tehtävänannon (rfc + x-smiles lähdekoodin perehtyminen)  OK  Korkean tason arkkitehtuurikuvaus on saatu valmiiksi  OK  Projektin suunnittelu ja seurantamenetelmät otettu käyttöön  OK  Ensimmäinen versio luokkatason arkkitehtuurista on saatu suunniteltua  OK  Projektin aikataulutus ja rakenne on suunniteltu  OK

T Iteration demo 5 Status of the iteration’s deliverables  Projektisuunnitelma  OK  Vaatimusmäärittelydokumentti  OK  Edistymisen seurantaraportit  OK  Korkeantason arkkitehtuurikuvaus  OK  Protodemo  Kesken  Laadunvarmistussuunnitelman ensimmäinen drafti  OK  SEPA-päiväkirja  OK

T Iteration demo 6 Realization of the tasks  Show status and effort distribution per task or task group  The table of realized efforts and their estimates is presented on the next slide.  The hour estimates differed from realized hours because we didn’t want to estimate the initial tasks on a very precise level. The estimates served more as a framework for estimating how the limited hours should be spent between different tasks.  All the tasks served their purpose, however three new, unplanned tasks had to be added during the iteration.

T Iteration demo 7 KoodiTehtävän selite Arv h MKMMJRTS MLML MVJJ JVJV Tot hMKM JRTSMLMVJJJV PP_T1Protojen ohjelmointi PP_T2Aiheen opiskelu PP_T3Projektin suunnittelu PP_T4Vaatimusmäärittely PP_T5Arkkitehtuurisuunnittelu PP_T6Kokoukset PP_T7SEPA-suunnittelu PP_T8QA-suunnitelman laadinta PP_T9Infran asennus * PP_T1 0 Kommunikointi *44 PP_T1 1 Luennot (ei lasketa) * Yhteensä kiinnitetty Kiinnittämättä Projektin budjetti * unplanned task (= a new task added during the iteration)

T Iteration demo 8 Risks  What is the current situation regarding the risks?  %A4kirja

T Iteration demo 9 Results of the iteration  Project Planning  project plan document  Requirements engineering  requirements document  Architecture  high level architecture document  Tools and work practises  infrastructure is set up and ready to go

T Iteration demo 10 Example: Project plan  Present the following  Stakeholders and staffing (a diagram?)  Project goals (discuss most important goals and verification criteria)  Project resources (already shown in the project status?)  Project practices and tools (discuss most important practices and tools you have chosen, what, why, when, …)  Discuss phasing if there are some major plans already

T Iteration demo 11 Example: Demo script  System Administrator  function X  function Y  …  Basic user  function Z1  function Z2  …

T Iteration demo 12 Used work practices  How have you been using the planned work practices, what are the experiences of  mandatory practices: time reporting, version control, …  any other practices  Are you going to  adopt some new practices  change the use of the current practices  stop using some adopted practices In the presentation you have time to discuss only the most interesting experiences and major changes. The mentor will read the rest of the material from the slides himself later.