IEA DSM Task XVI ESCO Project Register Pertti Koski.


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Esityksen transkriptio:

IEA DSM Task XVI ESCO Project Register Pertti Koski

Targets To create and upkeep a summary of implemented ESCO projects in order to give for potential customers an outlook about: the variety of energy saving projects where ESCO service is possible to use the clients and ESCO’s that have implemented ESCO projects some detailed info about the projects

Procedure Motiva has created a form to be filled and has sent it to the known ESCOs (also available from ESCOs fill the sheet and send it to Motiva Motiva adds the info sheet to the register The register is shown in the www-pages of Motiva

Company Yritys Oy, Hangon tehdas Sector (Statistics Finland, branch category ) 211 Written Describtion of the Branch category Massan, paperin ja paperituotteiden valmistus Written describtion about the project Lämmön talteenottoratkaisu prosessitilojen pölynpoistosta. Pölynpoistoyksiköitä on tehtaalla kaikkiaan viisi kappaletta, joista kolmeen investoitiin lämmöntalteenottoratkaisu. Saavutettava säästö todennetaan jatkuvin mittauksin. Estimated energy net savings (MWh/a) 4000 MWh Kind of energy Öljyllä tuotettu aluelämpö Contract period 2003…2007 The ESCO company Oy Tehostaja Ab Extra info Terho Tehokas E-mail Phone 01-1234 5678 Extra info from the Company Kosti Kohde phone 02-345 6789 Who filled the sheet Terho Tehokas tai Muu Tehokas Date pp.kk.vvvv

Summary The register is a collection about projects that the ESCO’s have reported to Motiva The register is a collection of ESCO’s willing to deliver info to Motiva The register is not comprehensive There are no obligations for ESCOs (that have got government subsidies for the project investments) should co-operate and give info about their projects, contracts etc.