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Esittely latautuu. Ole hyvä ja odota

-skenaarioiden kirjoittaminen 1. pilotointiin -trendikysely 2.pilotointiin -1. esipilotointi ja 1. pilotointi Suomessa.

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Esitys aiheesta: "-skenaarioiden kirjoittaminen 1. pilotointiin -trendikysely 2.pilotointiin -1. esipilotointi ja 1. pilotointi Suomessa."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 -skenaarioiden kirjoittaminen 1. pilotointiin -trendikysely 2.pilotointiin -1. esipilotointi ja 1. pilotointi Suomessa

2 - trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011


4 -Growing emphasis on transversal skills. There is an increasing emphasis on E- skills (digital skills and competences) and “21st century skills” like problem solving and collaboration. Alongside maths, science and technology, these skills are now seen as essential for a competitive Europe in a global economy. The EU is actively shaping this trend by pursuing policies to support E-skills in the wider population. 2011

5 2011-2016 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Growing emphasis on transversal skills. There is an increasing emphasis on E- skills (digital skills and competences) and “21st century skills” like problem solving and collaboration. Alongside maths, science and technology, these skills are now seen as essential for a competitive Europe in a global economy. The EU is actively shaping this trend by pursuing policies to support E-skills in the wider population.

6 2011 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Encouraging independence, or not? Better performing teachers are being promised more independence in several education systems in Europe, but assessment and accountability systems are still hard to change. This puts many teachers in frustrating situations, in which their ability and willingness to innovate are compromised by tight controls and external pressures and expectations. For this reason, the current trend is that most teachers still choose to “play it safe” rather than being independent and taking risks.

7 2011-2016 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Encouraging independence, or not? Better performing teachers are being promised more independence in several education systems in Europe, but assessment and accountability systems are still hard to change. This puts many teachers in frustrating situations, in which their ability and willingness to innovate are compromised by tight controls and external pressures and expectations. For this reason, the current trend is that most teachers still choose to “play it safe” rather than being independent and taking risks.

8 2011 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Learning goes outside, does the teacher follow? Education has always been associated with schools. However, this relationship is now under stress as new technologies move learning outside of the school walls. This trend poses challenges to the traditional role of the teacher. Some specific opportunities and risks are: educating outside school hours, more emphasis on facilitation, mentoring and guidance, increased workload, linking with families, some risks of establishing informal links with students (e.g. using emails and texts).

9 2011-2016 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Learning goes outside, does the teacher follow? Education has always been associated with schools. However, this relationship is now under stress as new technologies move learning outside of the school walls. This trend poses challenges to the traditional role of the teacher. Some specific opportunities and risks are: educating outside school hours, more emphasis on facilitation, mentoring and guidance, increased workload, linking with families, some risks of establishing informal links with students (e.g. using emails and texts).

10 2011 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Low carbon teaching -This trend is associated with much wider trends, from climate change to the shift towards more sustainable lifestyles and alternative sources of energy. Schools and teachers are increasingly encouraged to incorporate these themes in curricular activities, discussions and tasks with learners.

11 2011-2016 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Low carbon teaching -This trend is associated with much wider trends, from climate change to the shift towards more sustainable lifestyles and alternative sources of energy. Schools and teachers are increasingly encouraged to incorporate these themes in curricular activities, discussions and tasks with learners.

12 2011 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Keeping up with informal learning -Students live in worlds filled with engaging technology and opportunities to pursue personal interests and motivations. Once they enter schools they have to leave behind such interests and motivations. This creates a divide between the way “schools teach” and the way “students learn” in informal learning environments. Teachers are nowadays facing a challenge trying to bridge this gap.

13 2011-2016 -trendikyselyn tuloksia keväältä 2011 -Keeping up with informal learning -Students live in worlds filled with engaging technology and opportunities to pursue personal interests and motivations. Once they enter schools they have to leave behind such interests and motivations. This creates a divide between the way “schools teach” and the way “students learn” in informal learning environments. Teachers are nowadays facing a challenge trying to bridge this gap.

14 1. KIERROKSEN PILOTOINTI Mikä on pilotointi? - pilotoinnissa kokeillaan yleiseurooppalaisena yhteistyönä muodostettujen skenaarioiden toteuttamista oppilasryhmien kanssa - pilotoinnissa käytetään jo olemassa olevaa teknologiaa/sovelluksia/opetusmenetelmiä sekä kokeillaan hankkeen piirissä kehitettävää materiaalia ja menetelmiä - pilotointien laajuudelle ei ole tarkkaa tuntimäärää, vaan niiden odotetaan muodostuvan pedagogisesti mielekkäistä opintokokonaisuuksista

15 1. KIERROKSEN PILOTOINTI - tavoitteena 20 opettajan/opetusryhmän osallistuminen Suomessa - opettajat pääosin eNorssiverkostosta, tarvittaessa täydennetään muiden koulujen opettajilla - oppilasryhminä 5.-9. –luokkien oppilaat - 1. kierroksen pilotoinnissa mukana olevat voivat olla mukana myös 3. ja 5. kierroksen pilotoinneissa

16 1. KIERROKSEN PILOTOINTI Aikatauluja: - pilotoivien opettajien valinta 13.5. mennessä (ilmoittautumisten perusteella) - pilotoivien opettajien kokoontuminen elo- syyskuussa - 2-3 tarkempaan tutkimukseen osallistuvan opettajan valinta elo-syyskuussa - pilotointien suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen syys- joulukuussa - prosessin arviointi syys-tammikuu

17 1. KIERROKSEN PILOTOINTI Pilotointiin kuuluu : - pilotointijakson suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen - haastatteluun osallistuminen - pilotointijakson arviointiin osallistuminen

Lataa ppt "-skenaarioiden kirjoittaminen 1. pilotointiin -trendikysely 2.pilotointiin -1. esipilotointi ja 1. pilotointi Suomessa."

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