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Motivation for entering to and learning in Nursing assistant school Pro gradu work in Learning and Education Technology Master program, Faculty of Education,

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Esitys aiheesta: "Motivation for entering to and learning in Nursing assistant school Pro gradu work in Learning and Education Technology Master program, Faculty of Education,"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Motivation for entering to and learning in Nursing assistant school Pro gradu work in Learning and Education Technology Master program, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu Helmi Kuittinen

2 Background

3 Nursing assistant school pilot in Oulu, 2010-2011, a project for unemploeyd New type of short (9 month) education - > ”nursing assistant” Government advocates and trade unions critisize What was so special in the training?  SRL -  motivation -> differences to nurses? -> tools for making training even better ->Motivation theory in adult vocational education A success ->motivation for education of unemployed

4 Earlier studies

5 Motivation for entering education: 1)Nurses (Jirwe & Rudman 2012) a) Intrinsic motivation: wanting to take care and help, learn healthcare b) Practical reasons: possibilities for work, getting a good job c) No other possibilities, chance 2) Unemployed (e.g. Silvennoinen 2009) Motivating for long education is generally challenging. Better chances for getting work & economical effects most important motivators. 3) Adult education (Stenström & Valkonen 2002) Intrinsic motivation most important (learn new things, develop one- self and professional compentences)

6 What keeps up motivation while studying nursing? -the level of motivation stays at the original level; if not, the reasons are outside oneself, not lack of interest. (Nilsson & Stomberg 2008) -learning is supported by practical training, successful supervision during training and good atmosphere at work (Kannisto, Lundahl & Maikola 2007)

7 Theoretical framework

8 Self-regulated learning and motivation (Zimmerman 1986, 1989, Bandura 1993) Monitoring (progress, own actions, emotions) Planning (commitment, goals, stategies) Regulation (strategies, judgements, motivation, task) Reflection Motivation Self-efficacy beliefs

9 ValueIntrinsic - interest, pleasure Attainment - gains for professional identity, personal development Utility - practical usefulness Cost- sacrifices Expectancy- belief about own performance (<-self- efficacy) Cost Value Expectancy Expectancy – value -theory of motivation (e.g. Bandura 1993; Eccles & Wigfield 2002) explains the level of cognitive commitment

10 Research questions

11 What motivated participants to enter the nursing assistant school? What kind of experiences challenged and what kind of experiences strengthened motivation for learning? What were the values the participants obtained from the school?

12 Material and methods

13 Organisation of interview questions in themes Interview, 6 persons (2 young, 4 middle-aged) ->Qualitative content analysis

14 Expressions were divided in themes, and then coded in categories

15 Results

16 1) What motivated participants for entering the nursing assistant school? Values Interest: values, helping, wanting to interact with elderly or handicapped Profession-related: wanting to learn or advance in profession Usefulness: Getting a job or salary while at school Expectations Own interaction skills, own desire, and having relatives in profession -> judgements for entering Varying but generally positive feelings in the beginning

17 ”niinkun mää pystyn siinä hoiva-avustajan työssä ni pystyn niinkun niitten vanhusten kanssa enemmän olemaan, koska se jää hoitajilla, se on kiire että he ei pysty niiku tekemään muuta ku se välttämättömän sen pikasen hoitotyön. Ja siel on sellasia jotka haluaa jutella. Jotka pystyy jutteleen. Ja tulevat monesti ja ottavat käestä kiinni. Ni se on niin paha sit irrottaa: mullon kiire.”

18 1)What kind of experiences challenged and what kind of experiences strengthened motivation for learning? Challenging School: methods (essays and computer; extent of theoretical teaching), contents (e.g. Giving medicines were not taught) Work: Content (not interesting tasks, memory-ill patients) Work community (hierarchy, attitudes towards students/nursing assistants) Strengthening Positive experiences: Success (in interaction with the patients, in learning) Joy of learning Learning by doing/at work Support: Work community (the supervisor at work + the whole community) Student group (supported both mentally and in learning) Family

19 ”Piti oppia tekee kääntelee oikein. Sitä ei nostella mite sattuu. Syöttää oikein. Nii-i. Se on se kanssakäyminen. Ei sitä mummoille ja papoille huuveta miten sattuu.” ”Mää nyt sitten ko mää aloin kirjottamaan jottain ni eihän siitä sitte tahtonut loppua tulla. Mää sitte innostuin. Innostuin aivan hirveesti hakemaan sitä” ”Hirveen paljon mulla oli tuolla ko mä olin mulla oli se henkilökohtanen siellä se tämä ohjaaja, ni se käytäntö ja mä, mä kyselin hirveesti. ”Mä soitin vanhimmalle veljelleni, se osas, niiko ei muuta ko pistä tietokone päälle ja ota alusta uusiksi. Ja hoiva-avustajakoulutuksessa varmaa viiskytä kertaa kävi Oulunsalosta meillä. Sitä varte että mä sain tehtyä tehtävät.”

20 1)What were the values the participants obtained from the school? All were profession related: -knowledge, experience, support for work -professional identity (increased belief in own possibilities, development of the sense of own role in the profession and work community) -a stepping stone to the practical nurse school (points, usefull skills (e.g. essays, computers), experience) -> 5/6 went to the practical nurse school No ”costs” were experienced: all that happened was good. Some doubts about losing time, and about the value of the education for getting a job.

21 ”Pikku hiljaa pikku hiljaa tälle terveydenhuoltoallalle syventää ittiä. Että kyllä mä joskus (?) semmone mieli että joskus voin olla sairaanhotajaki ko mä oon tämänkin koulun läpi saanu näin hyvin” ”...hyviä esimerkkejä hyvistä tyypeistä niiku sairaanhoitajia.” ”Niiko hyötyä ollu kyllä tuohon että. Tietokonneen käyttöä ja tämmöstä. On joutunut esseitä tekkee. Tämmöstä. Vähä niiko pohjia. Pohjia ni ettei iha umpimetästä oo lähteny lähihoitaja”

22 Discussion and conclusions

23 Motivation for entering was comparable to that of nurses -> no fear of less intrinsic motivation Goal of getting a job was not prominent, but existed, as expected for long term unemployed -> getting work is also important Original beliefs and experiences of own good interaction skills with elderly or handicapped supported beliefs of self-efficacy and thus motivation for both entering and for staying in school Apprenticeship gave a possibility to learn by doing and thus experiences of success. Supervisor, group and the work community were both supportive and promoted learning. The experienced values of the school were related to profession; notable was the development of the professional identity I found the expectancy – value -theory useful: it described most essential things in adult learning motivation

24 Thank you Interview participants FT Pirkko Hyvönen Johtaja Marja-Leena Timonen ja Marja Heikkinen Suunnittelija Kaija Luukinen ja Anu Välikangas Koulutuspäällikkö Anu Riippa Kouluttaja Katriina Kemppainen Pirjo Kananen

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