Esitietolomake Initial Information:


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Esityksen transkriptio:

Esitietolomake Initial Information: Kaikille kirurgian, naistentautien, silmätautien, korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien ja hammas-, suu- ja leukakirurgian poliklinikoille saapuville potilaille lähetetään automaattisesti terveydentilan esitietolomakkeet. Lomakkeen voi täyttää joko Internetissä tai tavalliseen tapaan paperilla, joka muutetaan sähköiseen muotoon. Sähköisen terveydentilan esitietolomakkeen voi täyttää joko verkkopankkitunnusten tai kertakäyttöisen tunnuksen avulla. Lomakkeiden täyttäminen tapahtuu turvallisessa ja suojatussa ympäristössä. Sähköinen tietojen keruu lisää potilaan hoitoon osallistumista ja parantaa tietojen oikeellisuutta. Potilaat, joilla ei ole tietokonetta käytössään, voivat täyttää lomakkeen paperisena. Täytetty lomake postitetaan kuoressa saapuneiden ohjeiden mukaisesti annettuun osoitteeseen. Lomake muutetaan sähköiseen muotoon koneellisesti, jonka jälkeen se on luettavissa potilastietojärjestelmän kautta. Initial Information: All surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, ear, nose and throat and dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery departments for incoming patients are automatically sent to the preliminary information on the health status. Form can be completed either online or on paper in the usual way, which is converted into electronic format. Electronic health status of the preliminary information can be used for either online banking or a one-time code. Forms in a safe and secure environment. Electronic data collection more involvement in patient care and to improve the accuracy of the information. Patients who do not have computer access can fill out a form on paper. The completed form will be mailed envelope arriving in accordance with the instructions to the address given. Form converted to electronic form by machine, after which it can be read the patient information system. (Google Translate)

Click here to sign in via bank access codes or mobile certificates

How to buy prescription drugs at online pharmacy In order to buy prescription drugs online, you must have an electronic prescription (ePrescription). 1. Register Register for the service for the first time using your online banking codes … 2. Call the pharmacist … call 09-5420 4500 online pharmacy customer service, which serves every day 7-24. (local network charge / mobile call charge)… 3. Order Add the desired pharmaceutical prescription products to shopping cart and you will get a link to the basket to your inbox. You can add yourself to Cart other pharmacy products.… 4. Confirm and pay Choose a shipping method, enter your contact information and pay for the products. Get products within a few business days. NOTE! Online pharmacies cannot be ordered through the products that require cold storage or sale of which is restricted to a network pharmacy outside of the operation (for example, narcotic preparations classified). Pets not currently possible to receive e-prescriptions, so online pharmacy cannot be delivered through the animal prescription drugs.

Tiina Turner Kauppakatu 3B8 40004 Jyvaskyla Mobile Phone: 0401112233 E-mail:

Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3 Drug 4 Drug 5 Diagnosis 1 Diagnosis 2 Diagnosis 3

Tiina Turner Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3 Drug 4 Drug 5 Drug 6 Drug 7 Drug 8

Turner, Tiina

Turner, Tiina Consent and Prohibitions Good care requires that you are treating the staff is available all the information necessary for your health and your studies. From this screen you have access to patient information on data use, to give the consent, and to limit the use. Information page explains how the patient data can be used in the archive of the same organization or other organizations in the area of ​​the hospital. The page also describes the conditions under which the patient data stored in the information archives can be used later in other relevant organizations. You acknowledged you have reviewed the information 06.21.2014. Read the information here Restrictions and prohibitions on the transfer of patient information, which you can make, view or cancel. Limit the disclosure of medical data Consent and Prohibitions Basic services on the printed copy of 09/26/2014

Turner, Tiina Drug 1 x.x NameOfPrescriber