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Esityksen transkriptio:

Sähköinen itsepalvelu olemassa oleviin järjestelmiin April 1, 2008 (Pilot) Sähköinen itsepalvelu olemassa oleviin järjestelmiin [Insert standard SMSGR "module 0" content.] Tom Toivonen Liiketoimintajohtaja Microsoft Oy Tom.Toivonen - microsoft.com Realizing Platform Value v2 — Facilitator Guide

Päivän sisältö Haasteet liiketoimintajärjestelmien ja käyttäjien yhdistämisessä Helppokäyttöisten käyttötapojen luominen taustajärjestelmiin Monimutkaisten taustajärjestelmien tiedon tuominen käytettäväksi

Sähköinen asiointi Yrityksen tai julkishallinnon palvelut tai sisäiset palvelut

Informaation ja käyttäjien kuilu Office Business Applications LOB Apps This failure to capture the real-world processes and work that people do is something we call the results gap A New Breed of Application It goes beyond processes and includes problems like finding and accessing the right data to make decisions. Ultimately, it means that IT investments aren’t always delivering on their promise Customers have invested billions in backend systems, yet results not realized. Not people centric, not integrated into how people work Often perceived as overhead They process invoices, update customer records and such. Companies have spent hundreds of billions of dollars to automate their back offices over the past couple decades. They are great at automating transactions. Some data points here spell out just how big the gap is: More than 40% of ERP implementations experience user adoption issues or lack significant ROI (AMR research) 57% of SAP customers don’t believe they’ve achieved a positive ROI from their implementation (Nucleus Research) 42% of CRM licenses purchased are never deployed (Gartner Group, Mar 2003)and 70% of CRM implementations simply just fail (Butler Group)   Transition.. We believe that this gap can be bridged by a new breed of application that we call Office Business Applications. These OBAs are applications that allow information workers to use the tools they are familiar with to access the data and processes that are currently locked away in backend systems – thereby unlocking the ROI in existing investments. OBA’s Combine the flexibility and ease of use of Office & people driven process with the depth and structure of backend systems. Office business applications combine the best of both worlds by surfacing the backend data and processes to me in my everday work, they become more relevant and less like overhead. Any activity that involves complex people driven processes and/or multiple applications can be greatly streamlined by way of an Office Business Application. Compared to current application approaches OBAs go beyond. They are: Easy to use: Integration with familiar tools and user experience to make applications easier reducing training costs and making users more productive. Configurable: Thanks to a flexible common infrastructure, OBAs can be adapted by the users or developers to fit individual work styles Collaborative: Sharing and connecting with others is built into the platform and supports both formal and informal processes Contextual: Integration into existing processes and tools means fewer screens and fewer applications to get the job done Role-based: Built on a common identity and security system so the right people have access to the right tools. Support the richer processes that people do: Enable people to include additional information from non-LOB sources Support people working together and communicating with others with both formal and informal workflow Capture and maintain the additional information that provides better decisions and better organization alignment Enable people to be more productive There are already some great examples of OBA’s out there today Transition… The DUET product from SAP and Microsoft makes it easy to build connections between Office clients and the SAP backend. The Microsoft Dynamics products with their SNAP initiative have demonstrated the value of having CRM data deeply integrated with Outlook Transition…. Many other ISV’s are getting excited about this new opportunity. Oracle has already published an 240+ page paper on how to integrate with Office. Oracle Siebel CRM already boasts good integration with Outlook. We have literally hundreds of ISV’s who have started building on the 2007 System before it’s even released. Convergence’s “Gasparilla” Mobile based OBA solution. The use of the Office system at Gasparilla included Mobile Devices (HP PDA with Mobile 5.0, running on Cingular) which 50 police officers were provided with. They used these for entering citations (parking violations), reporting arrests, etc on Infopath-based forms as well as location-based services and tracking.  Sharepoint and Infopath server are at the center of the environment, managing and coordinating situational awareness, information, reports and reporting (some as simple as a report for the mayor to telling the press how many arrests were made, types of arrests, etc).  Virtual Earth integration was also rolled out at Gasparilla, being exposed inside the E-Sponder site – for instance, positioning all arrests on a VE map, being able to do flybys for resource allocation changes, etc. What’s more, we think the ease with which these applications can be built is going to enable a whole wave of corporate OBA creation and unlock business productivity. With the Next Generation Purchasing Desktop (NGPD), T-Systems MMS has substantially improved the user friendliness of IT-systems for e-procurement and e-sourcing. Users can now place orders directly through their familiar Microsoft® Office environment. Time-consuming searches of required products are a thing of the past. Department heads and other individuals responsible for costs will receive—through NGPD—all the business-related information they need to reach a decision. Purchasing personnel are no longer burdened by the complexity of operating systems or processes. NGPD is a huge, innovative step toward a homogenous, user-oriented work environment. Help people visualize OBA’s…. Turn my budgeting file into a budgeting application – excel with connections to PO and invoice data, and approval workflows Vendor management and monitoring dashboards – connected to purchasing systems for live view Sales quote tools – inside outlook: email window automatically has a taskpane for creating a a quote in the email. Issue tracking systems, support request systems Inventory management– inside excel, taskpanes to key systems information HR Offer Letters – inside word (offer details: start dates, salary, interview notes) Purchasing integrated into word, excel, email.– PO request processes End of month closing tools and processes integrated into Excel Operations: forecasting tools integrated into excel with live linkages to CRM systems Customer service: customer profile and history integrated into email Collaborative product development: change management tools integrated into communications and requirements spec tools (outlook and word)

Prosessit ja käyttäjät Get specs from customer Validate specs with Tech Sales Estimate custom design Cost out the solution Decide discount strategy Assemble proposed response Approve proposed response Strukturoimaton The Work of Business Let’s consider a common example, in this case – opportunity creation through to PO entry. It’s a common process that spans CRM and ERP systems and ultimately makes money come in the door. Some vendors have become famous for touting their industry best practice process models and claiming to have codified these processes into their systems. Simple enough right? But there’s a problem Let’s look at one such business process in more detail.   Transition…. Most people already know the truth: business processes are far more complex than the simple diagrams here. Each individual step involves lots of back & forth, document creation, presentations, negotiations etc. Backend systems don’t assist this true process, just capture the transaction This leads to overhead, double work, cut & paste integration & error potential Plays out in many scenarios across many departments Results in poor adoption and poor success rates Much of this ad-hoc, or real-world process work occurs in tools like Microsoft Office. Create Lead Create Opportunity Create Quote Complete Sale Create Invoice Qualified? Closed? Retire Lead CRM ERP 5 5

Sähköinen itsepalvelu olemassa oleviin järjestelmiin 4/6/2017 TechReady7 Breakout Chalktalk Template Sähköinen itsepalvelu olemassa oleviin järjestelmiin Työasema- sovellukset Laitteet ja ihmiset Web Porttaali Sovellus Liiketoiminta- prosessit Perinne- järjestelmät Liiketoiminta- järjestelmät Älykkäät laitteet Liiketoiminta- kumppanit “Pilvi” © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

Not in Wkbk April 1, 2008 (Pilot) This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. Realizing Platform Value v2 — Facilitator Guide