19.4.2006Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Environment Fast developing tourism and regional planning/ local master planning.


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Esityksen transkriptio:

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Environment Fast developing tourism and regional planning/ local master planning

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism in Lapland

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism in Lapland

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism in Lapland

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism in Lapland

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism in Lapland

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism in Lapland

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila System of land use planning

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Land Use and Building Act/ Decree The Land Use and Building Act The most important legislation controlling land use, spatial planning and construction in Finland is contained in the Land Use and Building Act, which came into force in The Land Use and Building Act aims: •to organise land use and building to create the basis for high quality living environments, •to promote ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable developments, •to ensure that everyone has the chance to participate in open planning processes, •to guarantee the quality of openly publicised planning decisions and participatory processes, and to ensure that a wide range of planning expertise is available.

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Participatory planning

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Studies, surveys •proper studies are needed •studies must be adjusted to the targets of the plan itself •emphasis on assessing the impacts that are crucial for the targets of the plan

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Regional planning

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila In planning, special attention shall be paid to the following: 1) appropriate regional and community structure of the region; 2) ecological sustainability of land use; 3) environmentally and economically sustainable arrangement of transport and technical services; 4) sustainable use of water and extractable land resources; 5) operating conditions for the region's businesses; 6) protection of landscape, natural values, and cultural heritage; and 7) sufficient availability of areas suitable for recreation. Required content of regional planning

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Case 1: Master plan of Northern Lapland Studies: 1.landscape 2.traffic 3.business and trade 4.areas suitable for wind energy production

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Development centres and zones

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism attraction areas Tourism attraction area, object area for developing tourism and recreation, mv Means for developing a tourism attraction area are the fostering and management of valuable cultural environments, taking into consideration in forestry the natural landscapes visible to main roads and routes, managing roadside landscapes, keeping roads and routes in good conditions, providing good message signs and signposts for objects, providing a joint map, exploring objects, planning the necessary connections, and joint marketing of the various objects. The regional land use plan also contains a provision concerning the ways of development to be employed in an mv area. The Northern Lapland regional land use plan designates 8 tourism and recreation development zones

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourism service areas Tourism service areas, RM The symbol designates at least regionally important tourism centres and objects of tourism, which also include the traffic arteries and areas, service and recreation areas, and agriculture and forestry areas necessary for the area’s activities. Saariselkä, the Luosto and Perhe-Luosto area, and with the object symbol Tankavaara, are designated as tourism service areas. The attraction factors which tourism depends on must be preserved in tourism areas. The principle in the regional land use plan is to focus on developing the existing tourism centres. Special attention must be paid to the year-around nature of the activities, with special emphasis on increasing summer-time use, where one important point of departure is to provide built-up areas with pleasant, finished environments.

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Landscape and cultural values Areas important with regard to the fostering of cultural environment or landscape, ma The symbol designates nationally valuable landscape areas, environments of major national culture historical importance, and regionally or a really valuable areas, as laid down in a Government decision. The symbol involves a provision on securing values. The ma symbol designates cultural environment objects in the Lapland cultural environment programme that are at least of regional importance. Most of these are villages where many old buildings are still left, new buildings have been carefully fitted in the existing environment, and the image of the village is intact and attractive in other respects as well. The villages marked in the plan are Kierinki, Jeesiö, Uimaniemi, Seipäjärvi, Torvinen, Lismanaapa, Puolakkavaara, Kuttura, Nellim, Angeli, Lisma, Dalvadas and Vetsikko. There are 35 other areas marked with the ma symbol.

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Local regional plan There are several large on-going or completed local planning projects in Lapland in which tourism is a major task. For example: 1.Kittilä (Levi and surroundings) 2.Kolari (Ylläs and surroundings) 3.Sodankylä (Pyhä-Luosto area)

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Local regional plan •Some plans are partially financed by EU (EAKR) •Thus the planning process includes also an extra phase: a development schema/ plan in which the future development is defined •Development plan sets the targets for the local master plan itself

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Required content of local master plan The following must be taken into account when a local master plan is drafted: 1) the functionality, economy and ecological sustainability of the community structure; 2) utilization of the existing community structure; 3) housing needs and availability of services; 4) opportunities to organize traffic, especially public transport and non-motorized traffic, energy, water supply and drainage, and energy and waste management in an appropriate manner which is sustainable in terms of the environment, natural resources and economy; 5) opportunities for a safe and healthy living environment which takes different population groups into equal consideration; 6) business conditions within the municipality; 7) reduction of environmental hazards; 8) protection of the built environment, landscape and natural values; and 9) sufficient number of areas suitable for recreation.

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Case 2: Local master plan of Levi

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Tourist area as a planning target

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Process

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Studies •11. VIRKISTYSPALVELUT •Metsähallitukset mökit yms laavut •Urheilualueet •Majoituspalvelut (hotellit yms) •12. ALUEEN VÄESTÖN IKÄRAKENNE •13. SOSIAALIPALVELUT »Koulut »Päiväkodit »Palvelutalot, vanhainkodit »Vammaispalvelut •14.MUUT KARTAT »Kallioperä »Maaperä »Rakennettavuus »Kasvupaikkatyypit »Kulutuskestävyys »Vesitalous

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Studies •MATKAILUMAISEMAN KEHITTÄMISSUUNNITELMAN MATERIAALI •0. LIITTYMINEN YMPÄRISTÖÖN (”koko tunturilappi”) 1: – 1: •1a. MAISEMASELVITYS PELKISTÄMÄLLÄ 1: : •1b. MAISEMASELVITYS RIKASTAMALLA 1: : •Rakennetut alueet (pysyvä asutus, loma-asutus, palvelut, kylmät rakennukset) •Kuvien ottopaikat, poimintoja alueelle tyypillisistä asioista (maisema, varusteet, rakenteet, kasvillisuus). •2. MAISEMAN VAIHEET •Karttasarja esim luvun lopulta nykypäivään •Merkittävät kohteet (isot tilat, kylät, esihistorialliset jutut (katso kohta 4)) yms. myös suunnittelualueen ulkopuolelta mikäli niiden läheisyydellä on vaikutusta) •Vanhat tielinjat •Metsän reuna/tärkeät maisemat (metsän ja pellon suhde) •3. MAISEMAN OMINAISPIIRTEET(ortokuvalle/ satelliittikuvalle) •Maiseman tilallinen hahmo/ suljettu/avoin (peitteisyys) •Tärkeä maiseman reuna •Tärkeät näkymät/katkeava näkymä •Umpeen kasvaneet alueet •Avohakkuualueet •Kaunis tielinja •Maisemavauriot/ häiriötekijät •4. MAISEMAN JA LUONNON ARVOKOHTEET •Muinaismuistot (esim.I ms maalinnoitusketju) •Rakennetut ympärstöt (pihapiirit, rakennetut arvoalueet?) •Merkittävät luonnon arvot –alueet ja kohteet •Kulttuurivaikutteiset alueet

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Studies •5. KASVILLISUUS •Peitteisyys (havupuuvalt/ lehtipuuvalt/ rakka…) •Kasvillisuuden arvo-alueet •Kallioalueet •6. LUONNON- JA METSÄNHOITOSUUNNITELMIEN TOTEUTUMINEN •7. ALUEEN TOPOGRAFIA •Korkeussuhteet •Jyrkät rinteet/ jyrkänteet, jyrkkyydet •Pintavedet (järvi, joki, puro) •Pohjavedet, lähteet •Vedenjakajat •8. ILMASTO •Kylmät ja lämpimät alueet/ rinteet •Tuulet •9. RAKENTUMISEN VAIHEET •Asuinalueiden ja kortteleiden rakentumisvaiheet •Matkailukeskittymien rakentumisvaiheet •Tiestö10. VIRKISTYSREITIT •Ajotiet (“tyyppi”) •Pääreitit (virkistys) •Muut reitit (virkistys) •Polut •Pitkospuut •Ladut •Levähdyspaikat •Tarpeelliset puuttuvat yhteydet •Valaistut yhteydet (puuttuva valaistus) •Talvikunnossapito •Metsähallitukset mökit yms laavut

Dr Tech, Architect Tarja Outila Studies