Passiivi Vertaa seuraavia lauseita. a. Pamela loves all her friends.


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Tänään keskitytään jälkimmäiseen eli epäsuoraan kerrontaan.
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Englannin kielen aikamuodot
Vaillinaiset apuverbit: must
Vaillinaiset apuverbit: can
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Esityksen transkriptio:

Passiivi Vertaa seuraavia lauseita. a. Pamela loves all her friends. b. Pamela is loved by all her friends. Lauseessa a Pamela on tekijänä, mutta lauseessa b Pamela on tekemisen kohteena. Lause a on aktiivissa ja siinä korostetaan Pamelan osuutta. Lause b on passiivissa ja siinä korostetaan itse toimintaa, rakastettuna olemista.

Passiivi Passiivia käytetään, kun tekijää ei tunneta tai tekijää ei haluta korostaa. Passiivissa päähuomio on toiminnassa. My bike was stolen. Some mistakes were made. The players for tomorrow’s match have been chosen.

Activate Ovatko seuraavat lauseet aktiivissa (A) vai passiivissa (P)? I am eating an orange. This picture was taken last Sunday. Thomas opened the door. The computers were being used by the students. The painting was made by Monet. James hit the tree with his selfie stick. Daniel was watching the birds. A P A P P A A

P P A P A P A P Aktiivi (A) vai passiivi (P)? Activate Aktiivi (A) vai passiivi (P)? The key was used to open the box. The dead battery was not thrown away. The hen was laying an egg. The egg was then fried for breakfast. The police chased after the thieves. The car was fixed. Her handbag was missing. The midfielder was given a warning. P P A P A P A P

Passiivin muodostaminen: Passiivin muodostamisessa on tärkeätä osata be-verbin muodot ja pääverbin 3. muoto (partisiipin perfekti). verbin 3. muoto -ed-pääte (säännölliset verbit) TAI luettelon 3. muoto (epäsäännölliset verbit) am / are / is was / were have been / has been had been apuverbi + be apuverbi + have been +

Passiivi: Passiivin muodostaminen Tarkastele seuraavassa lauseen tekijän ja tekemisen kohteen eli subjektin ja objektin sijoittumista lauseessa. Carol ate the hamburger. (aktiivi) subjekti predikaatti objekti The hamburger was eaten by Carol. (passiivi) Passiivilause aloitetaan tekemisen kohteella.

Activate Muuta lauseet passiiviin. Älä mainitse tekijää. 1. They clean the house. The house is cleaned. 2. You write a letter. A letter is written. 3. People make mistakes. Mistakes are made. (huom! monikko) 3. Someone damaged the car. The car was damaged. (imperfekti) 4. Someone has stolen my wallet. My wallet has been stolen. (perfekti)

Passiivin muodostaminen Vertaa lauseiden persoonapronomineja? Someone gave me a rose. I was given a rose. The police arrested him. He was arrested. Everybody helped them. They were helped (by everybody). Jos persoonapronomini on passiivilauseen tekijä, siitä käytetään subjektimuotoa (I, you, he/she/it, we, you , they).

Passiivin muodostaminen Jos passiivilauseessa on apuverbi (can, may, must, will, would, could, should, might) seuraa sitä ’be’ + pääverbin 3. muoto apuverbi + be + verbin 3.muoto You must cancel the tickets. The tickets must be cancelled. They will give the money back to us. The money will be given back to us.

Passiivin muodostaminen Jos passiivilauseessa on apuverbi (can, may, must, will, would, could, should, might) ja aikamuotona on mennyt aika, on rakenne apuverbi + have been + verbin 3.muoto The tickets may have been sold out ages ago. The money should have been given back to us last week.

Passiivi AKTIIVI PASSIIVI yleispreesens They eat a pie. A pie is eaten. kestopreesens They are eating a pie. A pie is being eaten. yleisimperfekti They ate a pie. A pie was eaten. kestoimperfekti They were eating a pie. A pie was being eaten. perfekti They have eaten a pie. A pie has been eaten. pluskvamperfekti They had eaten a pie. A pie had been eaten. futuuri They will eat a pie. A pie will be eaten. 1. konditionaali They would eat a pie. A pie would be eaten. 2. konditionaali They would have eaten a pie. A pie would have been eaten. muut apuverbit They must eat a pie. A pie must be eaten. apuverbit, mennyt aika They must have eaten a pie. A pie must have been eaten.

Passiivin muodostaminen Jos passiivilauseessa halutaan mainita tekijä, se ilmaistaan agentilla by + tekijä. Muuta passiiviin. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Most Italians call it La Gioconda. It is called La Gioconda by most Italians. The Louvre in Paris has shown it for over 200 years. It has been shown for over 200 years by the Louvre in Paris .

Passiivi Huom! Jos lauseessa on sekä objekti (teon kohde) ja objektiivi (kenelle?), on tavallista aloittaa passiivilause objektiivilla. We gave the children the grapes. objektiivi objekti The children were given the grapes. Jos kuitenkin aloitat lauseen objektilla, muista laittaa objektiivin eteen prepositio ’to’ tai ’for’. The grapes were given to the children. Animointiversio 1

1. My grandparents bought me a new bike. Activate Tee kaksi passiivilausetta. Aloita ensimmäinen objektiivilla (kenelle?), toinen objektilla. 1. My grandparents bought me a new bike. I was bought a new bike by my grandparents. A new bike was bought for me by my grandparents. 2. Mrs Calliope will teach us Latin this year. We will be taught Latin this year by Mrs Calliope. Latin will be taught to us this year by Mrs Calliope. 3. Has your sister told you the news? Have you been told the news by your sister? Have the news been told to you by your sister?

Passiivi Huom! Jos lauseessa on verbi, johon liittyy kiinteästi prepositio, se tulee muistaa liittää verbiin myös passiivilauseessa. People were laughing at the clown. The clown was being laughed at. The doctor operated on the injured patient. The injured patient was operated on (by the doctor). Animointiversio 1

1. They were talking about a camping trip. Activate Muuta passiiviin. Kiinnitä erityisesti huomiota prepositioihin. Älä lisää agenttia. 1. They were talking about a camping trip. A camping trip was being talked about. 2. Why have you switched off the lights? Why have the lights been switched off? 3. The jury hasn’t dealt with these complaints yet. These complaints haven’t yet been dealt with.

Passiivi Tietyt verbit englannissa ovat passiivissa, vaikka vastaava verbi suomessa on aktiivissa. Kiinnitä erityisesti huomiota verbiin ’be born’. Milloin hän syntyi/on syntynyt/oli syntynyt? When was that actor born? Muista myös: be amazed/surprised be disappointed be hurt/injured be killed ks. kirjan s.156 Animointiversio 1

Passiivi It is said that the world is round. / The world is said to be round. It is known that Finns drink a lot of coffee. / Finns are known to drink a lot of coffee. It is believed that whales have their own language. / Whales are believed to have their own language. It is thought that too little sleep affects your memory. / Too little sleep is thought to affect your memory. Animointiversio 1

Passiivi It + passiivi + that-lause Sanomista, tietämistä, uskomista ja luulemista ilmaisevien verbien yhteydessä passiivin voi ilmaista myös: It + passiivi + that-lause It is said that the world is round. It is known that Finns drink a lot of coffee. It is believed that whales have their own language. It is thought that too little sleep affects your memory. tai Passiivi ja infinitiivirakenne (to + inf) The world is said to be round. Finns are known to drink a lot of coffee. Whales are believed to have their own language. Too little sleep is thought to affect your memory. Animointiversio 1

Muuta passiiviin kahdella eri tavalla. Activate Muuta passiiviin kahdella eri tavalla. 1. Hänen sanotaan olevan onnellinen mies. It is said that he is a happy man. / He is said to be a happy man. 2. Suomalaisen jääkiekon uskotaan olevan maailman parasta. It is believed that Finnish ice hockey is the best in the world. / Finnish ice hockey is believed to be the best in the world.

Passiivi Puhekielessä passiivin ’be’ korvataan usein sanalla ’get’. Our house got broken into last night. Luckily, all that got stolen were a few pieces of jewellery. Varsinaisen passiivin sijasta käytetään usein myös aktiivilausetta, jossa tekijä on määrittelemätön ’people’, ’they’, ’you’, ’we’ tai ’one’. We enjoy our four seasons in Finland. People should pay more attention to recycling. They say drinking water can boost your energy levels. Animointiversio 1

Activate Muuta passiiviin. Mieti tarvitsetko agenttia. 1. My father planted this apple tree. This apple tree was planted by my father. 2. People have seen bears in the neighbourhood. Bears have been seen in the neighbourhood. 3. They are repairing the bridge. The bridge is being repaired. 4. You must close that window. That window must be closed.

Activate 5. Finally someone did something. Finally something was done. 6. Which one of the race horses did they sell? Which one of the race horses was sold? 7. Who painted this picture? Who was this picture painted by? / By who(m) was this picture painted? 8. We will meet you at the station. You will be met at the station (by us).

Activate The children were looked after by the nanny. 9. The Ripleys haven’t bought the house next door. The house next door hasn’t been bought by the Ripleys. 10. They didn’t throw away the rubbish. The rubbish wasn’t thrown away. 11. The nanny looked after the children. The children were looked after by the nanny. 12. Who has made these delicious sandwiches? Who were these delicious sandwiches made by? / By who(m) were these delicious sandwiches made?