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Epäsuora kerronta Reported speech. Mitä muutoksia tapahtuu, kun suora kerronta muutetaan epäsuoraksi? Suora kerronta: “I love you,” Ed said to Mia. Epäsuora.

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Esitys aiheesta: "Epäsuora kerronta Reported speech. Mitä muutoksia tapahtuu, kun suora kerronta muutetaan epäsuoraksi? Suora kerronta: “I love you,” Ed said to Mia. Epäsuora."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Epäsuora kerronta Reported speech

2 Mitä muutoksia tapahtuu, kun suora kerronta muutetaan epäsuoraksi? Suora kerronta: “I love you,” Ed said to Mia. Epäsuora kerronta: Ed told Mia (that) he loved her.  pronominit muuttuvat  aikamuodot muuttuvat Suora kerronta: “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he added. “Come back here,” she asked him. Epäsuora kerronta: He added (that) he’d call her the next day. She asked him to go back there.  ajan ja paikan määreet (ja jotkut verbit) muuttuvat

3 Seuraavissa lauseissa aikamuoto ei muutu – miksi? 1. “I love you.”Ed says that he loves me. 2. “I’ll call you later.”He says that he’ll call me later.  Jos johtolause on preesensissä (= nykyhetkessä), suoran kerronnan aikamuodot eivät muutu.

4 Miten aikamuodot muuttuvat, kun johtolause on imperfektissä? 1. “I like winter.”Liz told me she liked winter. preesensimperfekti 2. “I heard you.”Bob said to Ann that he’ (d) heard her. imperfektiimperfekti tai pluskvamperfekti 3. “You ’ve lost weight.”Mark told me I ’d lost weight. perfektipluskvamperfekti 4. “We ’d gone out.”Chad told us they ’d gone out. pluskvamperfektipluskvamperfekti (ei muutu) 5. “I ’ll do it.”Ned promised he ’d do it. futuurikonditionaali

5 6. “It would be great.”Sue answered that it would be great. konditionaalikonditionaali (ei muutu) 7. “I can finish the job.”Joe said he could finish the job. can (preesens) could (imperfekti) 8. “It may rain later.”The weatherman said it might rain later. may (preesens, futuuri) might (konditionaali) 9. “I must go.”John said that he must go/ he had to go. must (preesens) must (ei muutu) tai had to (imperfekti) Kun asia kerrotaan myöhemmin, aika ja paikka ovat muuttuneet → tietyt ilmaukset joudutaan muuttamaan. Katso luettelo kirjan sivulta 214.

6 Muuta suora kerronta epäsuoraksi: 1. “The key isn’t here.” → Mary told us … … that the key wasn’t there. 2. “I can’t do it today.” → Mike told us … … that he couldn’t do it that day. 3. “I saw Peter two hours ago.” → Gillian said … … that she saw / had seen Peter two hours earlier. 4. “We’ll sign the contract tomorrow.” → The board members said … … that they would sign the contract the next day / the following day. 5. “I was at home last night.” → Alistair told the police … … that he’d been / he was at home the night before. 6. “I have met this problem before.” → The therapist said … … that he/she had met that/the problem before.

7 Miten käskyt, kiellot ja pyynnöt muutetaan epäsuoraksi kerronnaksi? 1. “Take a seat, please.” He asked me to take a seat. 2. “Come back inside!” The mother told the kids to go back inside. 3. “Don’t leave me alone.” Al begged Nora not to leave him alone. 4. “Never trust a stranger.” Dad advised me never to trust a stranger.  Johtolauseen verbiä seuraa objekti (ketä kielletään, käsketään) ja to -infinitiivi.  Kieltosana ( not, never ) sijoitetaan to - partikkelin eteen.

8 Muunna epäsuoraksi kerronnaksi: 1. “Help me.” → Andrew asked me … … to help him. 2. “Put your books away.” → The teacher told us … … to put our books away. 3. “Don’t take my kit.” → My brother warned me … … not to take his kit. 4. “Don’t strain your back.” → The nurse told me … … not to strain my back. 5. “Come back here soon.” → Mandy asked us …... to go back there soon. 6. “Never forget my advice.” → Harry asked me … … never to forget his advice.

9 Mitä muutoksia tapahtuu, kun suora kysymys muutetaan epäsuoraksi? Suora kerronta: “Where are you?” she asked him. “Are you alright?” she asked him. Epäsuora kerronta: She asked him where he was. She asked him if he was alright.  kysymyksen sanajärjestys muuttuu  jos kysymyssanaa ei ole, epäsuoran kysymyksen eteen tulee if tai whether.

10 Pronominit ja ajan ja paikan määreet muuttuvat epäsuorissa kysymyksissä normaalisti. Mitä muita muutoksia tapahtuu? 1. “Where has he gone?” Tell me where he has gone. 2. “What can I say?” I don’t know what I can say. 3. “Why are you laughing?” I’d like to know why you are laughing.  Epäsuorassa kysymyksessä sanajärjestys on suora → subjekti ennen predikaattia. 4. “When did he leave?” Tell us when he left. 5. “Where does she live?” I’ve no idea where she lives. 6. “What do they want?” I can’t understand what they want.  Epäsuorassa kysymyksessä do/does/did -apuverbi jää pois (paitsi jos lause on kielteinen).

11 Mikä muuttuu? 7. “Are you the owner of this car?” We’d like to know if you’re the owner of this car. 8. ”Does Joe eat fish?” I can’t remember whether Joe eats fish. 9. “Did she say anything?” Do you know if she said anything?  Kun kysymys ei ala kysymyssanalla, epäsuoran kysymyksen alkuun lisätään if tai whether (suomen - ko/-kö ).  Epäsuoraa kysymystä ei eroteta pilkulla, eikä sen perään tule kysymysmerkkiä, ellei johtolause itse ole kysymys (kuten lause 9).  Huom. that -sanaa ei saa lisätä epäsuoran kysymyksen alkuun!

12 Muunna kysymykset –johtolause preesenssissä: 1. “Why are you smiling?” → Can you tell me … … why you are smiling? 2. “What are you hiding behind your back?” → Show me … … what you are hiding behind your back. 3. “Where did you buy these?” → Aren’t you going to tell me … … where you bought these? 4. “What do these roses mean?” → I wonder … … what these roses mean. 5. “Does this necklace look good on me?” → Tell me …... if/whether this necklace looks good on me. 6. “Do people still wear such jewellery?” → I wonder … … if people still wear such jewellery.

13 Muunna kysymykset –johtolause imperfektissä: 1. “Are you sure?” → John asked me … … if/whether I was sure. 2. “Can I open the window?” → Julia asked me … … if/whether she could open the window. 3. “When will they finish the job?” → Matt wanted to know … … when they would finish the job. 4. “Where have you been?” → Les asked Ronald … … where he had been. 5. “Do your neighbours have a dog?” → Oliver asked me … … if/whether my neighbours had a dog. 6. “Does your school start at eight?” → I asked Molly … … if/whether her school started at eight.

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