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Second session: You have something to say.

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Esitys aiheesta: "Second session: You have something to say."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Second session: You have something to say.
          Political Rhetoric Yes, I'm talking to you! First session: Know your act. Theoretical approach. Examples of good and bad speeches. Second session: You have something to say. Miguel López Estudios Latinoamericanos 13 October 2016



4 It’s intentional To have success To influence To convince
Sophism / Second sophism  I and II century Roman Empire. New emphasis in oratory and rhetoric To adress political, social and economic issues Marcus Fabius Quintilianus pragmatic: to teach rhetoric and politics, not philosophy or the search for the truth Rhetoric (rhētorikē tekhnē) : Speech technic It’s intentional To have success To influence To convince Teaching/learning rhetoric to have a successful political speech What is a political speech? 13 October 2016

5 Invention  inventing the content of the argument
Disposition  arranging the content of the argument into a speech to influence as much as possible Elocution  choosing the language and style to be used Words / Voice tone / Body language Memoria  remembering the collected and planned Pronuntiation or action  giving a speech Retoriikka (m.kreik. rhētorikē tekhnē) eli puhetaito on oppi menestyksekkäästä ja vakuuttavasta puhumisesta. Sitä on luonnehdittu suostuttelemisen taidoksi. Retoriikkaa kehitettiin alun perin antiikin Kreikassa, ja myöhemmin antiikin Roomassa. Puhetaito ei ole pelkkääkaunopuheisuutta, vaan sisältää myös yleisemmin kyvyn ilmaista itsensä ja viestiä toisille tarkoituksensa. Alun perin sillä tarkoitettiin nimenomaan oppia menestyksekkäästä poliittisesta puhumisesta. Platonin mielestä filosofian ytimessä tuli olla dialektiikka, jossa totuus voidaan löytää kysymysten ja vastausten avulla. Antiikin Roomassa alkoi niin sanotun toisen sofismin aika. Se keskittyi pelkästään reettorien koulutukseen ja politiikkaan, eikä niinkään filosofiaan tai totuuden löytämiseen. Poliittiset puheet käsittelevät sitä, mitkä toimenpiteet tulisi tehdä tai jättää tekemättä tulevaisuudessa.  . Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (n. 35 — n. 95) oli roomalainen asianajaja ja retoriikan opettaja. Hän oli syntyisin Hispaniasta. Quintilianus tunnetaan ennen kaikkea puhetaidon oppikirjasta Puhujan kasvatus (Institutio oratoria). Hän kirjoitti myös teoksen Kaunopuheisuuden turmeltumisen syistä (De causis corruptae eloquentiae), joka ei ole säilynyt nykyaikaan Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

6 A perfect political speech
Speech, power, rhetoric, public in favor: MLK 13 October 2016

7 A political speech is a PRODUCT
Patriotic, advertising, acted: Ronald Reagan

8 13 October 2016

9 A bad speech: Rehn
13 October 2016

10 Physical appearance Nationalist, populist, public in favour: Mussolini
13 October 2016

11 In principle, the members of the audience come to listen to me:
Because they are interested in what I have to say. Because they are against me and want to disrupt me. Because someone made them come, even though they are not interested or amenable. Because someone made them come, even though they are not interested, but they are amenable, however.

12 The public is interested in my speech
Many common factors are related to feelings Tipo clásico, plano, atractivo personal, público objetivo: Eva

13 I want the audience to be interested, awake - Modern speech
Familiar, close, tupperware, anecdotic, friendly: Michelle Argumentative, people construct the names: Michelle

14 Do I have to act? Physical appearance, mannerisms: Fidel
Personales: estoy mal (triste, medio enfermo, de mal humor)  pero actúo y siempre estoy bien, feliz, fuerte como mi product. DEBO DE SABER RECONOCER LA SITUACIÓN PROPIA Y DEL PÚBLICO Physical appearance, mannerisms: Fidel

15 Funny, clever, witty, ironic, popular: Ali
The main target is that the listeners buy the product, i.e. take it as their own, make use of its content and spread it. Funny, clever, witty, ironic, popular: Ali 13 October 2016

16 As a conclusion: Persuasion  to influence

17 Recommended reading: The Art of Looking Sideways By Alan Fletcher

18 13 October 2016

19 One of those days…


21 Contact information 13 October 2016

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