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Julkaisemisen psykologiaa ja strategiaa

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Esitys aiheesta: "Julkaisemisen psykologiaa ja strategiaa"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Julkaisemisen psykologiaa ja strategiaa
Hannu Soini & Sanna Järvelä

2 Kevään aiheet Kevään tapaamiset (klo 14.15-16.00):
3.2. – Mitä ovat impactit? Miten valita oikea lehti? (kirjasto) 24.2. – Academic writing in English by xxx (kielikeskus) 24.3. – Miten referee toimii? (R-L Korkeamäki & Sanna Järvelä) 21.4. – Miten kehitetään käsikirjoitusta ja vastataan palautteeseen?

3 Julkaisemisen psykologiaa
Kirjoittamisen asiantuntijuus on strategista (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1987) Kirjoittaminen on yksi tehokkaimpia oppimisen strategioita (Lonka & Ahola, 1995) Kirjoittaminen on tutkijan työtä ja sen kautta aktivoituu kaikki muu toiminta Kirjoittaminen ja lukeminen liittyvät yhteen Ideoita ei keksitä itse – niitä luetaan ja muotoillaan yhdessä – ne kehittyvät tutkimusryhmässä

4 Mikä tieteellisessä kirjoittamisessa on vaikeinta?
Helppoa on se, että tieteellisissä artikkeleissa on sovittu rakenne ja ”pelisäännöt” – joka tekee artikkeleista tiedettä!

5 Artikkelin kirjoittamisen vaiheet (Klinger, Scanlon & Pressley, 2005)
1. Tell them what you set out to do? Kerro mikä on artikkelin aihe ja miten se linkittyy ajankohtaiseen keskusteluun tai teoriaan? 2. Tell them what you did? Onko artikkeli kval./kvant. empiirinen tutkimus, kirjallisuuskatsaus vai teoreettinen artikkeli Mitä metodeita käytettiin? 3. Tell them what you found? Kuvaa tulokset tiiviisti, viisaasti ja loogisesti – kaikkea mahdollista ei tarvitse kuvata!

6 5. Don’t forget about style
4. Discuss what you found Kerro mikä oli tuloksissa tärkeää - ei enää dataa tai tuloksia Linkitä aikaisempiin havaintoihin 5. Don’t forget about style APA!!!! Tyylin tunteminen vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti julkaisun läpimenoon Tyyliin voi helpoiten itse vaikuttaa 6. Get help Artikkeleiden kommentointi on opettavaista!

Mistä on kyse? Miksi se on tärkeää? Miten me sen teimme? Mitä me siitä saimme? Mitä se tarkoittaa? Miksi se oli tärkeää? INTRO METODI TULOKSET JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET

8 Tieteellisen artikkelin rakenne
Abstract Introduction Aim of the study Methods Research design Data analysis Results Conclusions

9 Tieteellisen artikkelin rakenne
OTSIKKO – argumentti, väite, kysymys, MYY “TUOTTEESI” ABSTRAKTI – kaikki olennainen, ja vain olennainen, max.10 riviä AVAINSANAT – mieti tarkkaan hyvin kuvaavat, koska näiden avulla hakukoneet löytävät artikkelin JOHDANTO – lyhyt johdattelu aiheeseen, loppuun tutkimuskysymykset METODIT – tarkka ja yksityiskohtainen kuvaus TULOKSET – tärkein ensin, vastaa esitettyihin tutkimuskysymyksiin, ei muuta ylimääräistä sälää JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET – yhteenveto tutkimuksesta ja laajempi tulosten tarkastelu teoreettisen viitekehyksen valossa, perustele, mikä on tutkimuksen anti tiedeyhteisölle, ole tarkka mitä-jäi-selvittämättä –osion kanssa

10 Muista punainen lanka…

11 Mitkä ovat artikkelin kirjoittamisen vaikeita kohtia rakenteellisesti?
Parhaiden julkaisujen analyysiä

12 Writing an Academic Journal Article
(by Elsevier)

13 What steps do I need to take before I write my paper?
Section Title Slide

14 Determine if you are ready to publish
This could be in the form of: Presenting new, original results or methods Rationalizing, refining, or reinterpreting published results Reviewing or summarizing a particular subject or field You should consider publishing if you have information that advances understanding in a certain academic field You should consider NOT publishing yet if: Your report is of no scientific interest The work is out of date You would be duplicating previously published work Your conclusions are incorrect/not acceptable A STRONG manuscript is crucial in order to present your contributions to the scientific community If you are ready to publish, a strong manuscript is what is needed next

15 What is a strong manuscript?
Has a clear, useful, and exciting message Presented and constructed in a logical manner Reviewers and editors can grasp the academic significance easily The scientific message must be clear, useful, and exciting The author’s messages must be presented and constructed in a logical manner. The reader should arrive at the same conclusions as the author. The format chosen should best showcase the author’s material. Readers, reviewers, and editors should be able to easily grasp the scientific significance of the research Editors, reviewers and readers all want to save time and not waste it. Editors and reviewers are all busy academics – make things easy to save their time

16 Choose the target journal
Choose one journal Your references can provide candidate journals Read recent publications in your field Find out specific journal details 1. Choose one journal that is right for your work. DO NOT gamble by scattering your manuscript to many journals. Only submit once. [Note: Simultaneous submission to more than one journal is considered unethical. Most journals have conditions that require that manuscripts submitted to them have not been simultaneously submitted elsewhere] 2. Check the journals listed in your references to get a pool of candidate journals. 3. Read recent publications to find out the hot topics, the accepted types of articles, etc. 4. Find out details specific to a journal such as: Is the journal peer-reviewed? Is the audience for this journal aligned with the audience I am targeting? Does the journal have high impact and bibliometric scores? How long will it take to see your article in print? Is this a prestigious and reputable journal? Are the editors well-respected in the field? Is there international coverage and distribution of this journal? Is the journal included in abstracting and indexing databases? Finally, beware of Phishing: Publishers and editors rarely solicit papers from authors. This is usually only done as an invitation for a prominent researcher to write a review article. There have been scams in the past where fake publishers have solicited articles from researchers and charged them an up front fee to submit a paper. Elsevier will not ask you to pay for any article upon submission. The latest phishing scams we have seen have been solicitations with subject headings of “Call for Papers” or “Manuscript submission”. If you receive such an , do not reply to it and instead kindly forward it to Elsevier.

17 Use the journal’s “Guide for Authors”
“Guide for Authors” includes: Types of papers accepted Editorial team contact information Graphics specifications Acceptable language Paper length Other details Each journal typically has a “Guide for Authors” with specific details for the following: Types of papers Editorial team and contact info Graphic considerations Language accepted Paper length Details on keywords, color illustrations, proofs, offprints, etc. Apply the Guide for Authors to your manuscript, even to the first draft (text layout, paper citation, nomenclature, figures and table, etc ). It will save your time, and the editor’s.

18 Author Information
Reviewer Information Publishing Ethics Resource Kit

19 Summary – What steps do I need to take before I write my paper?
Determine if you are ready to publish Decide on the type of manuscript Choose the target journal Check the Guide for Authors Determine if you are ready to publish your work by analyzing the significance of your achievements Decide on the best type of manuscript: conference paper, full article, review paper Choose the target journal that is appropriate and has the right level audience and prestige for your level of work Check the Guide for Authors for your target journal and get details for the manuscript preparation.

20 Break your Task Down What does the journal wish?
Length of abstract (# of words), introduction (2.5-5p) Level of detail in method (3-4p) & result (2-4p) sections, including tables & figures Nature of discussion (2-3.5p): relative emphasis on educational policy, applications vs. theoretical, methodological issues) It’s only about 14 pages of text for a 25 p MS! Jaana Juvonen, UCLA

21 Outline your Introduction
What’s your storyline?—practice the flow with a PPT presentation 1. Identify the issue of interest (1st paragraph) 2. Provide background to make a case for your study (paragraphs 2-4) 3. What is your goal & contribution of the study –need to market & be specific about the ways in which your study differs from others (paragraph 5) 4. Overview of the study—what was done? (last paragraph prior to methods)

22 Method: How were the Data Obtained?
Participants: Age & gender, etc. demographics; How were participants recruited? Parental consent? Measures: provide sample items and alpha coefficients; make sure the reason for including a measure is crystal clear Procedures: How was the study conducted? What was the setting? Jaana Juvonen, UCLA

23 Results—Pick the Focal Ones
Explain how this section is structured Can start with descriptives Include only the most critical tables Graphic presentations of data helpful Don’t disrupt the flow (i.e., the storyline)! Avoid reporting all details—use more stringent p-level; rely on footnotes Jaana Juvonen, UCLA

24 Discuss What Your Findings Mean
Why are your findings important enough to get published? Remind readers about the contributions of your study in light of the findings Start with the most novel or significant findings Considering the limitations of the study, what are important future directions? Applications & implications Jaana Juvonen, UCLA

25 Before Submitting Get feedback & don’t resent it!
Proof, proof & proof—sloppy write-up irritates reviewers Write a short cover letter emphasizing the main contribution of the study Have a plan where to submit if outright rejected from the first journal Jaana Juvonen, UCLA

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