Magazines bring power to advertising. Aikakausmedia Powercases Advertising effectiveness proven in studies! tripod research oy as research partner M3.


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Esityksen transkriptio:

Magazines bring power to advertising

Aikakausmedia Powercases Advertising effectiveness proven in studies! tripod research oy as research partner M3 Research Oy high quality panel Six convincing examples, more to come!

Case Elovena Product discontinued, case not shown in full Campaign goal – To launch Elovena snack – To launch Elovena toast – To tell, that Elovana is not just oatmeal Media agency Toinen Advertising agency Family tripod research oy carried out the study in M3 panel – Ad hoc – Response rate 48% – Target group: women 25-54, interested in health – Number of respondents N=300

Case Elovena Aikakauslehdet: –Hyvä Terveys –Meidän Perhe –Kodin Kuvalehti –Kotivinkki –Avotakka –Evita –Eeva –Kauneus & Terveys –Me Naiset –Vauva Radiokanavat: –Iskelmä –Voice –Radio Nova –Radio Aalto Leipä: nälkä Lusikoitava: harmi Leipä: väsy Lusikoitava: ei jaksa Ostoskärryt Shopper abribus

Case Elovena median tavoittavuus kampanjassa (terveydestä kiinnostuneet naiset 25-54, n=300) Aikakauslehdet tavoittivat 82% Radiokanavat tavoittivat 72%

Case Elovena on huomannut jonkin mainoksista (terveydestä kiinnostuneet naiset 25-54, n=300) +54% parempi huomioarvo niillä, jotka kuuntelivat sekä radiota että lukivat aikakauslehtiä kuin vain radiota kuunnelleilla

Case Elovena Mielikuvan paraneminen (terveydestä kiinnostuneet naiset 25-54, n=300) +32% enemmän niitä, joilla mielikuva parani ryhmässä, joka kuunteli sekä radiota että luki aikakauslehtiä kuin vain radiota kuunnelleilla

Case Elovena Kuinka todennäköisesti ostaa mainontaa nähtyään (terveydestä kiinnostuneet naiset 25-54, n=300) +19% enemmän Elovena Lusikoitavan ostosta kiinnostuneita ryhmässä, joka kuunteli sekä radiota että luki aikakauslehtiä kuin vain radiota kuunnelleilla +16% enemmän Elovena Paahtopalojen ostosta kiinnostuneita ryhmässä, joka kuunteli sekä radiota että luki aikakauslehtiä kuin vain radiota kuunnelleilla

Case Skoda Campaign goal – To showcase Skoda models Media agency Dagmar Advertising agency Adsek tripod research oy carried out the study in M3 panel – Ad hoc – Response rate 55% – Target group those considering to purchase a new car (within the next 2 yrs) – Number of respondents N=449

Case Skoda Magazines: –Tekniikan Maailma –Tuulilasi –Moottori –Me Naiset –Anna –Kotiliesi –Kodin Kuvalehti –Kaksplus –Seura –Suomen Kuvalehti Newspapers and evening press: –Ilta-Sanomat –Iltalehti –Helsingin Sanomat –Turun Sanomat –Aamulehti Websites – – – TV-channels –MTV3 –Nelonen –Sub –Liv

Case Skoda media reach in campaign considering to buy a new car (within the next 2 yrs) Magazines reached 54% TV reach 96% Websites reach 83% Newspapers and evening press reach 85%

Case Skoda 60% noted having seen at least one of the ads considering to buy a new car (within the next 2 yrs) +21% improvement in noting for those that read both newspapers and evening press AND magazines compared to the ones that read only newspapers and evening press +23% improvement in noting for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +28% improvement in noting for those that both visited websites AND read magazines than those that only visited websites

Case Skoda 50% of all said their notion improved considering to buy a new car (within the next 2 yrs) +19% more those than now have a better notion for those that read both newspapers and evening press AND magazines compared to the ones that read only newspapers and evening press +28% more those than now have a better notion for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +30% more those than now have a better notion for those that both visited websites AND read magazines than those that only visited websites

Case Skoda 15% are likely to purchase after having seen advertising considering to buy a new car (within the next 2 yrs) +35% more puchase intent for those that read both newspapers and evening press AND magazines compared to the ones that read only newspapers and evening press +35% more puchase intent for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +41% more puchase intent for those that both visited websites AND read magazines than those that only visited websites

Case Fanta Campaign goal – To tell, that Fanta uses no preservatives Media agnecy PMI Advertising agency Skandaali tripod research oy carried out the study in M3 panel – Ad hoc – Response rate 55% – Target group all in the age of plus grocery buyers – Number of respondents N=300

Case Fanta Magazines: –Seura –Anna –Kotiliesi –Kaksplus –KG –Deko OutdoorTV –Nelonen –Sub –Liv –Jim –TV5 Websites – –Katsomo –Riemurasia –Irc galleria –Aku Ankka –Demi –Peliplaneetta –Motot –Habbo –Mesta –Petsie –

Case Fanta media reach in campaign (age of plus grocery buyers) Magazines reach 23% Websites reach 72% TV reach 92%

Case Fanta 60% noted having seen at least one of the ads (age of plus grocery buyers) +32% improvement in noting for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +33% improvement in noting for those that both visited websites AND read magazines than those that only visited websites

Case Fanta 56% of all said their notion improved (age of plus grocery buyers) +25% more those than now have a better notion for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +31% more those than now have a better notion for those that both visited websites AND read magazines than those that only visited websites

Case Fanta 45% are likely to purchase after having seen advertising (age of plus grocery buyers) +41% more puchase intent for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +53% more puchase intent for those that both visited websites AND read magazines than those that only visited websites

Case Danone Campaign goal – To tel that Danone supports Mannerheim League for Child Welfare Media agency Happi Mindshare Advertising agency Wunderman tripod research oy carried out the study in M3 panel Ad hoc 12.8 – – Response rate 52% – Target group 18-50y female,with children,grocery buyer – Number of respndents N=219

Case Danone Magazines: –Kodin Kuvalehti –Me Naiset –Meidän Perhe –Helsingin Sanomien Kuukausiliite TV –MTV3 –Sub –Nelonen –Liv –Subjuniori –Ava

Case Danone media reach in campaign (18-50y female,with children,grocery buyer) TV reach 96% Magazine reach 48%

Case Danone 66% noted having seen at least one of the ads (18-50y female,with children,grocery buyer) Magazines did not improve noting

Case Danone 43% of all said their notion improved (18-50y female,with children,grocery buyer) +58% more those than now have a better notion for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Case Danone 32% are likely to purchase after having seen advertising (18-50y female,with children,grocery buyer) +17% more puchase intent for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Case Eurokangas Campaign goal – To tell, that Eurokangas provides not only materials but also planning and sowing services Media agency Voitto Advertising agency Folk! tripod research oy carried out the study in M3 panel – Ad hoc – Response rate 45 – Target group women – Number of respondents N=200

Case Eurokangas Magazines: –Anna –Kotivinkki –Koti ja keittiö –Divaani –Avotakka –Deko –Me Naiset –Talo & Koti TV –MTV3 –Nelonen –Liv Newspapers –Kärkimedia

Case Eurokangas media reach in campaign (women 25-54) Newspapers reach 75% TV reach 95% Magazies reach 53%

Case Eurokangas 48% noted having seen at least one of the ads (women 25-54) +73% improvement in noting for those that read both newspapers AND magazines compared to the ones that read only newspapers +51% improvement in noting for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Case Eurokangas 50% of all said their notion improved (women 25-54) +63% more those than now have a better notion for those that read both newspapers AND magazines compared to the ones that read only newspapers +28% more those than now have a better notion for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Case Eurokangas 42% are likely to purchase after having seen advertising (women 25-54) +46% more puchase intent for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV +61% more puchase intent for those that read both newspapers AND magazines compared to the ones that read only newspapers

Case Nestlé Campaign goal – Nestlé Fitness cereals new packagign Media agency Mediacom Advertising agency McCann tripod research oy carried out the study in M3 panel – Ad hoc – Response rate 45 – Target grout women 25+ – Number of respondents N=200

Case Nestlé TV –MTV3 –Nelonen –Liv –Jim –Fox Magazines: –KG –Cosmopolitan –Eeva –Elle –ET-lehti –Evita –Iiris –Kodin Kuvalehti –Kotiliesi –Olivia –Trendi –Yhteishyvä

Case Nestlé media reach in campaign (women 25+) Magazines reach 76% TV reach 96%

Case Nestlé 33% noted having seen at least one of the ads (women 25+) +28% improvement in noting for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Case Nestlé 41% of all said their notion improved (women 25+) +31% more those than now have a better notion for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Case Nestlé 31% are likely to purchase after having seen advertising (women 25+) +6% more puchase intent for those that both watched TV AND read magazines than those that only watched TV

Magazines give a boost to your campaign, intensify the effects and increase sales. Brand notion +31% Purchase intent % Brand notion +58% Noting % Brand notion +32% Purchase intent %