Development Association SEPRA How to involve youth into strategic rural development work? Budapest, 8th November 2011 Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto:


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Esityksen transkriptio:

Development Association SEPRA How to involve youth into strategic rural development work? Budapest, 8th November 2011 Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin.

Contents of the presentation 1. Sepra, it’s present LDS and youth 2. Youth in LDS post 2013 Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin.

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. Sepra - is a registered, non-profit association as are all of Finland’s 55 LAGs - operates by the Baltic Sea, close to the Russian border in the area of seven South- Eastern Finnish municipalities - has some euros of - LEADER – funding for years –2013 to implement LDS

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. Sepra’s - main aim is to keep rural areas with some inhabitants inhabited and interesting for present and new inhabitants -program has 10 subthemes of which one is children and youth - youth theme has been a challenging topic compared to with very few youth initiated projects - demografic development is one of the most challenging in Finland in Sepra’s area

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. How to involve youth into LDS writing work? The work cannot be done with the work of personnel only! The BOARD MEMBERS and DEPUTIES as well as SECTOR GROUP members from all parts of the area and of all the ”interest groups” (public sector, associations and local actors) ensure that information about the work reaches youth in every corner and in every interest group.

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. Methodes to use and schedule…  the work will start in spring 2012  there will be a printed magazine that will be handed out in all schools of the area with youth of years in Aug-Sept

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. Methodes to use and schedule…  while making a tour in the villages next year youth associations and schools will be contacted beforehand to activate youth to participate – activating !  by setting up village level websites in a new way it’s possible to get youth involved as ”tutors or trainers” – motivating!

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. Methodes to use and schedule…  as methodes in the meetings brainstorming, learning cafes etc participatory methodes – involvement!  it’s not enough to have youth itself present, also associations that provide them activities will have to be involved – ownership!

KOSTU – canoeing Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin.

LOVING LOCAL VALUES Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin.

Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahasto: Eurooppa investoi maaseutualueisiin. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For more information please contact Ms Marjo Lehtimäki Executive Manager Development Association Sepra Mobile