Volume 65, Issue 4, Pages (October 2016)


Samankaltaiset esitykset
KANUUNA-SEMINAARI 2012 Kotka, Nuorisotalo Greippi 15 –

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Tutkimuksen tuen ja hallinnon verkosto TUHA
Microsatellite Instability in Adenomas as a Marker for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer  Anu Loukola, Reijo Salovaara, Paula Kristo, Anu-Liisa.
Usefulness of Highly Sensitive Troponin as a Predictor of Short-Term Outcome in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus and Stable Coronary Artery Disease (from.
Volume 9, Issue 7, Pages (July 2008)
Patterns and 14-year trends in mortality among illicit drug users in Finland: The HUUTI study  Ifeoma N. Onyeka, Caryl M. Beynon, Marja-Leena Hannila,
Human enterovirus 71 strains in the background population and in hospital patients in Finland  Hanna Honkanen, Sami Oikarinen, Outi Pakkanen, Tanja Ruokoranta,
Lymphoproliferative disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation—pre-emptive diagnosis by quantification of Epstein–Barr virus DNA in serum  Sanna.
Preoperative Warfarin Treatment and Outcome of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery  Fausto Biancari, MD, PhD, Mikko Myllylä, BM, Samuli Lepojärvi, MD,
Volume 192, Issue 1, Pages (July 2014)
Äänestäjän kuluttajansuoja
Corrigendum to “Prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder and dysthymia in an eleven-year follow-up – Results from the Finnish Health 2011.
Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages (January 2014)
Homocysteine and carotid atherosclerosis in chronic renal failure—the confounding effect of renal function  Yrjö Leskinen, Terho Lehtimäki, Antti Loimaala,
Ryhmäkeskustelut Kick off
POLIOKATSAUS Piirikokous Juha Risteli, PDG Oulun Tullin Rk.
Metabolic syndrome and carotid intima media thickness in the Health 2000 Survey  Kalle Sipilä, Leena Moilanen, Tuomo Nieminen, Antti Reunanen, Antti Jula,
Matrix metalloproteinase 3 and 9 gene promoter polymorphisms: joint action of two loci as a risk factor for coronary artery complicated plaques  Perttu.
Predictive value of urine interleukin-18 in the evolution and outcome of acute kidney injury in critically ill adult patients  S. Nisula, R. Yang, M.
Predictive value of urine interleukin-18 in the evolution and outcome of acute kidney injury in critically ill adult patients  S. Nisula, R. Yang, M.
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Preoperative Warfarin Treatment and Outcome of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery  Fausto Biancari, MD, PhD, Mikko Myllylä, BM, Samuli Lepojärvi, MD,
Kansainväliset sopimukset Luento 8
Kansainväliset sopimukset Luento 6
Comparison of subchondral bone density and structure of tibia measured from plain radiograph with micro-computed tomography  J. Hirvasniemi, H.T. Kokkonen,
Neuronal ultrastructure is preserved by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate after hypothermic circulatory arrest in pigs  Timo Kaakinen, MD, Anita Naukkarinen,
Factors affecting the results of surgery for chronic critical leg ischemia—a nationwide survey  Ilkka Kantonen, MD, Mauri Lepäntalo, MD, Michael Luther,
Immunostimulatory DNA inhibits allergen-induced peribronchial angiogenesis in mice  Sook Young Lee, MD, Jae Youn Cho, MD, PhD, Marina Miller, MD, PhD,
MAR1LK Anna Hankimaa 5/10/2019.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 
Jorge J. Castillo, MD  Hematology/Oncology Clinics 
Sulautuvan opetuksen/oppimisen jatkumo
Pediatric Palliative Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review of the Evidence for Care Models, Interventions, and Outcomes  Richard Harding, BSc.
Louis C. Benjamin, MD, Jai Nahar, MD, Craig Sable, MD, Frank M
What is the best technique for right hemiliver living donor liver transplantation? With or without the middle hepatic vein? Duct-to-duct biliary anastomosis.
S. N. Nielsen, A. N. Andersen, K. T. Schmidt, C. Rechnitzer, K
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous thrombin for the management of superior mesenteric artery pseudoaneurysm  Patrick Casey, MBChB, Ambareen Kausar, FRCS,
Reliability and Validity of the Functional Gait Assessment (German Version) in Subacute Stroke Patients  Holm Thieme, MSc(PT), Claudia Ritschel, PT, Christian.
Third-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Identifying the Candidates for Routine Practice  Nicolas Girard, MD, Pascale Jacoulet,
The FinnDiane Study Group
Cat ownership is a risk factor for the development of anti-cat IgE but not current wheeze at age 5 years in an inner-city cohort  Matthew S. Perzanowski,
Risks Associated With the Transfusion of Various Blood Products in Aortic Valve Replacement  Henrik Bjursten, MD, PhD, Faleh Al-Rashidi, MD, PhD, Alain.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
P Mutation Profiling by Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing of an Unselected NSCLC Cohort  Linnea La Fleur, Elin Falk-Sorqvist, Patrik Smeds,
Association of Sleep and Co-Occurring Psychological Conditions at 1 Year After Traumatic Brain Injury  Donald J. Fogelberg, PhD, Jeanne M. Hoffman, PhD,
Esityksen transkriptio:

Volume 65, Issue 4, Pages 784-790 (October 2016) Childhood predictors of adult fatty liver. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study  Emmi Suomela, Mervi Oikonen, Niina Pitkänen, Ari Ahola-Olli, Johanna Virtanen, Riitta Parkkola, Eero Jokinen, Tomi Laitinen, Nina Hutri-Kähönen, Mika Kähönen, Terho Lehtimäki, Leena Taittonen, Päivi Tossavainen, Antti Jula, Britt-Marie Loo, Vera Mikkilä, Risto Telama, Jorma S.A. Viikari, Markus Juonala, Olli T. Raitakari  Journal of Hepatology  Volume 65, Issue 4, Pages 784-790 (October 2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2016.05.020 Copyright © 2016 European Association for the Study of the Liver Terms and Conditions

Journal of Hepatology 2016 65, 784-790DOI: (10. 1016/j. jhep. 2016. 05 Copyright © 2016 European Association for the Study of the Liver Terms and Conditions