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The Icelandic model Bragi Gudbrandsson, General Director of the Government Agency for Child protection in Iceland.

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Esitys aiheesta: "The Icelandic model Bragi Gudbrandsson, General Director of the Government Agency for Child protection in Iceland."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 The Icelandic model Bragi Gudbrandsson, General Director of the Government Agency for Child protection in Iceland

2 Children’s house, history
Children get all the services and help they need from same place. The house is in one suburb of Reykjavik, Iceland. This is the livingroom/waiting room for children.

3 Videolinkki oikeussaliin

4 Videolinkki alakertaan
Lapsen kuuleminen toimitetaan simultaanisti, jolloin läsnä ovat tuomari, syytetty/edust. ja muut asianosaiset

5 Lapsen kuulemishuone Erikoistunut psykologi (= forensic psychologist) puhuttaa lasta ja kuuleminen välitetään simultaanisti alakertaan ja nauhoitetaan.

6 Lasten talo Lapset saavat samasta paikasta kaiken tarvitsemansa avun/tuen.

7 Yhteistyötahot : State Police (vrt. KRP)
State Prosecution (vrt. syyttäjä) University Hospital (Yliop sairaala) departments of pediatrics and child psychiatry Directors of Social Services CPS in Reykjavik (= lastensuojelu) Police Department in Reykjavik

8 Lääketieteellinen tutkimus
Lääkäri tulee taloon kerran viikossa /kk:ssa tarpeen mukaan.

9 Videokamera kuulemishuoneessa
Lapselle kerrotaan kamerasta ja se mistä on kysymys.

10 Ratkaistavat ongelmat
Lack of cooperation between the different agencies involved; CPS, Police, Prosecution, Medical profession. Lack of an interdisciplinary approach. Lack of personell with special training and specialization, especially in conducting investigative interviews

11 Ratkaistavat ongelmat, jatk.
Absence of appropriate guidelines in work practice Lack of consideration for the welfare of child victim – multiple interviews by different interviewers in different locations Lack of appropriate assessment, treatment and support to the child victim and her/his family.

12 Lasten talon tehtävät to coordinate the role of the CPS, Police, State Prosecution, Medical Profession and others engaged in the investigation of child sexual abuse to improve work practices by interdisciplinary cooperation of the different agencies involved to ensure that the child victim need not be subjected to multiple interviews in different locations by providing a child friendly setting for investigative interviews conducted by a specialized interviewer

13 Tehtävät, jatk. to ensure that the child victim and family receives appropriate assessment, treatment and support to enhance specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge on child sexual abuse and mediate that knowledge as appropriate

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