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Walking and bicycle network in Polva Timo Ernvall, TKK

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Esitys aiheesta: "Walking and bicycle network in Polva Timo Ernvall, TKK"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Walking and bicycle network in Polva Timo Ernvall, TKK
TEKNILLINEN KORKEAKOULU Liikennelaboratorio Walking and bicycle network in Polva Timo Ernvall, TKK Nina Karasmaa, TKK Mauri Myllylä, Tieliikelaitos




























29 Studying of characteristics of walking and cycling
Nina Karasmaa, Timo Ernvall

30 Characteristics of pedestrian and bicycle traffic
In Finnish road traffic legislation a person who walks, skis or roller is pedestrian. Skills and trip purposes vary a lot within pedestrian and cyclist groups. Unprotectiveness and low speeds are common features to both modes. Monimuotoisuus suojattomuus Kuntoilu skootterit usein rekisteröity mopoiksi, vaikka rinnastetaan moottoripyöriksi, ajavat kv-väylällä, koska rekisteröity mopoiksi. nykyään mopolle ajo jk-väylällä sallittu vain, jos se on lisäkilvellä osoitettu Rullaluistelijat luokitellaan kävelijöiksi, ongelma, koska ovat nopeampia ja vievät paljon tilaa. Myllylän näkökulma: liikkumisen pitää olla vapaata eikä sidottua omille väylille.

31 MODE SHARES 1/3 of trips pedestrian and bicycle traffic
total mileage 5 % by foot 0,7, by bicycle 0,3 trips per day walking is the most common feeder mode mode share higher than average for aged people, children and young people regional differences significant Other 4 % Public- transport Walk 7 % 24 % Car driver Cycling 39 % 11 % Car Joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan, kulkumuodon valinnan määrää ihmisten käsitys olosuhteista eivätkä todelliset olosuhteet Kv-prosentti keskimäärin vuodessa 30 %, päivittäin tehdään 0.7 jk-matkaa ja 0.3 pp-matkaa. Toisaalta 20 % ihmisistä ei tee päivän matkana yhtään matkaa. Myös matkan määritelmä vaikuttaa-lenkit ongelma vaikutusanalyyseissä. passenger 15 %

32 Characteristics of trips
65 % of walking trips shorter than 1 km Average length of cycling trip 3 km Cycling speeds 520 km/h depending on conditions Big seasonal differences: max. of walking in March max. of cycling in August-September

33 Monthly variation of walking and cycling
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 july 98 aug. 98 sept. 98 oct. 98 novemb. 98 dec. 98 january 99 febr. 99 march.99 april 99 may 99 juni 99 seasonal variation factor Walking Cycling Car Pp-matkojen osuus kaikista matkoista suurin kesäkuussa (14 %) ja pienin helmi- ja joulukuussa 4 %. Lomakuukausi näkyy kuoppana heinäkuussa

34 about half of car trips are under 5 km long
Modal split of trips by trip length (vertical axel) and share of trips in each length class (horizontal axel) Other mode Public transport Car passenger about half of car trips are under 5 km long Car driver Cycling Walking Trip length km (width of bar = share of trips in length class)

35 Adults walk and cycle least – and drive car most
Modal split of different age groups (vertical axel) and share of trips made by each age group (horizontal axel) Other mode Public transport Car passenger Car driver Adults walk and cycle least – and drive car most Cycling Walking Age (width of bar = share of trips made by age group)

36 Modal split of different trip types (vertical axel) and share of trips of each trip type (horizontal axel) Trip groups Other mode Car traffic could be replaced by pedestrian and bicycle traffic mainly on work trips, shopping and personal business trips as well on different free time trips Public transport Car passenger Car driver Cycling Walking Jalankulkua ostos- ja asiointimatkoilla % jk-matkoista vapaa-ajan ja virkistysmatkoillla % työ- ja opiskelumatkoilla 15-25% pyöräilyä työ- ja opiskelumatkoilla % ostos- ja asiointimatkoilla % vapaa-ajan ja virkistysmatkoilla % W o r S t u d y i n g ( 1 8 + a e ) k S t c D S r i h o a l y h B F p o l s o p u s i r n e e s t r i h o p i n e p p g s t i m s ( - p i n t r s i t p r e 1 7 g i p a t s g r s i e p d s )

37 The percentage of killed in 2000
Safety of walking and cycling Nr. of persons killed in road traffic accidents in 19702000 The percentage of killed in 2000 Other vehicle 3 % Other car Pedestrian 7 % 16 % Car passenger Cyclist 16 % 13 % Moped 2 % Tässä nähdään, millainen jk-onnettomuuksuen kehitys on ollut Loukkaantuneita pyöräilijöitä aina kunakin vuonna hieman jk vähemmän Kaikista tienkäyttäjäonnettomuuksista jk osuus on 16 % ja pp:n 13 %, jos tarkastellaan kuolleita, kuolleiden osuuksiarkasteltaessa kv:n osuus korostuu, koska on suojaton osapuoli - Suomessa kuolee vuosittain noin 70 ja loukkaantuu 1000 jalankulkijaa (2/3 kattavuus loukkaantuneiden osalta). Noin 30 % kuolleista jk tai pp. Motor bike Car driver 3 % 40 %

Probability of death of pedestrian as a function of collision speed 1,0 0,8 0,6 Probability of death Kuoleman todennäköisyys 0,4 0,2 - nopeudella ratksiseva vaikutus kuoleman todennäköisyyteen (Hgissä puuhataan 30 km/h) nopeusrajoituksia-40 km/h ja 60 km/h välillä kuvaaja kasvaa jyrkästi. - tämä käyrä esitetty Eero Pasasen vuonna 1991 julkaistussa väitöskirjassa 0,0 20 40 60 80 100 Collision speed (km/h) Collision speed (km/h)

39 Risk of death for pedestrians in road traffic accidents
7 5,7 6 5 4 3 2,3 2 1,1 1,2 1,3 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,8 0,7 0,7 1 0,4 Kuolleita ikäryhmän ihmistä kohden MIHIN tilastoon perustuu 0-5 6-9 75- 10-14 15-17 18-20 21-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 ALL Age [years]

40 Information needs of pedestrian and bicycle traffic
Modal split and mileage of pedestrian and bicycle traffic Share of pedestrian and bicycle traffic of total mileage Number of trips (trips/person/d) Mileage (km/person/d) Average trip length of pedestrian and bicycle traffic Development needs Shares of walking and cycling separately and more exactly than nowadays Roller skaters and -skiers separated from pedestrians Grouping by trip purpose (work-, personal business-, health conducive exercise)

41 Information needs of pedestrian and bicycle traffic
Variation patterns of pedestrian an bicycle traffic Seasonal dependence Monthly-, daily- and hourly variationfactors Weather- and road condition dependence Effect of other conditions on travel activity Total mileage of pedestrian and bicycle traffic on regional level Development of mileage annually Share of regional/long distance traffic of total mileage Pedestrian and bicycle traffic volumes on single road and street sections ADT of pedestrian and bicycle traffic (for prioritization of projects) Before-after traffic volumes (impacts of projects) Pedestrian crossings TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO

42 Information needs of pedestrian and bicycle traffic
Modal split and mileage of pedestrian and bicycle traffic Share of pedestrian and bicycle traffic of total mileage Number of trips (trips/person/d) Mileage (km/person/d) Average trip length of pedestrian and bicycle traffic Variation patterns of pedestrian an bicycle traffic Seasonal dependence Monthly-, daily- and hourly variationfactors Weather- and road condition dependence Effect of other conditions on travel activity

43 Information needs of pedestrian and bicycle traffic
Total mileage of pedestrian and bicycle traffic on regional level Development of mileage annually Share of regional/long distance traffic of total mileage Pedestrian and bicycle traffic volumes on single road and street sections ADT of pedestrian and bicycle traffic (for prioritization of projects) Before-after traffic volumes (impacts of projects) Pedestrian crossings Development needs Shares of walking and cycling separately and more exactly than nowadays Roller skaters and -skiers separated from pedestrians Grouping by trip purpose (work-, personal business-, health conducive exercise) TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO

44 Information needs of pedestrian and bicycle traffic
Pedestrian and bicycle accidents Other information needs related to pedestrian and bicycle traffic: Average speed of bicycles in different environments Speed level of bicycles according to trip purpose (e.g. work trip, exercise) use of bicycle helmet Condition of pedestrian and bycycle routes Road address, width, condition of pavement TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO

45 Evaluation methods of pedestrian and bicycle traffic volumes
Traffic census methods - Manual count - Mechanical (automatic) counts Other observation methods - Aerial photo interpretation - Video areal intepretation - Bicycle parking studies - Mobile phone positioning Interview and questionnaire studies Modelling methods of pedestrian and bicycle traffic TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO

46 KELAKE: Kevyen liikenteen laskentojen ja tilastoinnin kehittäminen
VASTUU-TAHO TIETOTARVE TOIMINTATAPA Jalankulun ja pyöräilyn kulkutapaosuudet Jalankulun ja pyöräilyn suoritteet Matkojen keskipituus Matkojen ajallinen vaihtelu Sää- ja kelivaihtelukertoimet Väestöryhmä-, maankäyttötyyppi- ja toimintokohtaiset matkatuotokset Väylätiedot HLT (6 vuoden välein) HLT -tietoihin perustuvat ennusteet /malli Seutukuntaryhmittely tietojen analysoinnissa Laskentoihin perustuva tietojärjestelmä Laskentoihin perustuva arviointimenetelmä (Vuodenaika-, vuorokaudenaika-, sää- ja kelilaajennus) Matkatuotostietojärjestelmä Digiroad LVM Tieh, SYKE LVM, YM (Tieh, SyKe) Tieh I Valta-kunnan taso Jalankulun ja pyöräilyn pääkulkutapaosuus Jalankulun ja pyöräilyn suoritteet Alueelliset matkaluvut Matkojen keskipituus Matkatuotokset maankäyttöryhmittäin Matkojen ajallinen vaihtelu Sää ja kausivaihtelukertoimet Hankeperusteluja palvelevat vaikutusten arviointimenetelmät Verkon ominaisuudet Kunnossapitoluokitus Alueelliset liikennetutkimukset Haastattelu- ja kyselytutkimus Määräpaikkatutkimus Mallinnus Arviointi muiden pääkulkutapojen kehityksen perusteella (+väestökehitys) Maankäyttöön perustuva arviointimalli (GIS-tiedot), matkatuotostietojärjestelmä Laskentoihin perustuva arviointimenetelmä jatkuvat laskennat laajennuskäytännöt laskentatietojen rekisteröinti Digiroad Kaupungit, Tiehallinto, Maakuntaliitot LVM Kunnat, Tiehallinto II Seutu- ja kunta- taso KVL-tieto Matkojen ajallinen vaihtelu Vaikutusten arviointimenetelmät (ennen-jälkeen) Ylitys-/alitustarpeet Erityisryhmät (esteettömyys) Väylän ominaisuudet Maankäyttöön ja toimintojen sijoittumiseen perustuva arviointimalli (GIS-tiedot) Liikennelaskennat (käsinlaskenta, koneellinen laskenta) Havainnointitutkimukset Määräpaikkatutkimukset III Hanke- taso Väylänpitäjä TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO

47 Potential to increase pedestrian and bicycle traffic
e.g. in Finland 46 % of trips made as a car driver are under 5 km long. In Finland 80 % of people have bicycle. Bicycle is often faster mode of travel than car in urban areas. Threatening factors: dispersion of community structure, increase of car traffic etc. Potential to increase pedestrian and bicycle traffic can be determined by questionnaires and interviews and by studying different parameters describing potential sale of bicycles, number of bicycles/number of inhabitants, cycling mileage (km/inh/a), bicycle parking utilization rate etc.

48 Country Potential to increase pedestrian and bicycle traffic Finland Potential to increase winter cycling is great. Potential to increase walking and cycling on work trips is important. Sweden It is possible to transfer 10–48 % of short car trips to walking and cycling. Number of cycling trips can increase 5–46 %. Norway Realistically 10–15 % of all short trips made by car driver can be transferred to walking and cycling. 2 % of work trips, 20 % of recreational trips and 20 % of shopping trips shorter than 5 km and made by car can be replaced with cycling Denmark 13 % of all car trips and 60 % of car trips under 3 km can be transferred to cycling. Netherlands 25 % of car trips in urban areas can easily be replaced with cycling and extra 25 % quite easily. Australia It is possible to replace 26 % of all car trips with cycling and 21 % with walking. Expert meeting of 16 countries 30–50 % (expert appraisal) or 20–30 % (car drivers’ appraisal) of all short car trips can be replaced with walking, cycling and public transport. Great Britain 13 % of work trips could be made by bicycle.

49 Transport-related measures
According to studies the best way to promote walking and cycling is marketing promoting and encouraging walking and cycling in working places is efficient as well construction and improvement of single pedestrian and bicycle route does not have much effect on the volumes/amount of walking and cycling continuous pedestrian and bicycle network and maintenance has more importance In practice (?) restriction of car traffic location of activities influencing the attitudes concerning walking and cycling

50 Pedestrian and bicycle traffic in transportation system and land use planning
Nina Karasmaa, Timo Ernvall

51 ”Infrastructure is a given, positive
Motto: ”Infrastructure is a given, positive possibility”

52 Network planning pricipals
Network is a part of the total transportation system It covers the total community and consists of different components Streets can be utililized partly as the network Separation from motorized traffic improves the quality and safety Hierarchical network according to the use and purpose

53 Transportation networks
Pedestrians and bicycles Public Transport Motor vehicles (Dangerous) Goods

54 The goal of pedestrian and cycle network
Willingness to create and offer to the inhabitants for their daily trips a network, which is: natural, healthy, safe, quick and easy, comfortable, cheap to use, equitable


56 ROUTE CHOISE PEDESTRIAN chooses the quickest, shortest
and easiest way to the object CYCLIST avoids slopes and stops Enjoyable environment is an important criterion

Connection of all main activities Routes as natural as possible no rectangular alignment in small towns rectangular network in larger cities for better orientation smoothly curving Low-volume streets usable Existing paths and parks usable No large vertical differences (max. gradient 45 %) Safe crossing with motor vehicle traffic

58 Activities School Housing Working Centre

59 PÕLVA Town map Radius 1 km from the church Radius 2 km from the school

60 AVER. TRAVEL TIME Mode Travel time Travel speed Distance 1 km 2 km
Pedestrian 12 min 27 min 60 min 45 km/h Bicycle 6 min* 10 min* 18 min* 1215 km/h Car 6 min** 9 min** 12 min** 2530 km/h * including: 2 min (taking and leaving the bicycle) **including: 4 min (walkings,200m + taking and leaving the car)

Development of the city centre more commercial and free time activities more attractiveness and comfort Ring road heavy and long distance traffic calming of the centre Bicycle parking Car parking parking lots separated from pedestrian and bicycle streets parking fees and enforcement Humps and other ”speed limiters”, if necessary Campaigns

62 Planning concept Deciding the main links and nodes of the network today and in the future (also external connections) Constructing the lacking parts of existing links to create continuous connections Improving the quality level of the network stepwise (paving, information, paintings, etc) Traffic calming and other safety implementations High standard detailed planning in the commercial centre. Construction of bridges and underpasses

63 Use of network Slow change of attitudes Slow change for modal split
Increasing acceptance of cyclists Satisfied users

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