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Esittely latautuu. Ole hyvä ja odota

Word Order.

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Esitys aiheesta: "Word Order."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Word Order

2 Suomen kielen sanajärjestys
Tiikeri usein antoi lihapalan vartijalleen salaa häkistään keskiyöllä. Usein tiikeri antoi salaa vartijalleen lihapalan keskiyöllä häkistään. Salaa keskiyöllä antoi tiikeri häkistään vartijalleen lihapalan usein. Mitkä lauseet OK?

3 Lauseenjäsennystä – A little bit of parsing
The spy opened the letter very carefully at his home in the evening. He read it aloud in the bathroom in the middle of the night. He slipped the letter quietly through his neighbour’s mailbox at 4 am. Englannin perussanajärjestys = Kahta lauseenjäsentä ei mikään erota, ei avioero, ei kuolema =

4 SPOTPA The spy opened the letter very carefully at his home in the evening. He read it aloud in the bathroom in the middle of the night. He slipped the letter quietly through his neighbour’s mailbox at 4 am. Pred + obj ikuisesti naimisissa

5 Useita määreitä I watched the news at six o’clock today.
Mrs Alicia Bailandos, 74, had a big party at her home in Dublin. Entä suomen kielessä?

6 SPOOTPA – kenelle? James told me the news. James told the news to me.
I will make you a nice cup of tea. I will make a nice cup of tea for you.

7 Toistoa ilmaisevat määreet + muut vastaavat
He is often late. He has often slept late. VRT suomen kieli He often comes late. always, often, frequently, never, usually, sometimes, rarely, seldom nearly, only, merely, scarcely, hardly, perhaps, possibly, probably, already, just, ever

8 Poikkeus vahvistaa säännön
Never have I heard such nonsense. Little does she know about the truth. Hardly, scarcely, little, neither, never, no sooner, nor I have really enjoyed this meal. -So have I! If I had known then what I know now, things would be different. – Had I known then what I know now, things would be diffrent (GR Take away 47)

TEKEMINEN Where did he go on Saturday evening? Why can’t you admit the truth? Hasn’t Peter called me? does live? Are going to do something about it? Who do love? loves you?

10 Epäsuora kysymys ”What does your brother do for a living?”
She wanted to know what my brother does for a living. ”Has Pekka finished his studies already?” Do you know if Pekka has finished his studies already? Sanajärjestys? Do-apuverbi? Suomen -ko, -kö = ? Pilkut + kysymysmerkit? GR ex 124

11 Kun varsinaista tekijää ei ole
On myöhä. On kylmä. Sataa. Tipperaryyn on pitkä matka. Onpas täällä tylsää! On helppoa oppia espanjaa. Englannissa on joka lauseessa oltava tekijä verbin edellä – tai ainakin sen ”sijainen” = ?

12 Muodolliset subjektit IT ja THERE
IT : ajan ilmaisut, välimatkat, säätila, mielipide ja kannanotto, korostava rakenne → Keksi nyt näistä esimerkki THERE IS/ARE: substantiivi epämääräisessä muodossa (ei THE) tai PRONOMINI tyyppiä someone, nobody, anything + MISSÄ

13 THERE + olla-verbin luku
There was only one person in the room . – Huoneessa oli vain yksi ihminen. There were only two people in the room. – Huoneessa oli vain kaksi ihmistä. There are two patients and a doctor in the room. There is a doctor and two patients in the room.

14 Sanajärjestys suomi - englanti
Yläkerrassa oli neljä huonetta. There were four room upstairs. Siellä ei ollut ketään. There was nobody there. Kysymys: Is there anybody at home? Ilman paikanmäärettä → korostaa olemassaoloa: Is there extraterrestial life? There is so much to do! There will always be poverty. GR 119, 120, 121

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