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Esitys aiheesta: "IB PROGRAMME IN ETELÄ-TAPIOLAN LUKIO"— Esityksen transkriptio:


2 LEARNER PROFILE Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators
Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective

3 CORE CURRICULUM Creativity: drama artwork music..
Activity: sports expeditions dance.. Service: tutoring Amnesty coaching.. Theory of Knowledge – holistic reflection on the learning process: “how we know” Extended Essay – detailed research on any preferred topic within chosen fields of study

4 IB COURSE TRAY Select six subjects in all: 3 HL 3 SL
HL Maths students select 4 HL and 2 SL Linguists can study two Group 1 languages Subjects require at least seven students to run Some subjects may have to be offered in the same time slot Weigh your options carefully and make a binding commitment Deadline:

5 Group 1 / Language A: Literature (SL/HL)
Äidinkieli (suomi) - opiskelijoille, joiden äidinkieli on suomi tai joilla on äidinkielen veroiset suomen kielen taidot

6 Kurssin sisältö Kurssilla tutustutaan sekä maailmankirjallisuuteen että kotimaiseen kirjallisuuteen ja erilaisiin mediateksteihin. Kurssilla harjaannutetaan suomen kielen taitoja: niin kirjoitustaitoja kuin myös suullisia viestintätaitoja. Kurssilla syvennetään lukutaitoa (kriittinen lukeminen, tekstianalyysi). Kurssilla opetellaan kirjoittamaan erilaisia opiskelu- ja työelämässä tarvittavia tekstejä (esseet, tutkielmat, referaatit, kommentit, mielipidetekstit).

7 Kurssin arvostelu Kurssi arvostellaan sekä suullisten että kirjallisten kokeiden perusteella. Kirjallisissa loppukokeissa kirjoitetaan kaksi erilaista tekstiä: laaja, pohdiskeleva essee sekä napakka tekstianalyysi. Suullisissa loppukokeissa opiskelijat valmistavat esitelmän sekä analyyttisen puheenvuoron. Kurssin aikana tehdään myös tutkielma, jonka tulos vaikuttaa koko kurssin arvosteluun.

8 Muuta Kurssilla opiskeltavat tiedot ja taidot tukevat tulevia akateemisia opintoja. Kurssilla keskitytään erityisesti eri viestintätaitojen kehittämiseen (puhuminen, esitelmätaidot, oman mielipiteen ilmaisu niin kirjallisesti kuin suullisesti, kirjalliset viestintätaidot, lukutaito). A1-kielen opinnot tukevat oman äidinkielen taitojen säilymistä ja kehittymistä kuin myös kaksikielisyyden kehittymistä => kaksikielinen opiskelija voi valita kaksi A1-kieltä opinto-ohjelmaansa.

9 ENGLISH Language A: language and literature
Higher level or standard level

10 CONTENT Part 1: Language in cultural context
Part 2: Language and mass communication For both parts texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media. Part 3: Literature—texts and contexts SL: Two works of literature, HL: Three Part 4: Literature—critical study

11 ASSESSMENT External assessment Paper 1: Textual analysis
unseen text(s) Paper 2: Essay an essay based on at least two of the literary texts studied in part 3 Written tasks (SL: 3, HL: 4) based on material studied in the course, words each

12 ASSESSMENT Internal assessment Individual oral commentary
comment on an extract from a literary text studied in part 4 of the course Further oral activity at least two; one based on part 1 and one based on part 2 of the course a wide range of oral tasks to choose from (individual / pairwork / groupwork)

13 RATIONALE Language and literature is a good option if
you are considering further studies in English (lang / lit / philology) and/or other languages you have a passion for literature and analysing it In either SL or HL, at least an average grade of 8 in the pre-IB year is required for a successful study

14 Group 1: School supported self-taught option (SL)
For students whose mother tongue / first language is something else than English or Finnish

15 Content Works in translation: 2 works Detailed study: 2 works
Literary genres: 3 works Options: 3 works

16 Assessment Paper 1: Guided literary analysis Paper 2: Essay
Written assignment Individual oral commentary Individual oral presentation All components are externally assessed by IB.

17 Group 2: Language B suomi (HL, SL)
- ns. suomi vieraana kielenä opiskelijoille, joiden äidinkieli on jokin muu kieli kuin suomi tai joiden suomen kielen taidot eivät riitä äidinkieliseen opiskelemiseen Huom! B-kieli ei ole kielen alkeisopetusta.

18 Sisältö Opiskellaan suomen kieltä vieraana kielenä.
Kartutetaan kielitaitoa: sanastoa, lukemis- ja kirjoitustaitoja sekä kielioppia.

19 Arvostelu Loppukoe sisältää mm. luetun ymmärtämisen kokeen sekä kaksi erilaista kirjoitustehtävää. Loppukokeeseen kuuluvat myös suulliset kokeet (mm. esitelmä ja kuullunymmärtäminen).

20 ENGLISH Language B Higher level or standard level

21 CONTENT The core is divided into three areas (SL + HL)
Communication and media Global issues Social relationships In addition, teachers select two from the following five options (SL + HL) Cultural diversity Customs and traditions Health Leisure Science and technology HL students also read two works of literature

22 ASSESSMENT External assessment Paper 1: Receptive skills
Text-handling exercises on five (HL)/ four (SL) written texts, based on the core Paper 2: Written productive skills Section A (SL + HL): One task of 250–400 words, based on the options Section B (HL only): Response of 150–250 words to a stimulus text, based on the core Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills HL: Creative writing of 500–600 words based on one of the literary texts (HL) SL: Intertextual reading and a written exercise ( words), based on the core

23 ASSESSMENT Internal assessment Individual oral
Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher Interactive oral activity Based on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher

24 RATIONALE English B is a good option unless
you want to study English, and/or other languages, further you have a passion for analysing literature English B will provide you with good skills in English but does not require that much of literary analysis

25 French B SL Bonjour! Salut! Merci beaucoup! J’aime le francais!

26 CONTENT Acquisition and practice of the French language
Cultural awareness integrated into language acquisition Skills to be developed oral and written production oral and written comprehension

27 ASSESSMENT Reading comprehension and written production 70%
Individual oral and interactive oral activity 30%

28 RATIONALE Knowing French and the French speaking world, La Francophonie, gives you an opportunity to study in French and enjoy French culture Developing cultural awareness gives you a wider perspective of the world


30 CONTENT YI SL Twentieth century conflict Peacemaking and peace-keeping
HL Nationalism and nation-building Imperial and Soviet Russia Y2 Single party states European diplomacy

31 ASSESSMENT PAPER 1 Source-based studies PAPER 2 Essay work
PAPER 3 (HL only) Essay work – carries most weight of all Historical Investigation 1500 – 2000 word assignment on any topic of interest

32 RATIONALE Students of history are – or learn to become - critical thinkers, effective communicators, well-organized, and self-disciplined inquirers History is time travel! See the world!! Excellent subject for the EE or TOK essay Highly respected subject for applicants to university Firm foundation for management and administrative careers, teaching, library work, diplomatic service, law….

33 BUSINESS and MANAGEMENT Higher Level (HL) & Standard Level (SL)

34 CONTENT Business Organization and Environment Human Resources
Accounts and Finance Marketing Operations Management Business Strategy

35 ASSESSMENT External Assessment Internal Assessment Two written papers
Paper 1 based on IBO prescribed case studies Paper 2 based on stimulus material and will have a quantitative segment Internal Assessment Research Project (HL) & Written Commentary (SL) 25% weighting

36 RATIONALE A growing, dynamic field of study
Involves both theoretical and practical knowledge Wide choice of specialization-human resources, finance, marketing, strategy Future Options: Further study-business degree or related field Career prospects-entrepreneurship or work in a firm Transferable skills-knowledge learnt here is useful no matter which field you choose to specialize in

37 IB DIPLOMA BIOLOGY an experimental science
Basic biological concepts: Structure and function Universality versus diversity Equilibrium within systems Evolution

38 IB DIPLOMA BIOLOGY an experimental science
Basic biological concepts: Structure and function Universality versus diversity Equilibrium within systems Evolution

39 CONTENT SL + HL Core: Statistical analysis, Cells, The chemistry of life, Genetics, Ecology and Evolution, Human health and physiology HL Core: Nucleic acids and proteins, Cell respiration and photosynthesis, Genetics, Plant Science, Human health and physiology Options offered for SL and HL: Evolution, Ecology and conservation

40 ASSESSMENT Internal practical assessment is worth 24% a variety tasks to illustrate and reinforce theory and to appreciate the hands-on nature of scientific work. External assessment SL and HL: 3 papers each 1 – multiple-choice questions 2 – data-based and extended response questions 3 – (Options) short answers (HL + extended response)

41 WHY STUDY BIOLOGY? to lead to a wide variety of vocational opportunities, to be able to make informed decisions relating to health, lifestyle and the environment, to appreciate the diversity and unity of nature, because it’s absolutely fascinating!


43 CONTENT From mechanics to nuclear physics as in the Finnish National system Theory: HL 180 hours, SL 110 hours Practical work: HL 60 hours, SL 40 hours (including 10 hours for Group 4 project) Divided into Core, AHL, and 2 Options

44 ASSESSMENT Final grade will depend on both the theoretical and practical merits Final exam (consists of 3 papers) will have weight of 76 % (externally assessed) Practical work will have weight of 24 % (internally assessed)

45 WHY PHYSICS? To understand how the world works
Needed for careers in Science, Engineering, Medicine etc. Only for those who are talented enough academically!

46 IB Mathematics

47 MATHEMATICS STANDARD LEVEL (SL) This two year course builds upon existing knowledge and skills and introduces new topics such as polynomial functions, graphing, series and sequences, exponential and logarithmic functions, vectors, trigonometry, and matrices. It is intended to provide a sound mathematical basis for those students planning to pursue further studies in such fields as chemistry, economics and business administration. It is a demanding program since it contains a variety of topics and requires background knowledge. Students will also learn to apply mathematics to other areas of their studies. External assessment 3 hrs (80%) Internal assessment 10 hrs (20%)

This course is designed for the most successful mathematics students who either have a genuine interest in mathematics and enjoy meeting its challenges and problems, or need such mathematics for further studies or related subjects such as physics, engineering, and technology at university level. Students will study a wide range of complex topics in depth including vectors, matrices, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, differential and integral calculus, abstract algebra, and review for the IB exam. External assessment 5 hrs (80%) Internal assessment 10hrs (20%)

49 Visual Arts SL

50 Visual Arts - Content Two integrated components:
Studio work – practical art making Investigation work – The research, idea development, experiments, reflective writing and relevant preparation that support and improve art work. Investigation of past, present and emerging forms of visual arts is an essential part of the course. IWB = Investigation Workbook Option A: 60% Studio work 40% Investigation Option B: 60% Investigation 40% Studio work

51 Visual Arts - Assessment
At the end of the course students will set up an exhibition with a selection of all that they have completed over the two-year program. A visiting examiner will interview each student in English about the Studio Work and the Investigation Workbook.

52 The key concepts in Visual Arts:
investigation of personally and culturally relevant issues through art ability to show evidence of critical thinking Each student has his/her own focus of study according to the personal interests.


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