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FUAS VirtualCampus. Peer learningPractical Motivating Stimulating Pleasant environmet Open Learning Environmet.

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Esitys aiheesta: "FUAS VirtualCampus. Peer learningPractical Motivating Stimulating Pleasant environmet Open Learning Environmet."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 FUAS VirtualCampus

2 Peer learningPractical Motivating Stimulating Pleasant environmet Open Learning Environmet

3 CAMPUS Meeting point eServicesEasy to use Connected to physic learning environments Physic Virtual

4 Virtual Campus is: • Connected to both physical and virtual environments (blended working and learning) • Usable & user driven • Mobile & accessible • Inspirational and attractive • Cost-effective / Value-added • Developing smart region • Interactive • Open, flexible, scalable

5 Successful learning environment AchieveAttract Access Co-evaluation Co-creation Connection Croud-sourcing Collaboration Communication

6 VISION Cooperation between higher education institutions in the field of e-learning, regarding: design of joint curricula development by several universities, including agreements for the evaluation, validation and recognition of acquired competences, subject to national procedures; large-scale experiments of virtual mobility in addition to physical mobility and development of innovative dual mode curricula, based on both traditional and on-line learning methods. This also includes collaborative activities in strategic areas of education, innovations and research through cooperation involving researchers, academics, students, management, administrative and technical personnel. 'Virtual campuses' should not be confused with e- learning platforms.

7 Portal of courses Quality assurance and assesment (portfolios, feedback..) Innovation tools Internationality Learning Objects Open educational resourches (OER) Collaboration PLE -studies, work, leisure time, hobbies Virtual coaching and mentoring services eLiBRARY FUAS Virtuaalikampus FUAS VirtualCampus for students for teachers for staff for stakeholders eServices on VirtualCampus

8 Partners HAMK University of Applied Sciences • e-Learning has been a strategically significant focus of development during 20 years • All students study some courses online, but there are full online programmes in business administration, business information technology (since 2006), teacher education (since 2004) and eWorking studies • In HAMK eLearning Centre we research and develope online learning and teaching and eworking methods with teachers, students and companies

9 Partners Lahti University of Applied Sciences – e-Learning has been an integrated part of curriculum development for several years – Currently in our e-learning platform there are more than 2 000 courses and up to 1,7 million page-loads per month – We offer e-learning solutions to support both face-to-face learning and fully online concepts – eLearning Unit offers support and development for teachers, students and stakeholders

10 Partners Laurea University of Applied Sciences • Physical and online learning environments are based on Learning by Developing (LbD)model • eLearning, social media and virtual labs make latest technology the target of learning and research, and enable its use in teaching and projects in Laurea • development of online learning started in 1999. We use blended learning and full online courses. Three online degree programmes have started in January 2011. • The amount of online studies is increasing specially in adult education and master studies

11 Millaisen Virtuaalikampuksen haluamme? Nykymalli riittää Nykyiset toimintatavat on integroitu (vrt. Winha) 1 Nykyiset toiminavat integroitu Kyber FUAS Monipuolinen opetustarjon- ta ja ohjaus 1 Nykyiset toiminavat integroitu Avaimena alueyhteistyö Opetuksen rinnalla painottuu TKI1 Nykyiset toiminavat integroitu Oppiminen ja opetus / työskentely verkostoissa 1 Nykyiset toiminavat integroitu 2012 - Opetustarjonta koottu portaaliin nykyisestä tarjonnasta ( - Winha-integroinnin kautta opiskelijoille saumaton palvelu - Toimitaan kunkin amkin omilla työkaluilla; oppimisalusta, verkkokokous, wiki, ePortfolio jne. - HAKA-kirjautuminen 2012 -Malli tarjonnasta, lähinnä FUASin omille opiskelijoille - Strateginen suunnittelu verkkotarjonnasta -Opettajien ohjaus ja koulutus - Laatukriteerit - Valmennus- ja mentorointipalvelut -Yhteiset työkalut ja yhteiset verkko- opetuksen käytännöt 2012 - Alueyhteistyön menetelmät ja työkalut - Strateginen suunnittelu opetuksen ja TKI- toiminnan integroinnista hyödyntäen inno- vatiivista teknologiaa - Virtuaalis-fyysiset tilat ja menetelmät - Alueen yritysten kanssa yhteisiä oppimisprojekteja 2012 - Virtuaalista opetustarjontaa ja TKI- toimintaa kehitetään rinta rinnan – tavoitteena mobiiilille oppijalle, opettajalle ja asiantuntijalle palvelut, joita voi käyttää ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta -Yhteisiä fyysisiä tiloja FUAS Virtuaalikampus –työryhmä, 13.10.2011 Opettajien ja muun henkilöstön koulutus verkko-ohjaukseen ja –neuvontaan; opiskelijoiden ja opettajien käyttötuen järjestäminen


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