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The Objective of e-Xcellence The project goal is to set a standard for Quality in e-learning. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the.

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Esitys aiheesta: "The Objective of e-Xcellence The project goal is to set a standard for Quality in e-learning. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 The Objective of e-Xcellence The project goal is to set a standard for Quality in e-learning. The main objective of the project is to contribute to the Bologna process by creating standards of excellence in e-learning as: Assessment tool (programme and institutional level) Improvement tool (internal quality care system) Tool for accreditation for excellence

2 Partners (1) 1. The Open University: Iso-Britannian suurin yliopisto - yli 200 000 opiskelijaa maailman laajuisesti. ( 2. Open Universiteit Nederland on Alankomaiden avoinyliopisto - yli 20 000 opiskelijaa ( 3. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) on Espanjan avoin yliopisto - yli 100 000 opiskelijaa erityisesti espanjaa puhuvissa maissa ( 4. The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia) on Kataloniassa sijaitseva espanjalainen yliopisto- yli 30 000 opiskelijaa (

3 Partners (2) 5. Centre national d'enseignement à distance toimii pääasiassa Ranskassa - opiskeljoita n. 350 000, joista n. 30 000 asuu Ranskan ulkopuolella. ( 6. Consorzio NETTUNO on italialinen yhteenliittymä, jossa on mukana 38 organisaatiota (yliopistoja, kaupallisia yrityksiä mm Telecom Italia, ym) ( 7. The European University Association on eurooppalaisten yliopistojen yhteisö, johon kuuluu 749 jäsenyliopistoa 45 maasta. ( 8. Estonian Information Technology Foundation on jukkisten ja yksityisten toimijoiden muodostama not-for-profit toimija Virossa (

4 Partners (3) 9. Apertus Közalapítvány, joka toimii lähinnä Unkarissa etäopetuksen alalla. ( 10. eLIG – eLearning Industry Group, jossa jäseninä mm. NOKIA, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, 11. NVAO – hollantilainen opetuksen akreditointia varten perustettu organisaatio 12. Oulun yliopiston Tuotantotalouden osasto, jolla n 300 opiskelijaa (perus- ja jatko-opiskelijat) ( 13. EADTU (Europeam Association for Distance Teaching Universities) tomiii hankkeen koordinaattorina

5 Scheduling WP 0 : Project Management 01/2005... 12/2006 WP 1: Criteria Development 01/2005... 09/2005 WP 2: Feedback 05/2005... 08/2005 WP 3: Testing 08/2005... 12/2005 WP 4: Pilot 12/2005... 11/2006 WP 5: Dissemination 01/2005... 12/2006

6 Structure Introduction I Management II Products III Services IV Monitoring

7 WP3 – Testing and Improving WP leader : Open University, UK Duration: 08/2005 – 12/2006 Work load: 270 md Objectives: (1) Using the agreed criteria developed through work packages 1 and 2, to draw up a set of parameters and guidelines for their interpretation for use in a validation context. Definition of a testing procedure and approach. (2) Developing internal quality systems based on the criteria. These will enable regular monitoring, review and evaluation of ODL programmes in a variety of contexts, and will inform the institutional agenda for enhancement and development of such programmes

8 The end product of WP3 A presentable overview of criteria for eLearning specific An audit manual taking the set of criteria up to performance indicators. It will on the web be extended to a good practice guide.

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