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Tutkimuksesta uutta tietoa ja liiketoimintaa – Tekesin TUTL-haku 2/2014 New knowledge and business from research ideas – TUTL application round 2/2014.

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Esitys aiheesta: "Tutkimuksesta uutta tietoa ja liiketoimintaa – Tekesin TUTL-haku 2/2014 New knowledge and business from research ideas – TUTL application round 2/2014."— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Tutkimuksesta uutta tietoa ja liiketoimintaa – Tekesin TUTL-haku 2/ New knowledge and business from research ideas – TUTL application round 2/ Sparrausklinikka 2 / Sparring Clinic 2 / Tutkimus- ja innovaatiopalvelut 2014 Research and Innovation Services 2014

2 Sparrausklinikka 2 / Sparring clinic 2
Hankkeiden hissipuheet / 7 min per esitys Elevator Pitches / 7 min per presentation Kommentit läsnäolijoilta / Comments from participants TUTL-hankkeen kaupallistaminen / Joel Takala, Tutkimus- ja Innovaatiopalvelut, JYKO –hanke COMMERCIALISATION of TUTL-project / Joel Takala Research and Innovation Services, JYKO-project

3 Kotitehtävä seuraavaa klinikkaa varten / Homework for next clinic
Valmistele hankkeesi projektisuunnitelma Tekesin projektisuunnitelma pohjalle Käytä NABC-pohjaa ja Business Canvas Model-pohjaa Prepare a draft of your project on the Tekes’ project template Utilise NABC and Business Canvas Models Seuraava klinikka 19.8 Teemana onnistuneet TUTL-hankkeet, vinkkejä ja kommentteja onnistuneilta TUTL-hankkeen toteuttajilta Next clinic 19.8 Thema is succefull TUTL-projects, tips and comments from TUTL-project implementors

4 NABC Project Worksheet Present your project idea using the NABC -A format shown below. Be ready to present it - it should last no more than three minutes! PROJECT IDEA <IDEA NAME> What is the important, large, UNMET customer and market NEED AND WANT that you have discovered? Quantify the problem. N What is the specific APPROACH you have developed to satisfy that unmet need? How will it fulfill the need AND delight the customers? A What are the BENEFITS per cost of your approach? Client perspective B Who is your COMPETITION, what are the alternatives . Why are your benefits superior? C What do you want from yyy? Include a specific call to ACTION. Est. investment in xxx Euros, revenue estimate for JY in yyy Euros in 5 years.

5 Business Model Canvas Key Partners
<Who are your partners and supplier (research, material, subcontracting, marketing, commercialization, <What resources you are acquiring from them?> <Are there any strategic alliances?> <Why would somebody partner with you?> . Key Activities <The most important things to be done to make business work?> <Describe work packages in high level> Value Propositions <Satisfied or solved customer problem or need?> <Usually different customer segments have different needs  different value propositions> <How it differs from your competitors?> <Is problem and market big enough?> Customer Relationships <How do you get, keep and grow customers?> Customer Segments <Who are your customers?> <Why would they buy? What they try to get it done?> <Different segments: Geographical, social, gender, education …> <Why are current solutions underperforming? How they will measure success?> <What risks do they fear?> Key Resources <The most important ASSETS required?> <Perfect project team> <Protected IPR e.g. patents> <Manufacturing, laboratory ..> <Commercialization e.g. customer connections> Channels <How does your product get to Customers?> <Delivery and distribution means?> Cost Structure <What are the costs to operate business?> <Commercialization costs, fixed and variable costs> <Everything has a cost. Cost of activities, resources, partners, channels and customer relationships> Revenue Streams <How does the company make money from each customer segment?> <Revenue models (i.e. direct sales) are the strategy> <Pricing is the tactic> Instruction available at

6 TUTL-SPARRAUS hakijoille 5.8-16.9.2014
Elevator pitch Representa-tive of Tekes and JYU Administra-tion Tekes, JYU at 13-16 Starting your business Practising elevator pitch New Business Center Clinic 6 at 9-11 (12) Internatiolisa-tion in TUTL-project Jykes Clinic 5 at 9-11 IPR Riikka Reitzer, Research and Innovation Services Clinic 4 Succesfull TUTL-projects Planning your TUTL-project Preparation of elevator pitch Research and Innovation Services Clinic 3 Commer-cilization in your TUTL-project Joel Takala, Clinic 2 What is TUTL-funding? What is 6 week sparring process? Tips and instructions for application of your TUTL-project Clinic 1


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