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Yhdessä vahvemmaksi kasvaminen

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Esitys aiheesta: "Yhdessä vahvemmaksi kasvaminen"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Yhdessä vahvemmaksi kasvaminen
Auta lasta kukoistamaan kehittämällä hänen myönteisiä luonteenpiirteitään

2 Luonteen vahvuuksia ovat:
Henkilökohtaiset ominaisuudet, jotka auttavat meitä kukoistamaan ja kasvamaan enemmän Jeesuksen kaltaisiksi. Ominaisuuksia, joita voimme kehittää läpi koko elämän. Myönteiset ajattelu-, puhe- ja toimintamallit, joista saamme voimaa ja jotka auttavat meitä nauttimaan paremmista ihmissuhteista. Character strengths are: Qualities we can develop at any time in our lives. Personal qualities that help us to flourish. Positive ways of thinking, talking and doing that energise us and help us to enjoy better relationships.

3 Luonteen vahvuudet ovat pysyviä, perustavaa laatua olevia ominaisuuksia, joka kuvaavat meitä ollessamme parhaimmillamme. Jennifer Fox Eades Jennifer Fox Eades suggests that Character Strengths are the things that describe us at our very best. This is encouraging for us, and the children we work with, because it focuses on the times when things go well, rather than the times when things mess up. Usually we are inclined to focus on our own mistakes, and the areas of the children’s work and behaviour that see as weaknesses. But looking for strengths helps to give us a positive and encouraging perspective on our own lives, and the lives of those around us and to notice and nurture the character strengths that add quality and resilience to our lives.

4 Pyrkikää sen vuoksi osoittamaan uskossanne lujuutta, lujuudessa oikeaa tietoa, tiedossa itsehillintää, itsehillinnässä kestävyyttä, kestävyydessä jumalanpelkoa, jumalanpelossa keskinäistä kiintymystä, kiintymyksessä rakkautta… Jennifer Fox Eades suggests that Character Strengths are the things that describe us at our very best. This is encouraging for us, and the children we work with, because it focuses on the times when things go well, rather than the times when things mess up. Usually we are inclined to focus on our own mistakes, and the areas of the children’s work and behaviour that see as weaknesses. But looking for strengths helps to give us a positive and encouraging perspective on our own lives, and the lives of those around us and to notice and nurture the character strengths that add quality and resilience to our lives.

5 …Kun näet teillä on kaikki nämä avut ja ne vielä enenevät, te ette jää toimettomiksi eikä meidän Herramme Jeesuksen Kristuksen tunteminen jää teissä vaille hedelmää. 2 Piet. 1:5-8 Jennifer Fox Eades suggests that Character Strengths are the things that describe us at our very best. This is encouraging for us, and the children we work with, because it focuses on the times when things go well, rather than the times when things mess up. Usually we are inclined to focus on our own mistakes, and the areas of the children’s work and behaviour that see as weaknesses. But looking for strengths helps to give us a positive and encouraging perspective on our own lives, and the lives of those around us and to notice and nurture the character strengths that add quality and resilience to our lives.

6 Luonteen vahvuudet rikastuttavat elämäämme auttamalla meitä:
antamaan toisille pieniä välähdyksiä Jumalan rakastavasta luonteesta. olemaan kunnioitettavia ja kunnioittavia opiskelemaan ja työskentelemään hyvin vaikuttamaan myönteisellä tavalla yhteiskunnassamme ylläpitämään terveitä ihmissuhteita elämään onnellisempaa elämää Character strengths can enrich our lives in so many ways; When our character qualities are strengthened and used we become respected, hard working, creative, resourceful, trustworthy, caring and generous members of society. Ultimately the goal of effective parenting and teaching is to develop children who will be good citizens, and who are happy, confident, resilient and caring. So it is vital that we discover how to help children recognise their character strengths, develop these qualities, and enjoy using them.

7 Luettelo luonteen vahvuuksista
Työskennelkää 2-3 hengen ryhmissä ja yrittäkää keksiä niin monta luonteen vahvuutta kuin mahdollista. Kirjatkaa ajatuksenne paperille. Introduce the ice breaker and run through the simple requirements. Give a couple of examples of character strengths – such as honesty and patience Allow 5 minutes for the activity. Invite pairs to contribute one strength each to a group list that you can write up on a flip chart. The later groups will find it harder to suggest a new strength

8 Kyky tarkastella asioita eri näkökulmista Itsehillintä Sosiaalisuus
Kauneuden arvostus Rohkeus Varovaisuus Luovuus Uteliaisuus Innostuneisuus Reiluus Anteeksiantavaisuus Kiitollinen mieli Rehellisyys Toiveikkuus Huumorintaju Ystävällisyys Johtajuus Rakkaus Oppimishalu Vaatimattomuus Avarakatseisuus Kestävyys Kyky tarkastella asioita eri näkökulmista Itsehillintä Sosiaalisuus Hengellisyys Yhteistyökyky Here’s a list of the main character strengths. (Look and see how many of these the groups listed during their icebreaker session, and also how many they didn’t list. Wonder about this.) Apart from Love which strength would you say was the most important? Which are the most surprising strengths on the list? Modesty, Caution, Humour?

9 Miksi luonteen vahvuudet ovat niin tärkeitä?
Monet luonteemme vahvuudet antavat meille keinoja selvitä elämän vaikeuksista. Kestävyys ja sinnikkyys auttavat meitä ponnahtamaan takaisin tunnetasapainoon kriisin, takaiskun tai ahdistavan ja haastavan tilanteen jälkeen. Why are character strengths so important? They give us valuable resources to help us cope with life’ challenges. We hear quite a bit about the need to help children and adults develop resilience, but not so much about what we can practically do to help them. Resilience is the ability to bounce back into shape after a challenging experience. It’s like being an elastic band (show an elastic band, or bungee.) rather than a piece of thin thread (show how this snaps easily). We can stretch an elastic band a long way and it will quickly ping back into its original shape because it is resilient. Less resilient children and adults may find it difficult to recover from setbacks, hurts and challenges and may be more vulnerable to distress. They may also be more likely to use less healthy coping mechanisms, such as addictive behaviour, aggressive behaviour, giving up, bullying others, etc. Ask for quick answers: Which of the character strengths do you think would help a child be resilient when they’ve done badly on a school test, forgotten their lines for an important part of a school play?

10 Mitkä ovat sinun luonteesi vahvuuksia?
Listaa kolme luoteesi vahvuutta. Kirjaa vahvuuden viereen jokin tietty esimerkki tilanteesta, jossa pystyit hyödyntämään vahvuuttasi. What about your own character strengths? Have you ever thought about what they were? Turn to page 7 (check page number) and take five minutes to do the exercise. List what you think are your top three character strengths and think of specific examples of times when you used each strength. Think about how you feel when you ‘catch’ yourself being strong.

11 Kun joku huomaa luonteesi vahvuudet…
Mitä vaikutusta sillä on ollut elämääsi, kun joku on huomannut ja kannustanut kehittämään luonteessasi havaitsemiaan vahvuuksia? Rohkaistuitko ja kuinka se on muovannut elämääsi sen jälkeen? As a presenter tell the story of a time when someone noticed one of your character strengths, as a child or adult, in a way that made a significant and positive difference to your life. Try to choose a story that shows how this positive experience is still contributing to your well-being and happiness today. If you are co-presenting, one person could also interview the other about their experience. Or choose a film clip about an adult noticing a child’s character strength. If you choose the film clip, invite some discussion about the possible effects of the adult focussing on the child’s character strengths. How did the child respond? Etc. Turn to page 10 (check) and reflect on a time when someone noticed and nurtured one of your character strengths, even in a small way. It may be helpful to look back over the list of character strengths again to remind you of what they are. If you are stuck, think about a time when you noticed someone else’s character strength and reflect on that instead. Allow 5 minutes for the exercise and then invite feedback.

12 Luonteen vahvuuksien tehtävätaulukot
Tutki tehtävätaulukon tehtäviä yhdessä perheesi kanssa. Tehkää tehtäviä, älkää vain lukeko läpi! Valitkaa sellaisia tehtäviä, joista perheenne nauttii! Pitäkää hauskaa! This afternoon we are going to give you the opportunity to tray out some different, mostly fun, activities that help to build and develop character strengths. Find a partner and try out the different activities together. Try as many as you can. It’s important to experience them for yourselves and to think about how you could use or adapt the activity to your own workplace or family. There’s space in your workbook to write down your reflections, notes and ideas as you go along, so take the time for this as well. We will come back together as a large group to debrief the experience just before break time, and the activities will be left out during the break time in case you still want to explore them. You can try the activities in any order - If a table is busy, come back later. Go and have some after lunch fun!

13 Luonteen vahvuuksien tehtävätaulukot
Mistä tehtävistä nautitte eniten? Voisiko näillä tehtävillä olla jotakin vaikutusta perheenne elämään? Mitä voisitte tehdä, jotta perheenne jokainen jäsen onnistuisi kehittämään Kristuksen kaltaista luonnetta itsessään? Invite a handful of responses from the large group about the activities they enjoyed the most. Share one of your own first to help the group feel comfortable about sharing and to give an example of the kinds of things you are expecting them to say. Then invite them to think about the difference these activities would make in their own contexts. Ask what other character strength building activities they have used in their work already and what effects have they had?

14 Kysymyksiä tai ideoita?
Invite questions from the group and encourage the group members to help answer each other’s questions, where appropriate, as this builds confidence in their learning – another character strength….

15 Luo tästä päivästä huomisen ponnahduslauta…
Asia, jonka haluan tehdä eri tavalla huomenna… Asia, jonka haluan muuttaa seuraavan kuukauden aikana… Asia, jossa haluan saavuttaa muutoksen seuraavan vuoden aikana… Spend some time reflecting on today’s workshop and making a short term, mid term and long term plan based on the ideas you have learned and thought about today. (give a time limit depending on how much time is left – you need to allow at least 5 minutes for the closing exercise.)

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