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Esitys aiheesta: "AJANKOHTAISIA ASIOITA"— Esityksen transkriptio:

ROTARYSÄÄTIÖN TALOUDESTA, TULEVAISUUDESTA ja AJANKOHTAISIA ASIOITA MAJOR GIFTS SLIDES (40 minutes) The Rotary Foundation has received major gifts throughout its history and has been actively developing a major gifts effort since 1996, when the Permanent Fund Initiative (PFI) was launched. The objective of the PFI was to ensure a secure future for the programs of the Foundation by building a strong endowment fund. The Permanent Fund has become an important source of support to programs. The principal is never spent, while a portion of the earnings is used each year help pay for programs. Efforts to raise major gifts for The Rotary Foundation have expanded and now also include major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund and to other special efforts such as the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign. This serves two purposes: it helps satisfy donors’ giving preferences and it helps meet the fundraising objectives of the Foundation. *A select group of Rotarians (3-5%) have the financial capacity to consider a major gift of US$10,000 or more to the Foundation. Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

2 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari
RRFC-tiimi ZONE 15 MAJOR GIFTS SLIDES (40 minutes) The Rotary Foundation has received major gifts throughout its history and has been actively developing a major gifts effort since 1996, when the Permanent Fund Initiative (PFI) was launched. The objective of the PFI was to ensure a secure future for the programs of the Foundation by building a strong endowment fund. The Permanent Fund has become an important source of support to programs. The principal is never spent, while a portion of the earnings is used each year help pay for programs. Efforts to raise major gifts for The Rotary Foundation have expanded and now also include major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund and to other special efforts such as the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign. This serves two purposes: it helps satisfy donors’ giving preferences and it helps meet the fundraising objectives of the Foundation. *A select group of Rotarians (3-5%) have the financial capacity to consider a major gift of US$10,000 or more to the Foundation. Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

3 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari
MAJOR GIFTS SLIDES (40 minutes) The Rotary Foundation has received major gifts throughout its history and has been actively developing a major gifts effort since 1996, when the Permanent Fund Initiative (PFI) was launched. The objective of the PFI was to ensure a secure future for the programs of the Foundation by building a strong endowment fund. The Permanent Fund has become an important source of support to programs. The principal is never spent, while a portion of the earnings is used each year help pay for programs. Efforts to raise major gifts for The Rotary Foundation have expanded and now also include major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund and to other special efforts such as the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign. This serves two purposes: it helps satisfy donors’ giving preferences and it helps meet the fundraising objectives of the Foundation. *A select group of Rotarians (3-5%) have the financial capacity to consider a major gift of US$10,000 or more to the Foundation. Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

4 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari
Team member in Sweden MAJOR GIFTS SLIDES (40 minutes) The Rotary Foundation has received major gifts throughout its history and has been actively developing a major gifts effort since 1996, when the Permanent Fund Initiative (PFI) was launched. The objective of the PFI was to ensure a secure future for the programs of the Foundation by building a strong endowment fund. The Permanent Fund has become an important source of support to programs. The principal is never spent, while a portion of the earnings is used each year help pay for programs. Efforts to raise major gifts for The Rotary Foundation have expanded and now also include major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund and to other special efforts such as the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign. This serves two purposes: it helps satisfy donors’ giving preferences and it helps meet the fundraising objectives of the Foundation. *A select group of Rotarians (3-5%) have the financial capacity to consider a major gift of US$10,000 or more to the Foundation. Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

5 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari
MAJOR GIFTS SLIDES (40 minutes) The Rotary Foundation has received major gifts throughout its history and has been actively developing a major gifts effort since 1996, when the Permanent Fund Initiative (PFI) was launched. The objective of the PFI was to ensure a secure future for the programs of the Foundation by building a strong endowment fund. The Permanent Fund has become an important source of support to programs. The principal is never spent, while a portion of the earnings is used each year help pay for programs. Efforts to raise major gifts for The Rotary Foundation have expanded and now also include major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund and to other special efforts such as the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign. This serves two purposes: it helps satisfy donors’ giving preferences and it helps meet the fundraising objectives of the Foundation. *A select group of Rotarians (3-5%) have the financial capacity to consider a major gift of US$10,000 or more to the Foundation. Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

6 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari
TRF TIIMIN TEHTÄVÄT (RRFC) Meidän tiimimme jäsenten tehtävä on Toimia yhteistyössä piirien kanssa ohjaten, tukien, neuvoen ja auttaen. Olemme RI:n virkailjoita. Meitä ohjaa nimetty RI:n director. Nykyisin norjalainen Barry Matheson Tuleva Director Ann-Britt Åsebohl Pestimme on 3-vuotinen Olemme teidän käytettävissänne! MAJOR GIFTS SLIDES (40 minutes) The Rotary Foundation has received major gifts throughout its history and has been actively developing a major gifts effort since 1996, when the Permanent Fund Initiative (PFI) was launched. The objective of the PFI was to ensure a secure future for the programs of the Foundation by building a strong endowment fund. The Permanent Fund has become an important source of support to programs. The principal is never spent, while a portion of the earnings is used each year help pay for programs. Efforts to raise major gifts for The Rotary Foundation have expanded and now also include major gifts to the Annual Programs Fund and to other special efforts such as the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign. This serves two purposes: it helps satisfy donors’ giving preferences and it helps meet the fundraising objectives of the Foundation. *A select group of Rotarians (3-5%) have the financial capacity to consider a major gift of US$10,000 or more to the Foundation. Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

Bill Boyd, Säätion hallituksen puheenjohtaja Keskitytään: Polio Eradication (Polion hävittäminen maailmasta Jokainen rotari voi tuntea olevansa omistajuutta OMASTA Säätiöstään Futute Visionin tuloon ja läpivientiin Yhteistyökumppaneiden etsimiseen Lukutaidon edistämiseen Terveys Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

8 FUTURE VISION PLAN Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

Rotarysäätiön 100-vuotisjuhla 2017 Jatkuva kasvu ja säätiön varallisuuden kasvattaminen MGs 1965 – 2000 = , =10.000, = 6.700 Painoarvon kasvattaminen hyväntekeväisyysjärjestönä Organisaation kehittäminen Rotarien palautteiden kuunteleminen Jatkuvuus, merkittävyys, yksinkertaistaminen Rotarysäätiön 100-vuotisjuhla 2017 Jatkuva kasvu ja säätiön varallisuuden kasvattaminen MGs 1965 – 2000 = , =10.000, = 6.700 Painoarvon kasvattaminen hyväntekeväisyysjärjestönä Organisaation kehittäminen Rotarien palautteiden kuunteleminen Jatkuvuus, merkittävyys, yksinkertaistaminen Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

10 Tavoitteita FVP:in avulla
Yksinkertaistaa ohjelmia ja prosesseja Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

11 Tavoitteita FVP:in avulla
Kustannussäästöjen saavuttaminen Leikata kustannuksia Toiminnasta sekä poliosta Vähemmin henkilökuntaa Vähemmin manuaalisia systeemeitä Suurempia tuloksia Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

12 Tavoitteita FVP:in avulla
Rotarysäätiön 100-vuotisjuhla 2017 Jatkuva kasvu ja säätiön varallisuuden kasvattaminen MGs 1965 – 2000 = , =10.000, = 6.700 Painoarvon kasvattaminen hyväntekeväisyysjärjestönä Organisaation kehittäminen Rotarien palautteiden kuunteleminen Jatkuvuus, merkittävyys, yksinkertaistaminen Keskitetään rotareiden pyrkimykset  lisämään globaalia vaikutusta Tehostetaan Rotary julkisuuskuvaan Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

13 Tavoitteita FVP:in avulla
Grant Sanalle ei ole oikein hyvää suomennusta! Sillä tarkoitetaan kaikkia Säätiön kaikki ohjelmiin ohjattuja rahoituksia projektiavustukset kuten MGs DSGs opiskelustipendit muut kohderahoitukset Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

14 Tavoitteita FVP:in avulla
Rotarysäätiön 100-vuotisjuhla 2017 Jatkuva kasvu ja säätiön varallisuuden kasvattaminen MGs 1965 – 2000 = , =10.000, = 6.700 Painoarvon kasvattaminen hyväntekeväisyysjärjestönä Organisaation kehittäminen Rotarien palautteiden kuunteleminen Jatkuvuus, merkittävyys, yksinkertaistaminen Yksinkertaistaa ohjelmia ja prosesseja Keskitetäänrotareiden pyrkimykset  lisämään globaalia vaikutusta suuruus ja laajuus Toimintaan globaalisti ja samalla myös paikallisesti Lisää sitoutumista piirien ja klubien tasolle Parannetaan Rotaryn yleistä imagoa Tehostetaan Rotary julkisuuskuvaan Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal

Matti Wall RRFC Zone 15 Suomen piirien Rotarysäätiöseminaari Tampere

US$ 95.5 milj. mennessä Funds raised thru 31 December represent roughly 45% of what’s needed to reach the goal Joulukuun 2010 lopussa koossa US$ ,-

17 Pysyvän rahaston tavoite
US$ 1 miljoona vuoteen 2025 mennessä US$ 661milj. koossa 7,690 Bequest Society commitments with expected value of $333.3 M. PF net assets are roughly $211 M – expectancies are roughly $450 million.

18 Polion hävittämishaaste Rotaryn 200 miljoonan tavoite
$200 Miljoonaa mennessä US$162 Miljoonaa nyt koossa

19 Polion hävittämishaaste Rotaryn 200 miljoonan tavoite
US$162 Miljoonaa nyt koossa US$ 38 Miljoonaa puuttuu 1,3 milj rotaria = 30 US$/rotari = € 23 rotari Aikaa tämä ja seuraava rotaryvuosi Aika monelle klubille yksi PHF Suurille kaksi PHF:ää

20 Rotary Rauhan yliopistot Oma rahastonsa Pysyvän rahaston yhteydessä
Tavoite: $95 million vuoteen 2015 mennessä Nyt: US$ ,-

21 Tilanne vakaa paitsi invetointien luotot laahaavat jäljessä
Rotaryn talous Paranemassa vielä Tilanne vakaa paitsi invetointien luotot laahaavat jäljessä

22 Lahjoitukset

23 IN CONCLUSION: As RRFCs, your work in Major Giving will support all of The Rotary Foundation’s priorities. Major Gifts to our Annual Programs Fund today Major Gifts to PolioPlus will help us meet the challenge to End Polio Now Major Gifts to the Permanent Fund for immediate and endowed support for Rotary’s highest priorities, including the Rotary Peace Centers Your efforts are what will enable The Rotary Foundation to provide the support that is needed for the clubs, the districts, and the global priorities. Thank you for all that you are doing.


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