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Metapsykologia nyt! -miitti ravintola Torni Ritarikabinetti

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Esitys aiheesta: "Metapsykologia nyt! -miitti ravintola Torni Ritarikabinetti"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Metapsykologia nyt! -miitti 14.6. 2014 ravintola Torni Ritarikabinetti
Vesa Talvitie Metapsykologia nyt! -miitti ravintola Torni Ritarikabinetti

2 Metapsykologian määritelmiä psykoanalyysin ulkopuolella
Sanaa käytetty tunnetusti ensimmäistä kertaa 1868, psykoanalyysin ulkopuolella käyttö vähäistä ja merkitys vakiintumaton. Määritelmiä: The study of mental processes and the mind-body relationship, beyond what can be studied experimentally. (Oxford Dictionaries) Speculative thought dealing with concepts extending beyond the limits of psychology as an empirical science. (Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary) Philosophical inquiry or theory supplementing the empirical science of psychology. Metapsychology deals with aspects of the mind that cannot be evaluated on the basis of objective or empirical evidence.(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language) 1. The study of philosophical questions, such as the relation between mind and body, that go beyond the laws of experimental psychology 2. Any attempt to state the general laws of psychology 3. Another word for parapsychology” (Collins English Dictionary)

3 peruskysymykset Miksi metapsykologista katsantoa tarvitaan?
Mihin metapsykologia on vastaus? Mistä tiedetään mikä on hyvää ja mikä huonoa metapsykologiaa? Pitäisikö psykoanalyyttisen metapsykologian olla hyväksyttävä myös psykoanalyysin ulkopuolella, vai onko se ”oma juttu”? Mihin ja miksi tällaista omaa juttua tarvitaan jos muutkaan ei tarvii?

Freud suggested "that when we have succeded in describing a psychical process in its dynamic, topographical and economic aspects, we should speak of it as a metapsychological presentation" (1915e, p. 181)...Freud also suggested adding a fourth viewpoint, the genetic, to the first three, which are structural. (Roussillon) NEUROTIEDE EKONOMINEN ASPEKTI TOPOGRAFINEN ASPEKTI GENEETINEN ASPEKTI DYNAAMINEN ASPEKTI Freudille metapsykologia muodosti linkin neurofysiologiaan ja siten luonnontieteeseen. Kun viettienergian (ekonominen aspekti) ja mentaalisen tiedostamattoman (topografinen aspekti) olemassaolo on heikkojen perusteiden kantimissa, ja kun kytkentä neurotieteeseen on siten erittäin hämärä, voiko metapsykologia olla mitään kovin merkittävää?


6 Jatkokysymykset Millä perusteella määritetään a) montako osaa metapsykologiassa on/pitäisi olla, ja b) mitä osat ovat? Koskeeko metapsykologia kaikkia psykologisia ilmiöitä – lahjakkuutta shakissa, havaintoilluusioita, lyhyen muistin kapasiteettia? Ilmeisestikään ei? Onko metapsykologian ilmiökenttä psyykkiset oireet? Jos kyllä, niin psykoanalyytinen metapsykologia pitäisi päteä myös esim. kognitiivisen psykoterapian suhteen. Miksei päde? Kun kognitiivisen psykoterapian edustajat eivät hyväksy metapsykologiaa, niin rajautuuko sen relevanssi vain psykoanalyysiin? Mikä metapsykologia on jos se pätee vain psykoanalyysin kohdalla? Miksi psykoanalyysi kaipaa metapsykologiaa vaikka muut eivät? Vai kaipaavatko ne, tai pitäisikö kaivata?

7 Entä jos metapsykologia on yhteismitattomia kielipelejä?
Ovatko metapsykologian osat – mitä ne kenenkin metapsykologiassa ovatkin – yhteismitattomia kielipelejä? Kysymykseen on vaikea vastata ”ei”. Kielipelien näkökulmasta vaikuttaisi seuraavan että a) metapsykologia ei koskaan voi muodostaa solidia kokonaisuutta, b) ei voida määritellä kuinka monta osaa kuuluu metapsykologiaan, d) osia voi olla lukemattomia, e) ei voida määritellä mitä osien kuuluu olla. Tämä murentaa koko meta-näkökulmaidean – tottakai mihin tahansa ilmiöön voi ottaa useita näkökulmia; ei ole perustetta että jotain näkökulmien kompositiota olisi asianmukaista kutsua metapsykologiasta. Näin ollen ”metapsykologia” tarkoittaa itseasiassa ”Sigismundin/Davidin/Benjaminin/Vesa suosikkiteoriat psykoanalyysin alueella”.

Metapsykologia ymmärretän laajemmin sub-persoonallisen tason hahmotustapana. ”Ilman tällaista hahmotustapaa terapia on vain sanoilla leikittelyä” (B. R.). Freudin metapsykologia auttaa hahmottamaan kuinka homma pyörii – kuitenkin tässä auttaa yhtä lailla Kleinilainen tai Jungilainen metapsykologia. (B. R.) Viettienergiaa sen enempää kuin mentaalista tiedostamatonta ei ole olemassa Po termit ovat abstraktioita kompleksisten neurofysiologisten järjestelmien toiminnasta. Niiden avulla neurofysiologiset prosessit mentalisoidaan tai kvasimentalisoidaan tjsp ja tällä tavoin valmistetaan terapeutille työkaluja (jotta tämä voisi olla mentalisoimassa asiakkaansa käyttäytymistä) Metapsykologia toimii siis vain terapeutin työkaluna (sikäli kuin toimii terapeutin työkaluna), se on instrumentalistinen, l. käytännön toiminnan tavoitteesta oikeutuksensa saava teoria. Käytännön tavoiteesta irrallaan metapsykologiassa on vaikea nähdä mieltä – on vaikea kuvitella miten se palvelisi tieteellistä selittämistä.

9 International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis | 2005 |
METAPSYCHOLOGY The concept of metapsychology was created by Freud to refer to the most theoretical and abstract elements of psychoanalysis. It consists of a set of laws, principles, and fundamental concepts used to represent and describe the operation of the mental apparatus in three fundamental structural aspects: dynamic, topographical, and economic. The term itself appeared early in Freud's work and is found in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess. It was most likely coined by analogy with the philosophical term "metaphysics," which Freud proposed to "transform into a metapsychology" (1901b, p. 259). The meaning of the concept was gradually refined, and in 1915 Freud attempted to provide a systematic metapsychological description of his current model of psychic structure. The "witch," as he liked to call this metapsychological description, consisted of a set of principles (like the pleasure-unpleasure principle) and hypotheses (such as hypotheses about repression and the unconscious) that presented the functioning of the mind and the processes responsible for its organization as a coherent and intelligible whole. Freud suggested "that when we have succeded in describing a psychical process in its dynamic, topographical and economic aspects, we should speak of it as a metapsychological presentation" (1915e, p. 181). The economic viewpoint considers the psychic apparatus as crisscrossed by forces that tend toward resolution. The dynamic viewpoint examines how those forces are constructed and how they negotiate mutual conflicts. The topographical viewpoint assumes that we can describe the psychic apparatus as a space where different areas can be delimited (conscious, preconscious, unconscious), these being governed by laws and intersected by specific processes (unconscious primary processes and preconscious secondary processes). These three viewpoints in combination can present these processes in light of how they are cathected, the role they play in mental organization, and the effect they have on the course of psychic events. Freud also suggested adding a fourth viewpoint, the genetic, to the first three, which are structural. Freud's proposal, admittedly never fully developed in his work, was given little consideration in French psychoanalysis. But especially in America, writers such as Ernst Kris, Rudolph M. Loewenstein, and Heinz Hartmann have incorporated the notion into ego Psychology. Other authors feel that the three structural viewpoints should be contrasted with a historical viewpoint, which, though not "genetic" in the strict sense, comprises the notion that the psychic processes undergo historical development and organization...

10 The overall organization of Freud's metapsychology underwent a change of direction in 1920 with the movement "beyond the pleasure principle" to a compulsion to repeat. This turning-point of 1920 led to a "second topography." This new system, also known as the "structural model," does not overlap with the earlier arrangement of conscious, preconscious, and unconscious point by point. Instead, it divides the psychic apparatus into ego, superego, and id. This topographical change entailed a theoretical reorganization so broad that it may be considered a "second metapsychology." Some authors maintain that the introduction in 1937 of the process of splitting introduced a "third metapsychology." A dialectic existed in Freud's work between metapsychology and clinical practice: the identification of new clinical facts would bring about a corresponding evolution in metapsychology, and this in turn had an affect on theoretical- clinical description. Although the foundations of metapsychology are well established, there is no reason to believe that it is incapable of change and enrichment from advances in clinical knowledge, just as it may evolve through metapsychological research papers. Metapsychology is the most fundamental component of psychoanalytic theory, the component that consolidates the most essential elements of a psychoanalytic conception of mental functioning. This is what makes it a metapsychology, that is, a second-level psychology with direct bearing on the processes that govern individual psychologies, a theory that enables us to account for specific clinical variations, using general and universal principles and processes. By abstractly describing processes of ordering, classification, displacement, and condensation (the transformations of psychic reality), metapsychology overcomes the paradox of a theory applied to itself. It defines a process of theorization that, in its movement and mutations, successfully averts the risk of self- validation that its reflexivity might bring about. Early twenty-first century debates with detractors who refuse to grant metapsychology the status of a rigorous theory and with some psychoanalysts who claim to be able to do without "the witch" and her claims in their daily clinical work center around this fundamental theoretical status. But to reject the status of metapsychology within psychoanalysis amounts to eliminating the most fundamental element of its contribution to depth psychology Roussillon, Ren . "Metapsychology." International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis Retrieved June 08, from

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