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Shortened clauses / sentences

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Esitys aiheesta: "Shortened clauses / sentences"— Esityksen transkriptio:

1 Shortened clauses / sentences
LAUSEEN VASTIKKEET Shortened clauses / sentences

2 Lauseenvastikkeilla tiivistetään ilmaisua, joten niitä käytetään paljon esim. tiivistelmissä, raporteissa, sanomalehtien otsikoissa.

3 Lauseesta vastikkeeksi
1) Mikäli subjekti on sama kuin päälauseessa, se jää pois lauseenvastikkeesta. 2) Jos konjunktion merkitys on ilmeinen, se jää pois lauseenvastikkeesta. 3) Predikaattiverbi voi olla ing-muodossa (aktiivi) 3. muodossa (passiivi) infinitiivi (tietyt relatiivilauseet, kysyvät sivulauseet, tulevaisuutta, konditionaalia, imperatiivia ilmaisevat lauseet) tai puuttua kokonaan (mm. adjektiiviin liittyvät relatiivilauseet)

4 AKTIIVI When I entered, the car park, I saw the broken car windows.
After I had stared at my car for a while, I realized the car stereo was gone. Before I called the police, I took a couple of deep breaths. On entering the car park, I saw the broken car windows. (After) Having stared at my car for a while, I realized the car stereo was gone. Before calling the police, I took a couple of deep breaths.

5 PASSIIVI When I was asked to show my ID, I realised my wallet had been stolen, to. If the car stereo was found, it would be returned to me. After I had been interviewed, I was ready to go home. Asked to show my ID, I realised my wallet had been stolen, too. If found, the car stereo would be returned to me. Having been interviewed, I was ready to go home.

6 INFINITIIVI It was the only crime that I had witnessed.
There are windows that need to be fixed nows. I didn’t know where I should start with the mess. It was the only crime for me to have witnessed. There’re windows to be fixed now. I didn’t know where to start with the mess.

7 VERBITÖN Anyone who has half a brain can solve this.
While my friend had been on holiday abroad, his mobile had been stolen.  Anyone with half a brain can solve this. While on holiday abroad, my friend’s mobile had been stolen

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