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Perustietoja Luokka-asteet 1 – 9 = yhtenäiskoulu NYT: 650 oppilasta, koulu kasvaa voimakkaasti Oppilasmääräarvio: syksy 2013/750, syksy 2014/>800 43 opettajaa.

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Esitys aiheesta: "Perustietoja Luokka-asteet 1 – 9 = yhtenäiskoulu NYT: 650 oppilasta, koulu kasvaa voimakkaasti Oppilasmääräarvio: syksy 2013/750, syksy 2014/>800 43 opettajaa."— Esityksen transkriptio:


2 Perustietoja Luokka-asteet 1 – 9 = yhtenäiskoulu NYT: 650 oppilasta, koulu kasvaa voimakkaasti Oppilasmääräarvio: syksy 2013/750, syksy 2014/>800 43 opettajaa 12 koulunkäynninohjaajaa koulun suunnittelukoko 550 oppilasta 4 alueellista erityisryhmää Koulu aloitti toimintansa 2008 Microsoft Pathfinder-koulu 2011-2012 osana globaalia Partners In Learning-ohjelmaa.

3 Toiminnan painopisteet Visio: “Meidän Metsokangas!” Yhteisopettajuus Horisontaalis-vertikaalinen yhteistyö Erilaisten oppijoiden välinen yhteistyö Opetusteknologian pedagoginen kehittäminen MEL = Media Enhanced Learning SUS = Smart Urban Spaces Windows-puhelimet, tabletit Rekrytoinnin ja osaamisen johtamisen mallit ja työkalut

4 Muunneltavat opetustilat



7 Solutions to support learning To improve motivation at school: mobile technology and virtual networks are day-to-day for students. Learning is improved as a result of a growth in motivation and through utilising technology. To add a sense of community: sharing and commenting on learned information becomes easier. Communication between school and parents becomes easier and more effective. To improve the safety of small group students of the entire school. To find economically sustainable and pedagogically based, scalable solutions. FUTURE FOCUS

8 Solutions to support learning Pedagogical research will be carried out by Oulu University Metsokangas school, which functions as a pilot school in the project, has created a public relations plan. The management of the teaching administration has committed to the contents of the project and to developing those contents through testing into permanent functions. The teaching administration has carried out a cost-benefit analysis appraising the effects of the project from the perspective of the student, teacher, and guardian, as well as from a communal or societal perspective and considering the development of the teaching administration itself. International cooperation with those responsible for system procurements in the teaching administration of the City of Valencia, Spain. CURRENT STATUS

9 Solutions to support learning VTT’s MediaShare service has been modified to meet the needs of the local teaching administration. The service has been profiled as a ‘Media Enhanced Learning’ service and its first user test phase has been planned to begin at the end of October 2010. Two ‘mobile portfolios’ containing 27 mobile terminal devices will be acquired for the test phase at Metsokangas school. A supplier and technology review has been carried out in the project towards a solution to improve the safety of students in small groups. No suitable cost-effective solution has been found so far. CURRENT STATUS

10 ‘Share & Learn’

11 ’Smart Sports’

12 ’Mobile Math’

13 Rewarded in Innovations in Collaboration Innovative Education Forum (IEF) Berlin 23.-25.3.2010 Over 300 participants from 40 different countries. Otto Leskinen (Metsokangas Comprehensive School) and Janne Nissinen (Koulumestari School) were rewarded in Innovations in Collaboration.

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